IS5600 Coursework (25% of IS5600 marks)
This is a small group assignment. The recommended group size is 4-5 . However, if you wish to form a smaller group, of 1-3 people, that’s OK. Groups cannot be larger than 6 people. The requirements for the assignment are identical, no matter how large or small the group. The grading will also be identical, in terms of my expectations for your achievements.
You need to write up a case description of how information systems are currently used in an organisation of your choice. Ideally, you will focus on the global/international aspects of the way in which information systems are used. You should also attempt a critical review of the current situation, i.e. don’t just describe, but also indicate what is good, what is less good, and what improvements or changes should be considered. You don’t have to restrict your description and analysis to the technology itself, but should also consider the various other relevant issues, such as stakeholders, political considerations, the way different departments within the organisation work together or fight, the way cultural variations across the organisation (locally, professionally, regionally, internationally) affect the way the system is used.
You will find it valuable to incorporate your own research into the essay, i.e. you need to read articles about information systems in organisations (some examples are provided on the course website) and relate these to your own experience. Please ensure that you cite all such external sources appropriately. If you feel that it is too difficult to cover all aspects of information systems within one organisation, then you can choose to focus on one or more aspects, e.g. ERP systems, or communication systems.
Length: I recommend that you write about 4,000 words. This should be long enough to be complete. You can write less - but be sure to cover the necessary materials. You can write more, but don’t write just for the sake of writing. Every word has to add value. The more you write, the higher the risk that you include irrelevant material that will cause you to lose marks.
Deadlines: I would like to suggest that you submit a half-page proposal by Sept 23 rd (week
4), in which you identify the organisation you are writing about, your area of focus, the actions that you plan to take as you write the case, the identity of team members and the individual resposibilities within your team. This proposal submission is optional. However, I will give feedback on the proposal.
Also by Sept 23 rd
, I would like to know the composition of each group. Please let me know by email, even if you do not send a proposal.
If you want to submit a draft of your final report by Nov 4 th , I will be happy to read it and give some general feedback.
The final deadline is November 18 th . Please submit by email to me before midnight on the
19 th . Early submission will be appreciated, but no bonus marks.
You will need to present the project in class on November 25 th . All group members should expect to play a role in the presentation.
I expect to mark the assignment and return it to you with feedback by November 28th .
To give you an idea as to how I will mark the essays, please consider the following information from CityU's Registrar's Office:
A Excellent. Strong evidence of original thinking; good organization; capacity to analyse and synthesize; superior grasp of subject matter; evidence of extensive knowledge base.
B Good. Evidence of grasp of subject; some evidence of critical capability and analytic ability; reasonable understanding of issues; evidence of familiarity with literature
C Adequate. Student who is profiting from the university experience; understanding of the subject; ability to develop solutions to simple problems in the material
D Marginal. Sufficient familiarity with the subject matter to enable the student to progress without repeating the course
F Failure. Little evidence of familiarity with the subject matter; weakness in critical and analytic skills; limited or irrelevant use of literature.
Please ensure that you proofread the essay - and spell check it. I will mark for content and for style. Please do not plagiarise. You must cite all your sources. If you use material verbatim, then you must use quotation marks. All used sources must be indicated in a reference list.
You can choose any referencing style, but it must be complete and consistently followed. If you do commit plagiarism, there will be serious penalties, such as losing marks or getting a
Fail Grade for this assignment.
All students in a team will receive the same grade for the coursework.
Penalties : There will be no deadline extensions . If you submit late, then the following penalty calculation applies. For each period of 24 hours that the assignment is late, 10% of the marks will be lost.