12. Homework WC 08.12.`15

12. P6F Homework WC 8th Dec ‘15
Reading: Read to the end, or read as much as you can of our
class novel for Monday. Check your homeschool records to see
what ‘wish’ I have given you to work on in your homeschool
record. We will finish the novel in class before the end of term.
Please return all school reading books ASAP so they can be
checked before the end of term.
Spelling: No new spellings this week. Recap all ‘Big Spellings’
given so far, there may be a test before the end of term…!
Big Maths: Please keep practising Learn It’s and using a
timer/stop watch to answer them within the allocated time
frame! Learn It’s are recorded in Homeschool Records. We will
have one more Beat That challenge on Friday!
Mathematics: Can you print/copy and complete the attached
Roman Numerals work?
RERC: Last week we meditated and talked about the true
meaning of Christmas. We spoke about those less fortunate than
us and created Advent promises which we will try to carry out
during Advent. We have glued an Advent ‘good deeds’ template
inside our homework jotters. Can you fill in these good deeds
each day until Christmas eve? We will read some of them out in
class. 
Diary Dates:
Monday 14th Dec: Angusfield for carol singing, leaving at 10.30am.
Please contact Mrs Hayes if you are able to walk with us, we will
require 2 parent helpers.
Tuesday 15th Dec: Christmas Village for carol singing, leaving at
1pm. Please contact Mrs Hayes if you are able to walk with us, we
will require 2 parent helpers.
Wednesday 16th Dec: Christmas jumper day - £1 donation for
charity. Christmas Dinners, please send in one dinner ticket or £2.10
if you wish to have a Christmas lunch 
Thursday 17th Dec: Carol singing at Marischal College, leaving
after prayers/registers at 9am. Please contact Mrs Hayes if you are
able to walk with us, we will require 2 parent helpers. We will have
our P6F Christmas party in the afternoon. Normal school uniform
should be worn to school as we will be representing St. Joseph’s at
Marischal College but home clothes can be brought in and changed
into after lunchtime.  Items to be taken in are recorded in
homeschool records. Please take in enough for 10 children and all
items for the Christmas party should be brought to school ASAP.
Friday 18th Dec: Christmas mass in St. Mary’s Cathedral, leaving at
9.30am. Please contact Mrs Hayes if you are able to walk with us,
we will require 2 parent helpers. Mass will be at 10am, all families
are welcome to join us there. 