Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 Professor Geoffrey Pugh 9 Richmond Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF1 3LA. Home: 01924 384452; e-mail: Office: 01782 294092; e-mail: Achievements and Skills TEACHING: More than 20 years’ teaching experience in higher education. Current: MSc Economics: Applied Econometrics International macroeconomics and globalisation Dissertation supervision (my students have twice won international prizes for their MSc dissertations) Doctorate of Business Administration: Research Methods Previous: 1. Undergraduate and Postgraduate dissertation supervision Economics and business projects (BA; MA; MSc; and MBA) 2. Undergraduate teaching includes: Introductory economics International economics Economics of European integration Germany: economic institutions and business strategy Research methods & applied statistics for business 3. Postgraduate teaching includes MBA programmes: International Economics at Boston University European Economics at Warsaw University International Finance at Staffordshire University Chartered Institute of Public Sector Accountants (CIPFA) Public Policy in the Financial Environment (1991-93) (co-author of the BPP textbook for this module) In-House Company Training and Management Development: Rolls Royce: intensive course on international finance Ceramics industry: Business Environment and Our Ceramic Industry (Executive Development module) Page 1 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 4. Short-courses at overseas universities funded by international organisations (EU Socrates Programme, USAID and the Open Society Institute): European Economics (Universities of Leipzig and Antwerp) Economics of Globalisation (Skopje, Macedonia) Applied Econometrics (Pristina, Kosova) Econometric analysis of survey data (Pristina, Kosova) Survey design and analysis (Split, Croatia) Introduction to Applied Econometrics (Ohrid, Macedonia) Topics in Globalisation and the Global Financial Crisis (University of Sarajevo, Economics PhD Programme) Hedonic modelling for property markets (University of Sarajevo, on the Master of Property programme) 5. One-week intensive courses for the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina and for the Central bank of Montenegro: An introduction to econometric analysis using Stata EXAMINING All levels including PhD PhD: 15 (8 internal; 7 external) Page 2 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 RESEARCH SUPERVISION RESEARCH DEGREES AWARDED: 22 completions since 2004 in Applied Economics (18), Business and Management (2) and Education Policy (2). Applied economics 1. PhD: Government intervention and the acquisition of workforce skills in Germany, Europe and beyond (01/04) 2. PhD: Technological Change and Employer-Provided Training: Theory and Evidence from the UK and Germany (05/07) 3. PhD: Export Performance and the SME Sector in South Eastern Europe, with Special Reference to Kosova (08/07) 4. PhD: Inflation, Growth and Happiness: Assessing Croatia’s Stabilisation Policy (11/07) 5. PhD: An Analysis of the IMF Supported Adjustment Programmes in Transition Economies with Special Reference to Albania (04/08) 6. PhD: Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy in Macedonia During the Process of Accession to the European Union (05/08) 7. PhD: Aggregate Economic Fluctuations and Capital Market Imperfections (12/08) 8. PhD: Determinants and Sustainability of Current Account Deficits in Selected Transitional Countries (10/09) 9. PhD: Institutions and Economic Performance: with Reference to Bosnia (12/09) 10. PhD: Potential Costs for Macedonia from Relinquishing Independent Monetary Policy: A Contribution to Assessing the Costs of Euro Adoption (03/10) 11. PhD: The determinants of the size of government in developed market economies (12/10) 12. PhD: Current Account Sustainability in Bosnia and Herzegovina (03/11) 13. PhD: Investigating and Modelling a Monetary Policy Regime Switch from Exchange Rate to Inflation Targeting, with particular reference to Macedonia (06/11) 14. PhD: The Economic Consequences Of “Mass Exodus” with reference to Bosnia (10/11) 15. PhD: Instability and volatility of economic growth under transition: an application of exogenous growth theory (03/13) 16. PhD: The happiness of the young in Great Britain: the role of education (03/13) 17. PhD: Banking Sector Competition and its Impact on Banking Stability, Interest Rates and Access to Finance in Enlarged Europe and South East Europe: with special focus to Kosovo (03/14) 18. PhD: The Effectiveness of R&D and Innovation Policy in Promoting Innovation in European SMEs: an Empirical Investigation of Additionality Effects (05/14) Page 3 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 Business and Management 1. PhD: Understanding High Performance in English County Councils (05/08) 2. PhD: The Determinants of Tax Compliance by Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Transition Economies with Special Reference to Kosovo (12/13) Education policy and economics of education 1. PhD: The Construction and Use of Value-added Indicators in Education (11/04) 2. PhD: Individual and Strategic Relations; the contribution of the UK voluntary sector in the brokerage and delivery of lifelong learning: a social capital approach within a qualitative case study design (06/07) RESEARCH DEGREES CURRENTLY SUPERVISED: IN PROGRESS: Applied Economics 1. PhD: Ownership Concentration and Firm Performance in Transition Economies with Reference to Montenegro. 