MINUTES of the 153rd meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committee held on
Wednesday 24 October 2012
Richard Clark
Lesley Gagg
Geoff Hepworth
Kate Lovell (Chair)
Rob Bennett
David Mozley
Shirley Theedom
Becky Edwards
Tessa Miller
Sue Snell
Wendy Cavill
( those present)
Mark Moran
Kevin Sherrard
James Staniforth
Deputy Principal
Finance Director
Head of Personnel & Staff Development
Clerk to the Governors
Minutes Secretary
Appointment of Temporary Clerk
Due to personal circumstances, Sue Snell was unable to be in attendance at the Finance
& Personnel Committee Meeting as Clerk to the Governors. Kate Lovell invited members
to nominate a Temporary Clerk to the Governors to enable the Committee to continue
with business.
It was proposed by Richard Clark, seconded by Lesley Gagg and agreed that Shirley
Theedom be appointed as Temporary Clerk to the Governors for this meeting.
Apologies for Absence, Welcome and Declarations of Interest
Apologies were received from Kevin Sherrard and Sue Snell. There were no declarations
of interest.
Confirmation of the Minutes
The Minutes of the 152nd meeting, held on 12 September 2012, were confirmed as a
correct record and signed by Kate Lovell.
Matters Arising from the Minutes
427.1 Capital bid (Minute 422.1): It was noted that the outcome of the bid is expected by
31 October 2012.
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2012/13 Class Sizes (document previously circulated)
428.1 James Staniforth spoke to the report. The Committee noted the slight increase in
class sizes this year; the reasons for the change and the positive effect that larger
class sizes have on improved outcomes.
428.2 Following discussion on the funding methodology for Tertiary Colleges versus
sixth form colleges it was suggested that Governors should write to David Laws
428.3 The variation across the Functional Skills average class size during last four years
was noted. James Staniforth will report back to the next meeting regarding last
year’s figure versus this year.
Income and Expenditure Accounts
429.1 Income and Expenditure for period 1 August 2011 – 31 July 2012 year end
(document previously circulated)
The Committee noted the positive outturn figures and positive current ratio 1.15
before the application of the FRS17 notional charge.
 Income was above forecast largely due to delivering the Adult Skills budget for the
third year running.
 Payments to franchisees were higher than budget.
 The overall OLS result was pleasing.
Geoff Hepworth extended his congratulations to all those who contributed to
achieving the overall results.
429.2 Income and Expenditure for period 1 August 2012 – 30 September 2012
(document circulated at the meeting).
The Committee noted that the current position is better than budget resulting in a
positive start to the year.
 Non pay costs are significantly below budget.
 The Theatre position is improving after a slow start.
 The energy saving measures that have been introduced across campus have
begun to effect cost savings.
 Apprenticeship income is above budget.
429.3 It was noted that the headings on page 6 should read ‘Actual … September’.
Strode Theatre (document previously circulated)
Becky Edwards spoke to the report and proposed budget for 2012/13. The following
points were noted:
430.1 The overall Theatre performance had been the best ever with the positive outturn
achieved due to a high level of commitment from Liz Leyshon and the Theatre
team; the introduction of digital alternative content screenings combined with a
move to a commercial programme.
430.2 The Committee noted that a similar programme position is forecast next year.
430.3 The Committee extended their thanks to Liz Leyshon and the team for their
significant achievements. It was noted that Mary Bridges would be retiring this
year. Recruitment plans for an Assistant Manager are in progress.
430.4 Concern was expressed that the proposed 2012/13 Theatre Budget had been
brought to the Finance and Personnel Committee after having been presented
to the Theatre Board. Although this was the correct procedure, one particular
issue would have benefitted from F & PC approval before being presented to
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the Theatre Board. This concern was noted and will inform the process as
appropriate in 2013-2014.
430.5 The Committee noted that 2013 is the 50th anniversary of Strode Theatre. Plans
are being considered as to how best to celebrate the Theatre’s anniversary.
Post Project Review of J Block (document previously circulated)
The Committee received the Phase 3 Capital Expenditure, Post Project Review.
It was proposed by Geoff Hepworth, seconded by Mark Moran and agreed to approve
to submit the Phase 3 Capital Expenditure Post Project Review to the Skills Funding
Additional Capital Expenditure (document previously circulated
The Committee received the report.
It was agreed to approve the increase in the capital expenditure budget for the year by
up to £40,000.
2012/2013 Academic and Financial Targets (document previously circulated)
James Staniforth spoke to the report. The following points were noted:
433.1 The Committee noted the targets for 2013. Academic targets were the agreed
aggregate from the Course Manager meetings and would ensure BTEC Extended
Diploma and AS Level value-added would remain in the top 10% nationally and A
Level would move from the top 25% to the top 10%. Financial targets were
already approved as part of the 2012-2013 budget.
Any Other Business
434.1 Shirley Theedom advised that the Winter Workshop Weekend brochure had been
launched. Classes would be delivered across a variety of activities during 24 and
25 November 2012.
434.2 The Committee received the new corporate leaflet which had been distributed to
the Mendip area and South Somerset, Year 11 students.
434.3 It was noted that the College had challenged the accuracy of an advert placed by
a local school sixth form.
434.4 The College would be holding the first Open Evening of the year on 25 October.
All Governors were invited to attend.
Date of next meeting
Wednesday 28 November 2012 at 5.30pm
The meeting closed at 6.40pm
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