(Rev 8/10)
Online Students
Contact the instructor about course content or other concerns by using the email from within the course . Call the instructor if you have complex questions. Please note that a reliable, regular internet connection and access to a current word processing program are course requirements.
Hours by appointment. Please call or email instructor.
Theory, Practice, and Trends in Human Services, an Introduction (Fourth Edition) by Ed Neukrug. Publisher: Thompson Brooks/Cole. ISBN13#: 978-0-495-09713-6
This introductory level course is comprised of didactic material, interactive sessions, written assignments and presentations. Students will also participate in discussions with other students and with the instructor to determine areas of vocational interest and for practicing human services skills. Students will be required to interview a human services professional.
The objectives of this class include the following:
To provide students with information about the history, development, and to offer insight into the practical, as well as theoretical, functions of the human services profession in society.
To present opportunities for students to identify and strengthen problem-solving abilities, and to develop interpersonal communications skills.
To create an environment in which students can engage in introspective activities, and establish individualized personal development and stress management plans
On completion of the course, students will be able to:
1) Describe a variety of helping roles common to the human services profession in terms of assisting clients to maximize bio-psychosocial functioning.
Measurement: Journals, research essay, discussions, presentation, stress plan.
2) Identify basic client support/problem-solving skills used by human services professionals.
Measurement: Journals, research essay, presentation, discussions.
3) Discuss the history and evolution of the human services movement, and apply this information to the current issues specific to Nevada communities/cultures.
Measurement: Journals, research essay, final exam, discussions.
4) Analyze the influences that technology, managed care and models of service delivery have on current human services professions.
Measurement: Journals, discussions, paper, final exam, presentation.
5) Identify personal strengths and create a personal vocational development plan, and stress management strategies.
Measurement: Journals, discussions, presentation, stress plan.
Each course week contains detailed instructions for completing and submitting assignments.
Learning methods may include the following:
Reading assignments
Pretest and final examination
Class discussions
Interviews with professionals from human service agencies
Written assignments and journals
Class presentations
Course evaluations
Audio/visual/web-based materials
Per GBC catalog, “You must participate in class regularly if you intend to obtain the full benefits of instruction.” It is important to keep up with written and discussion assignments. If you have difficulty participating due to technical problems (which cannot be resolved by calling the Help Desk at 775-753-2167), or a significant illness/personal emergency, notify the instructor immediately to make arrangements for making up missed class work/assignments to avoid deductions in grade point scores due to late or missed work.
Late Work Policy
It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the process of making up missed coursework/assignments, and/or obtaining missed instructional content. Incompletes may be requested, and may only be granted per GBC policy. Students are expected to participate and to complete all assignments on time. In order for late work to be considered for a grade, students must notify the instructor by course email EACH AND EVERY TIME that a late assignment or late discussion post is submitted. Late submissions made without instructor notification will NOT be graded. No submission or discussion will be graded after the posted deadline for late/make-up work.
No work of any kind will be accepted for a grade after a student submits the final exam.
To be fair to students who turn work in on time, unexcused late work will receive an immediate 10% deduction, and additional deductions will be made in increasing amounts thereafter. Contact the instructor
PRIOR to a due date to request an excused late submission. Most technical problems and/or difficulty with obtaining the textbook will not be considered for excused late work; allow yourself ample time to complete assignments in order to meet deadlines.
Note: A student who logs into the course, and then fails to participate, ceases to participate, and/or does not officially withdraw from the class, will receive a grade at the end of the course that reflects the total of actual points earned, even if that number is a zero.
It is recommended that all assignments be completed, no matter how late due to the educational value of course work. Late work is accepted until the final exam due date/time. Extra credit may be offered at the instructor’s discretion, but ALL assignments must have been completed and submitted on time prior to requesting an extra credit assignment. Suspected violations of GBC academic honesty policy will be reported.
The following grade point scale will be used:
A ≥ 93 B - 80-82 D+ 67-69
A- 90-92 C+ 77-79 D 63-66
B+ 87-89 C 73-76 D- 60-62
B 83-86 C- 70-72 F <60
An immediate 10% deduction in grade scores will be made for unexcused, late work , and deductions will increase thereafter, depending upon the lateness of the submission. Contact the instructor prior to due date for arranging for make-up work. It is highly recommended that every assignment be completed, no matter how late. Suspected violations of GBC academic honesty policy will be reported. An Incomplete may be granted per GBC policy, and must be requested by the student. Grade point losses will continue to accrue until a student and instructor agree that an incomplete will be given. See the current GBC Catalog for details.
