CREATING A SCOPE AND SEQUENCE What goes into planning a course? SO WHAT’S A SCOPE AND SEQUENCE ANYWAY? Just what it says: A Scope of what you will teach and a Sequence of when, for teaching an entire course. Includes the order of topics and the week you plan to teach it. THINK IN TERMS OF… TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) What order makes sense? How many days is it worth? HOW MANY DAYS? In a school year? 180 days In a semester? 90 days In a 6 week period? 30 days DOES IT MATTER? Does the order of topics matter? YES! Will the order be different for different teachers? YES! Can you teach things not on TEKS? YES! Do you HAVE TO teach TEKS? YES! A SCOPE AND SEQUENCE EXAMPLE Principles of AFNR ACTIVITY TODAY You will need: Scope and Sequence Template TEKS for Principles of AFNR School calendar For the 1st-6th six Weeks, determine what topics (think in terms of units) should be taught when. TEKS should be noted on the Scope and Sequence for each topic. REVIEW What is a Scope and Sequence? Order of units and week you plan to teach it How many days should you plan for? 180 for a year long course What should your units relate to? TEKS IMPORTANT FOR YOUR NEXT ASSIGNMENT… Scope and Sequence Assignment/Discussion is due a week from Monday– Questions? Draw for a course to complete a scope and sequence; you may trade with someone as long as the trade is mutual Use the Scope and Sequence template on website Must be typed (be sure to change it to your name and course) Indicate specific TEKS taught for each topic Typed discussion paper addressing questions on syllabus Posted to your website COMING UP FAST meeting tomorrow, 7:30 p.m. AGLS 114 Friday– Mini Lessons—Questions, are you ready?! Monday, Lesson plan, ppt, and discussion papers should be posted to your website along with anything you need to teach the lesson (worksheet, quiz, handout, etc.)