2. PhD: Assessing Banking Sector Stability: with special reference to the Western Balkans and Montenegro. 3. PhD: Foreign Investment in the Banking Sector and Financial Stability: the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 4. PhD: The Currency Board Arrangement in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Sustainability, Desirability and Exit Strategies 5. PhD: Export diversification, determinants and effect on output volatility: the case of the Western Balkan economies. 6. PhD: Effects of fiscal policy on growth and on macroeconomic stability in European transition countries, with special reference to Macedonia. 7. PhD: Investigating the transmission channels of global financial crisis to the real economy with special reference to Western Balkan economies – causes, effects and policy response. 8. PhD: Asset bubbles in underdeveloped financial markets with influential institutional investors: evidence from South East European (SEE) financial markets. 9. PhD: The Relationship between Output Gap and Excess Liquidity in European Transition Economies. 10. PhD: Fiscal Policy in small open economies in transition, with particular reference to Macedonia. 11. PhD: Asset bubbles and their effect on financial crises. 12. PhD: Capital Flows and Sustainability of the European Monetary Union. 13. PhD: The impact government creditworthiness on the cost of public and private borrowing in transition countries. 14. PhD: Explaining the impact of the Global Financial crisis on European Transition Countries. Business and Management 1. PhD: A strategic analysis of the UK ceramics industry. Page 4 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh Current Management and Academic Leadership Role 08/02/2016 From January 2013 to date: Head of Research, Staffordshire University Business School. Main responsibilities to date: membership of the University REF Advisory Group; leading, managing and writing the REF2014 submission in Business and Management Studies. From 2008 to date: Founder and currently Director of the Centre for Applied Business Research (CABR) within Staffordshire University Business School. CABR was established to raise the level of activity and profile of Business School research and enterprise activities. To this end, over the period 2009 to 2013 we secured £640,000 of additional research and enterprise funding for the Business School (according to our REF5 submission), appointed two Enterprise Readers, put in place administrative infrastructure, and enlarged our capacity by both providing more research opportunities and by mentoring more colleagues into becoming active researchers. The ethos of CABR is to realize synergies between an enterprise agenda of business engagement and a research agenda preparing for assessment under the REF2014 and beyond. My continuing contributions to CABR include academic leadership and management, personal research, research supervision and mentoring (including joint publication), bid writing (with successes including a HEIF project and an FP7 project – see below) and working on external projects. Previous Management & Leadership Roles 1. From 2004-09: Director of the Centre for Local Enterprise and Skills within the Business School at Staffordshire University (a centre for small consultancy projects). 2. 2001-02: Contributed as a co-opted member of Staffordshire University’s Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning Committee by analysing and reporting on participation data. 3. 2000-04: Field Leader for undergraduate business projects. 4. Economics Field Leader (Stafford) (1998-2002): responsible for both undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum development; various roles in preparation for December 2000 QAA visit (maximum score of 24 achieved). 5. 1994-2006: MA Economics of International Trade and European Integration: worked with colleagues at University of Antwerp and the Prague University of Economics to initiate the MA and secure TEMPUS funding (1994); secured ESRC ‘specialist’ recognition (1996); secured renewed TEMPUS funding (1998); 2005: achieved EU “Erasmus-Mundus” status (25 scholarships for nonEU students). 1994 to 2006, UK member of the Programme Management Board and Course Tutor at Staffordshire. 6. 