1. Due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter in this course, students are expected to present thoughtful reviews of the material, and to offer appropriate, scholarly commentary.
2. Students are to maintain the confidentiality of others, including classmates, and/or guest speakers as applicable. Students are expected to demonstrate respectful, ethical behaviors, as outlined in the GBC Catalog, when participating in GBC activities with peers, instructors and/or speakers in any class meeting, interactive video session, and/or online discussion. Email must contain the name of the sender and addressee, be written with correct grammar, punctuation, capitalization, usage and style. Please use the spell check feature, and avoid slang or contractions.
3. This is an interactive class in which your input is needed to increase knowledge of subject areas —for yourself and the other students in the class. Timely and regular participation in the discussions is required, and will be graded. Points will be deducted for late or insufficient discussion posts (see “Discussion Assignments”).
4. The research essay must be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12-point font, and should be logically organized, reflect evidence-based concepts from authoritative sources, contain a cover page, abstract, a reference page, and submitted as a Word document file in APA format and style as per the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) .
You may access APA at the following site: http://www.apastyle.org
.The Academic Success
Center staff and/or the GBC librarians can help you. The instructor will not provide opportunities for rewriting papers for the purpose of correcting writing or style errors.
5. If you are having difficulty with course content, computer technology, or a serious personal emergency, please communicate with the instructor as soon as possible. Call the GBC computer help desk staff for technical assistance immediately if you have technical difficulties at (775) 753-2167 . Save written assignments as an MS Word (.doc/.docx) or RTF
(rich text format) file prior to submission. Discussion entries should be typed directly into the discussion areas.
6. Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified
students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The Director of Services for
Students with Disabilities (Julie Byrnes) will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids and services. For more information or further assistance, please call (775) 753-2271.
7. To avoid late penalties, the instructor must be contacted prior to due dates/times when seeking to arrange alternative arrangements for submitting late assignments, make-up work, and/or for requesting an incomplete for the course.
8. Students may not use the e-mail addresses of other students, faculty, or staff for purposes unrelated to this class. Violations may lead to disciplinary action.
9. There is a risk of losing your work if you type in your responses instead of uploading your work in a file that you have saved. You may upload multiple files in one assignment--until you click
“submit.” Once you have submitted an assignment, you will no longer be able to add pages or files to that assignment, so do not submit assignments until you have completely finished them.
Obtain permission from the instructor before emailing any assignment. Email assignments are not accepted.
10. IMPORTANT NOTE: College level writing is required for all assignments, including the discussion posts. Points will be deducted for errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and for failure to use APA style/formatting where required. Ideas from published sources must be documented by citations and references. In the discussion posts, indicating page numbers from the current edition of the textbook is sufficient. You must write all statements and answers to questions in your own words, and the use of complete sentences is required. You are not to copy answers verbatim from a book, glossary, or index without using quotation marks, and identifying the source.
The instructor uses an originality an check program to scan work for authenticity. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Point reductions up to and including a zero score will be given for undocumented work and/or unsupported “major posts”.
Prior to the end of the first week of class, and before beginning to read your textbook, write a brief description (in two or three complete sentences) about the meaning of the following terms in your own words. DO NOT use books, notes, other people, or other resource materials. This is for baseline information only, and will not be graded, but your answers will be used for comparison purposes during the grading of the final examination. You can also use this list as a study guide to prepare for the final examination.
Defense mechanism
Cultural competence
Situational crisis
Case management
Problem solving
13 Ethical/moral dilemma
14. Addiction
15. Mean (statistical meaning)
16. Boundaries (psychological meaning)
17. Evidence-based
18. Human services (as a discrete profession)
Week 1
Topics: Welcome to Class! Course requirements. Class introductions. Course overview.
Un-graded Assignments (Please complete te following by the end of Week 1):
___Complete the Pretest without using a book or other resource materials, and upload it into the course assignments by the first Sunday at the end of the first week of class (see announcements for assignment due dates). Failure to complete the pretest by the due date will result in a 10% reduction in the final examination grade.
