Week of: September 30, 2013 Date Monday 9.30.13 Tuesday 10.1.13 Learning Objective TEKS 7.14(E) I can revise final draft in response to feedback from peers. ELPS: (c)(5)(G): I can narrate, describe, and explain with detail to fulfill content area writing needs. L.O.—I can write a final draft TEKS 7.15 I can write to express my ideas and feelings about real people ELPS: (c)(5)(G): I can narrate and explain with detail. Agenda 1. Warm Up: Quickwrite 2. Lesson: Sentence SWAG Complete Final Draft (Major Grade) 1. 2. 3. 4. Warm Up: Quickwrite Review: PIE—Why Do Writer’s Write? Lesson: Biography vs. Autobiography Abydos Strategy: Reporter’s Formula 1. How do explain the different reasons writers write? 2. How do I create questions to ask my partner for Reporter’s Formula? 3. How can I categorize my partner’s answers to create a rough draft? 1. 2. 3. 4. Warm Up: Quickwrite Review: PIE—Why Do Writer’s Write? Lesson: Biography vs. Autobiography Abydos Strategy: Reporter’s Formula 1. How do explain the different reasons writers write? 2. How do I create questions to ask my partner for Reporter’s Formula? 3. How can I categorize my partner’s answers to create a rough draft? 1. 2. 3. 4. Warm Up: Quickwrite Complete Reporter’s Formula Peer Editing Biography Presentations 1. How can I plan my presentation? 2. How can I prioritize the ideas that I want to share in my presentation? 3. How do I decide the format that I will present my final draft? 1. 2. 3. 4. Warm Up: Quickwrite Complete Reporter’s Formula Peer Editing Biography Presentations 1. How can I plan my presentation? 2. How can I prioritize the ideas that I want to share in my presentation? 3. How do I decide the format that I will present my final draft? L.O.—I can write a biography. Wednesday 10.2.13 TEKS 7.15 I can write to express my ideas and feelings about real people ELPS: (c)(5)(G): I can narrate and explain with detail. L.O.—I can write a biography. Thursday 10.3.13 Friday 10.4.13 TEKS 7. 19 I can understand the function of and use the conventions of academic language when speaking and writing ELPS: (c)(5)(G): I can narrate and explain with detail. L.O.—I can speak about my peer. TEKS 7. 19 I can understand the function of and use the conventions of academic language when speaking and writing ELPS: (c)(5)(G): I can narrate and explain with detail. L.O.—I can speak about my peer. Essential Questions (Bloom’s) 1. How do I create a final draft? 2. How do I formulate my final draft to include everything I’ve learned? 3. How can I rearrange my rough draft to make it my best work?