1994-99: Successful applications for five EU TEMPUS-PHARE projects (funding in excess of ECU 2 million); managed four of these multi-partner, collaborative projects. Page 5 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh RESEARCH: (publications, projects and networks) 08/02/2016 Applied, policy-oriented publications in five areas (see below for full publication details). As of 10/03/2010, 51 SSCI citations from publications in the period from 1993 to 2007. Commended paper: a paper for which I was the first author, published in the British Educational Research Journal in 2011 (Vol.37, No.1; February – see publication list, below) was “Commended” at the 2012 Conference of the British Educational Research Association. (Each year, in the “Best Paper” awards, one research paper is selected as the “Best paper” and two more are “Commended”). I have published in the following areas. 1) International/European economics: a) Exchange rate issues and international trade; foreign direct investment and macroeconomic (in)stability. i) International economics journals: Journal of International Trade & Economic Development; International Review of Economics and Finance. b) ii) Applied economics journals: including, the International Review of Applied Economics and Applied Economics (×3) iii) Interdisciplinary and business journals: including New Political Economy and the European Business Journal The German “social market”; publications include i) A book on The Economics of German Unification (Edward Elgar) ii) Papers in Applied Economics Letters, Current Economics and Politics of Europe, Economic Issues and the International Journal of Manpower. 2) Institutional economics, especially institutions and economic performance: papers in the European Journal of Political Economy and the Economics of Transition. 3) The economic analysis of innovation and small business issues: a) Productivity growth, business culture and exporting; papers in Economic Issues, the International Journal of Manpower and Small Business Economics. b) Small firms and the problem of market access; papers in the Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development (×3) c) SME promotion through tax reform: Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy 4) The economics of education and training; papers in: Education and Training; the International Journal of Manpower, British Educational Research Journal (three times); School Effectiveness and School Improvement; the Higher Education Quarterly; and the Journal of Education Policy. The British Educational Research Journal is Europe’s leading education journal in the SSCI. 5) Economic aspects of regeneration / local development: evaluation of the economic development effects of the M6 Toll Road; Regional Studies. Page 6 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 Most of my publications involve applied econometric analysis and/or statistical analysis. Those on SME promotion, education policy and economic regeneration are linked by a common focus on policy/programme evaluation. For the 2000 Research Assessment Exercise, my work was entered in the Business and Management Unit of Assessment; and for 2008 in Education (this was particularly successful, with 60% of our entry at the three highest levels; including 30% at 3* and 5% at 4*). My research in the period 2008-13 contributed to the Staffordshire University REF submission in Business and Management Studies. Current research and external collaborators. 1. Economics of education: school finance and pupil attainment (with Prof. Jean Mangan, Staffordshire University and Prof. John Gray, Cambridge University; currently collaborating with Vincent Blackburn, Manager of Financial Planning, New South Wales Department of Education and Training – to apply our model to NSW data). 2. International economics and macroeconomics: supporting research and publication by former PhD students from the exYugoslav republics. 3. Small business promotion: a research agenda focussed in SME diversification and innovation in traditional manufacturing industry, building off two large research projects commissioned by, respectively, the Higher Education Innovation Fund and the EU’s DG-Research (an FP7 project) and supported by a full-time PhD scholar (see p.26 below). Page 7 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 CURRENT GRANTS / PROJECTS London Borough of Newham: Evaluation of the 1-1 reading guarantee programme. Two-Year project from 01-09-2012. Total: £36,000. RECENT RESEARCH GRANTS / PROJECTS Technology Strategy Board (TSB). Collaboration with the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) to design the evaluation of the forthcoming TSB business support programme: Innovation Vouchers in the Agri-food, Built Environment and Aerospace sectors. Three-month project, July-September 2012. Total: £15,000 EU Framework 7 project: “Good Practices in Innovation Support Measures for SMEs: facilitating transition from the traditional to the knowledge economy” (from DG Research call FP7-SME-2009-1). This project evaluated business support measures for SMEs in traditional manufacturing sectors throughout the EU. The UK research focused on the West Midlands and on North Staffordshire in particular. 