___Please read the entire syllabus
___Make a calendar with due dates for all assignments, including the final exam
___View the
“Maslow’s Hierarchy” video found by clicking on a link on the home page before Week 4
___Read the “Preface” in your text book, and also read Appendix “B” and Appendix “C”
___Note instructor’s posts in the discussion and in the announcements (and watch for new announcements)
___Introduce yourself to the class in the “Introduction” discussion. Share some information about yourself, such as reasons for taking this course, and about your learning and career goals. Introductions will not be graded, but establishing a rapport with your peers can be very useful for analyzing and applying the course material as a group. Remember that confidentiality is an integral part of this course. Although you are not required to reveal anything personal about yourself that you are uncomfortable discussing, this is an opportunity to share insights and information. Self-reflection, accurate, communication skills, clearly written memos, notes, records, letters, email, and personal development activities are vital to the process of becoming an effective human services professional.
Week 2
Topics: Overview of Human Services
___Read text, Chapter 1 to page 11, and Chapter 10*
___Discussion #1: Write comments in the discussion about the readings in textbook which relate to the 13 functions of human service professionals. Have you had experiences performing some of these roles in a job or a volunteer situation? Also, describe one positive and one “challenging” experience that you have had with human services professionals.*
___Journal #1: Complete the table on page 25 by writing three complete sentences or more about each of the requirements for each of the professions listed. Use the internet or other reliable source for your information, as needed.*
*Document your source(s) of information by supplying page numbers from the assigned readings from the textbook in ALL journal assignments and “major posts” (see syllabus for further information about documentation requirements).
___Suggestion: You are encouraged to rea d and do all of the “Experiential Exercises” at the end of every chapter. They are an excellent summary of the chapter contents, and can offer you insight into yourself and help you to develop important skills as a human service professional. These additional exercises are not required, however.
Week 3
Topics: Characteristics of human service professionals
___Read Chapter 1 to page 27
___Discussion #2: Discuss the characteristics of human services workers which are needed to meet the needs of most clients. Also, share some of your own professional strengths and challenge areas, based on your readings in the textbook.
___Journal #2: Complete the checklist on page 28, and submit your score. In ten complete sentences, write a self-reflective summary about what you learned from completing the checklist. Include comments about areas of professional strengths which you believe already have, and areas in which you wish to strengthen your skills, and the reasons for each…As in all journals support your ideas with information from the readings in the textbook.
Week 4
Topics: History of human services
___Read Chapter 2
Discussion #3: Discuss one major issue from Chapter 2 which relates to your career goals for providing effective human services. Include 5 reasons why this issue is important to both the client and the provider when creating a strong working relationship. How do the concepts of Maslow’s Hierarchy (as described in the video) relate to human services?
___Journal #3: Define in your own words, in two complete sentences or more, the following 15 terms on pages
56-57: 1,10,13,14,15,21,25,33,39,40,42,45,46,47,49. Base your definitions from the material from the assigned readings in the text. Include documentation (page numbers from the readings in the textbook).
Week 5
Topics: Theoretical approaches
___Read Chapter 3
Discussion #4: Discuss two major counseling approaches and their application of the theoretical principles from Maslow’s Hierarchy
___Journal #4: Do the self test on pages 87-89 and submit your scores (scores only). Write a one-page (200 word) reflection about what you learned from this test —about yourself, and about some applications related to human services. Refer to concepts from the assigned readings in the text.
Week 6
Topics: Interviewing and case management
___Read Chapter 4
Discussion #5: Discuss two topics from Chapter 4 related to client interviewing and case management skills
___Journal #5: Take the quiz on page 121 —and do not submit your answers to the quiz. However, do write a ten sentence reflection in complete sentences about your findings/insights after taking the quiz. Write responses (in two or more complete sentences each) based on the readings in the text for any five of the 10 scenarios listed on pages 123-124.
Week 7
Topics: Developing insight and empathy
___Read Chapter 5
Discussion #6: Choose ONE of the first six controversial client situations from the list in Question #9 on page
29 that may trigger an ethical dilemma for you. Human service professionals must assist/advocate for clients even when we disagree with the client’s attitudes or behaviors. Discuss how you would demonstrate empathy for a client with whom you have a conflict of ethics. Describe how you would demonstrate that you understand the client’s position, even though you disagree with the client’s actions or wishes. Include one specific example.
___Journal #6: Write responses (based on the readings) of two complete sentences or more for each of these ten questions: 1,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,15,16…from pages 186-187 based on the information in the assigned readings in the text.
Week 8
Topics: Family systems and group dynamics
___Read Chapter 6
Discussion #7: Discuss the different types of groups and some ways in which clients can benefit from group work
___Journal #7: Write responses containing at least two complete sentences each, for each of the 12 questions in question #5 on pages 183-184. Base your responses on information from the readings in the text.
