Important dates and directions

Third graders will be completing a biography book report during the coming weeks. There are many
guidelines included here and in additional notices that will help you and your child
work through this project.
 Researchers will use a book from the school library, home, the public library or a bookstore
All books must be approved by your teacher
Books that are based on tv shows or movies will not be approved
A biography Planning Sheet is included to help you structure the information you collect
There are many important dates to remember:
Monday January 9th
Friday January 20th
Your book choice must be submitted for
Your biography Planning Sheet is due
Monday January 29th
Your rough draft is due
Friday February 9th
Final copy of your report is due
Week of February 12th
In-class presentations take place
A rubric is included so you understand how projects will be assessed.
For your presentation, you’ll dress as if you are the person you have researched.
You’ll speak as if you are that person!
You’ll use just one index card with notes, so be sure to know the really important information.
All information in your written report should be in your own words, not copied from a source.
This type of copying is called plagiarism.
A sample report is attached. This project would earn a score of 4. Using this sample as a guide,
along with the rubric, will help you earn a ‘4’. Please keep and use the rubric so that expectations
are clear.
The report may be handwritten OR typed, doubled-spaced, font size 14.
A bibliography, or list of sources, should be included in the final report.