2-year project (Dec.2009-Feb.2012). Total: €930,000; Staffordshire University: Total: €130,000. A continuous improvement project (March 2012-July 2013) with a local ceramics firm financed by the Higher Education Innovation Fund (total with company match: £34,000). PREVIOUS RESEARCH SUPPORTED EXTERNALLY (selected) My personal research has been supported financially by: HM Treasury (real-economy effects of exchange rate variability); the Department for Education and Skills; Department for Children, Schools and Families; and the New Zealand Ministry of Education (the economics of educational attainment); Staffordshire Learning and Skills Council (3-year PhD scholarship, 2004-2007, on the determinants of workplace training); and Commission for Racial Equality – modeling for a project on “environmental justice”. Total funding: in excess of £50,000. RESEARCH and ENTERPRISE ACTIVITES by THEME I have led and undertaken projects in the following areas. Whenever possible, I have developed consultancy/applied research projects into research papers. (consultancy and contract research) 1) Applied economics/econometrics: a) Project commissioned under HM Treasury’s “Single Currency Review” on the effects of the “strong pound” on productivity in the UK traded goods sector: Oct. 1998 to Sept. 2000 b) Consultancy for the Central Bank of Montenegro: professional development in applied econometrics (focussing on time series analysis); advice and assistance to the Research Department with three projects in preparation for the 2007 IMF visit. One month full time, September-October 2007. c) UNDP office in Bosnia and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP):project advice and mentoring of local colleagues. Page 8 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 2) Education policy: a) New Zealand Ministry of Education: August-September 1999. Review of econometric studies of the effectiveness of different models of secondary school governance, ownership, organisation and management b) Department for Education and Employment (UK): February 2000. International School Benchmarking Study – Scotland; DfEE project to assess selected national school systems with the aim of benchmarking English performance c) Staffordshire University’s Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning Committee: Sept. 2001-July 2002 Report on value-added indicators in Higher Education: Other outcomes include: a paper published in Higher Education Quarterly (2005); a symposium on “Widening Participation Performance Indicators” (under the auspices of Prof. Heather Eggins, Editor of the HEQ); and an invited submission to HEFCE’s “Review of Performance Indicators” (September 2006). d) Staffordshire University’s Recruitment Management Team: August 2006-June 2007. Identifying principles and a practical framework for fee-setting in HE. Outcomes: Report on the economics of fee-setting and a questionnaire to guide award and faculty managers in setting fees. e) Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), Value for Money Unit Research Report: Resources and Attainment at Key Stage 4: Estimates from a Dynamic Methodology. Publication Code: DCSF-RR056. Published 30-10-2008. Research paper: subsequently developed for publication in the British Educational Research Journal, and won a “commended” paper award at the 2012 Conference of the British Educational Research Association (see publications, below). 3) Small- and medium-size enterprise (and entrepreneurship): a) Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) and Society of Independent Brewers: June to Dec. 1999. Report on the economic consequences of a sliding scale of excise duty for small breweries; submitted to HM Treasury by CAMRA (the research base of a successful campaign – the sliding scale was introduced in the 2002 Budget). Spin-off from this project included three papers published in the Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development and one in Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy. b) European Social Fund Objective 4 project to support small- and medium-size firms in the Ceramics Industry: September 1999 to August 2000. Spin-off from this project included extensive media publicity (regional and national newspapers, national radio and national TV) together with the lead paper in a book on the ceramics industry (Ceramic Ambitions and Strategic Directions; see publications). Page 9 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 c) Development and implementation of Performance Indicators for the Ceramics Industry Forum (CIF): from April 2002 