Week 9
Topics: Cultural diversity and competency
___Read Chapter 7
Discussion #8: Identify topics from Chapter 7 that are related to multicultural issues in human service. Include a statement about your response to the information from Box 7.2 in your discussion.
___Journal #8: Do the self test on page 227. Write a 10-sentence reflection of your experience of taking this test and what you learned about taking the quiz. Then answer, in two complete sentences or more, each of the following questions on page 228: 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8, and support your comments from the information from the assigned readings in the text.
Week 10
Topics: Research and evidence-based practice
___Read Chapter 8
Discussion #9: Discuss the applications for different types of research and the use of evidence-based practice
___Journal #9: Find one journal article from a research-based psychology, counseling, nursing, social work or other human service-related publication. The GBC librarians can help you with this (even online). Read the article and answer, in complete sentences, the seven questions under question #1 on pages 260-261. Include supporting sources/resources and a separate citation containing a full description of the location of the article you have reviewed.
Week 11
Topics: Workplace issues
___Read Chapter 9
Discussion #10: Discuss theories about the factors involved in making career choices from Chapter 9
___Journal #10: Write a five-sentence reflection for each of the 4 questions on page 287. Your journal responses should be based on both personal reflection and also informational material from the assigned readings in the text.
___A reminder to contact a community service agency for your research essay assignment (see assignment description)
Week 12
Topic: Current topics and trends in human services
___Read and review trends in human services found in Chapter 10 and on the internet (review and utilize the
National Organization for Human Services and the Council for Standards in Human Service Education websites)
___Post your research essay in the Week 12 discussion area
Week 13
Topic: Critical thinking, adult learning, and assertiveness
___ Research the terms “assertiveness” and “stress” and “stress management” strategies by reviewing reliable, evidence-based health/mental health websites. Note examples of assertive (or unassertive) behaviors in yourself and in others this week and pay attention to the effects that assertive and unassertive behavior has on your personal stress levels throughout the week. Incorporate some of these observations and insights into your
“Stress Management Plan”
___Read your classmates’ research essays (they are posted in the “Research Essay” discussion area)
___Prepare your “Media Literacy Project” and your “Stress Management Plan” for submission during Week 14
Week 14
Topic: The change process and stress management
___Post your “Media Literacy Project” in the designated discussion area
___ Submit your “Stress Management Plan” in the designated assignment area
Week 15
Topic: Media literacy. Review for final examination
___Read your peers’ “Media Literacy Projects” (found in the “Media Literacy Project” discussion area) and write two separate “Media Literacy Discussion” responses in the designated “Media Literacy Discussion” discussion area (see assignment description below).
___Review the terms in the Pretest for the final exam
Week 16
___Final examinations are due by Tuesday of Week 16 by 11:59 PM.
___Complete course evaluation
Rubric for Assignments and Presentations
Exceeds expectations
Addresses all elements of assignment with high degree of accuracy and clarity
Demonstrates high levels of critical thinking and practical applications
Discussion responses are documented, thought-provoking, accurate, and advances/builds new thread(s)
Documents sources with citations/references per APA style requirements
Meets most expectations
Addresses most elements of assignment with accuracy and clarity
Applies theoretical material in several areas or in most applications
Discussion responses are reflective, exceeds minimums, evidence of documentation or citation of source(s)
Meets some expectations
Demonstrates understanding of material with minimal insight
Some required information/elements not addressed/some inaccuracies
Discussion responses do not clarify points, merely reflective, no new information, meets minimums, some documentation missing
Meets few expectations
Most required information is missing/is inaccurate and/or many elements unaddressed
Discussion responses do not clarify points, undocumented opinion(s), some minimums not met
Below 60%
Meets very few or no expectations
Many inaccuracies and/or does not address most basic elements of the unit topic
Does not meet minimum discussion requirements, poorly written, contains all undocumented opinion
APA formatting not used (when required)
No supporting documentation
0 %
No submission
Wrong assignment
Undocumented use of another's work/violation of academic honesty policy
Assignment received 9 calendar days after due date (unexcused)
No supporting documentation
Assignment Information
Assignment weeks end on Friday nights at 11:30 PM . Submit assignments through the course in designated areas by the due date/time listed in the course announcements. Save your journal files as an MS Word (.doc) or as an RTF (rich text format) file before uploading them. If the instructor cannot find or open your work, then it cannot be considered for a grade. If you find a zero in the grade book, contact the instructor, as this usually means your work/file was missing or it was unable to be located/opened/read. The following assignments are required by the posted due dates:
1. Research essay : Write an original essay of 400 words or more about one current issue/trend in human services which reflects your research and review of evidence-based resource materials.
Discuss ways in which this issue/trend might affect your education and/or career plans in human services. Refer to the material from Chapter 10 in the textbook, and also cite at least two resources other than your textbook (for a total of three resources*). APA (American Psychological
Association) format/style is required. Points will be deducted for writing style errors/omissions in
APA formatting (cover page, running headers, abstract, correct layout, citations within the narrative, and reference page are required. See the GBC librarians, the Academic Success
Center staff, the “OWL at Purdue” website, or other APA resources). * Note : One source of information must be from an interview with an employee or volunteer from a human service agency. Due at the end of Week 12. ( 200 points )
2. Stress management plan: Write a definition, in ten complete sentences or more, which describes the human stress response in your own words, based on what you have learned from the text book/research of reliable, evidence-based resources (document sources). Also write ten complete sentences describing an example of an interpersonal event that occurred in your work or school experience that has triggered your stress response. Then list 5 interventions that you used at the time (or since then) to reduce your negative (distressed) reaction in response to this type of trigger situation. Finally, identify 5 interventions that you plan to develop or strengthen in terms of reducing your negative stress responses/reactions to these (or similar) types of interpersonal conflicts or challenges. This assignment is a journal-type entry, and formal APA style/formatting is not required. This submission will be graded by the instructor, and will not be shared with the class. Grades will be based on the application of theoretical concepts to “real life” situations as well as the insights demonstrated regarding professional stress management. Due at the end of Week 14. ( 100 points)
4. Media Literacy Project: Post a description of media advertising which illustrates some signs and symptoms of the human stress response, and describe the advertiser’s suggestion for stress management in the Week 14 discussion. Include a critical analysis of the content of the advertising and the suggestions that were made to reduce stress in at least 20 complete
sentences. Describe the target audience, effectiveness of message, use of the medium to attract the audience’s attention, accuracy of information, and the implications for human service professionals working with stressed clients in this situation. Describe your recommendations; do you agree with the advertiser? Be prepared to respond to questions or comments. Due by the end of Week 14. ( 50 points) Media Literacy Discussion: Write a peer response to 2 of your classmates’ presentations about advertising messages for stress management (posted in Week
14) in the Week 15 discussion area. Each of your responses should be of at least 5 complete sentences, your posts should significantly advance/deepen/enhance the discussion about the topics, and must contain supporting documentation from an evidence-based resource. Due by the end of Week 15. (25 points each, for a total of 50 points)
5. The final examination is closed-book and must be completed in your own words .
Submission of the final exam is your statement that you did not use books, notes, other people, or any other resource information for the final exam. You are on your honor! Make a list of the terms in the pretest. Put away all study materials. Part A: Define each of the terms in the pretest in at least 3 complete sentences using words other than the word/root word to describe each term.
Part B: Describe a clinical or “real life” example of each term in at least 2 complete sentences which illustrate one specific human service client application for each term. Due on Tuesday of finals week at 11:59 PM. No re-takes allowed. Late final exams will be accepted only until 3 PM on Wednesday during finals week. No late or make-up work is accepted after your final exam has been submitted. ( 200 points)
6. Journal assignments are due by due dates/times listed in the course announcements. All responses must be written in complete sentences, in your own words , and must be your own original work based on reliable information. Your opinions are important, but journal assignments must also contain related information quoted or summarized from the assigned readings in the textbook. Supporting data should be indicated by including page numbers from the textbook within the narrative of your journal, not just at the end of a post. If you do use a direct quote from the textbook you must use quotation marks. When citing other human service-related sources, indicate your resource and where the source was used in your narrative. Wikipedia and nonevidence based resources are not acceptable as reliable sources. Complete sentences are required. Note weekly assignment descriptions in the syllabus, above, for specific information about journal topics. Points are deducted for errors in writing, spelling, punctuation and style because correct, clear, accurate documentation is a professional requirement for human services employment. Each of the ten journal assignments is worth 20 points. ( 200 points)
Personal problems, disrespectful, judgmental remarks, or complaints about course material and/or assignments are not appropriate for the class discussions. Contact the instructor for assistance with these types of issues.
Assignment Summary Points possible
Journal assignments ` 200
Discussions 200
Research Essay 200
Media Literacy Project 50
Media Literacy Discussion 50
Stress Management Plan 100
Final Exam 200
Total points possible 1,000
Important Note:
The syllabus is a guide, and not a contract. In order to facilitate learning, this syllabus may be changed at any time by the instructor.