to July 2004. Extensive evaluation of CIF business support programmes; invited contribution to the evidence base and methodology of the UK Department for Trade and Industry’s “Evaluation of Industry Forum & The Industry Forum Adaptation Initiative”; Oct. 2003 & July 2004. d) EU-funded SRB6 project on diversification within the ceramic supply sector: 2003-04 (in collaboration with CERAM, a private sector technical research institute). Report published in 2004: The Ceramic Supply Sector: Its Identity, Capabilities, Threats and Opportunities and Support Needs. e) Advantage West Midlands (INDEX Voucher): project and report for Social Work Choices (a private-sector agency) on “The Cost Effectiveness of Agency Social Workers: a comparison of the costs of agency social workers supplied by Social Work Choices and of permanent staff employed by Local Authority Social Services Departments”. September 2009. Subsequently published as an example of best practice INDEX Voucher projects f) Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF): Supporting High Value Added Industries in Diversification and Export. 2 year research and knowledge transfer project (Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2010). To research and inform knowledge transfer activities in support of business diversification in North Staffordshire, especially by SMEs. g) European Commission - DG Research: Good Practices in Innovation Support Measures for SMEs (GPrix). Research project (Dec.2009 to February 2012) to evaluate innovation support programmes for SMEs in traditional manufacturing industries. 4) Local economic issues and regeneration: a) A “Village Appraisal” (funded by the UK Countryside Agency): design and analysis of a questionnaire survey (May-October 2002). b) Project for UNISON on the Regeneration effects of “fair wages” (April to December 2004) (in collaboration with the New Economics Foundation). c) Evaluation of the economic impact of the M6 Toll Motorway for the Southern Staffordshire Partnership (a consortium of local authorities in Southern Staffordshire, the Government Office for the West Midlands, and Midland Expressway, the operator of the M6 Toll) (2005). Outcomes include: Extensive media coverage Presentation at the Department for Transport Paper accepted for publication in Regional Studies d) Project for Stafford Chamber Services. Methodology and database: Identifying high-tech SMEs in Staffordshire Objective 2 areas eligible for internationalisation assistance (2006). Page 10 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 5) Environmental issues: (collaborations with John Fairburn of the Institute for Environment, Sustainability and Regeneration at Staffordshire University) a) Study on environmental justice for the Commission for Racial Equality (2006-07). b) Report commissioned by Midland Expressway: An assessment of the carbon footprint of the M6 Toll Motorway in the UK (2008). Presentations to i) European Association of Tolled Motorways, Bridges and Tunnels (ASECAP) Conference, Marrakech (May 2008) ii) The Staffordshire Business Environment Network (August 2008) iii) The Highways Agency Carbon Accounting Forum (Department for Transport, December 2008) CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT 1) Undergraduate: designed the management component of the Engineering School awards in “Technology with Management”; Business School representative on the proposing team during the successful validation process (1999). 2) MA Economics of International Trade and European Integration: contributed to the design of this consortium award as well as to the securing of EU TEMPUS funding; ongoing participation in the monitoring, revision, and quality improvement process. (See above: Management, Item 5). 3) Consultancy in curriculum design under EU TEMPUS programmes (1994-98): a) Undergraduate: participation in the design and implementation of a four-year BA Business Studies programme at the University of Tirana, Albania. b) Postgraduate: participation in the design and management of an English-language MBA programme, delivered at Warsaw University by an EU-Polish consortium. 4) Contribution to postgraduate research training: Staffordshire University Business School has one of the largest PhD programmes in economics in the “new” university sector (perhaps the largest). In addition to supervision, my particular contribution has been to introduce our PhD students to new econometric techniques and empirical strategies (such as natural experiments and meta-regression analysis). Page 11 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh MEDIA RELATIONS 08/02/2016 I contribute frequently to local and regional media on economic and business issues. In return, Staffordshire University and my Faculty are mentioned prominently. Some of my research has attracted media interest: frequently at local and regional levels and also at national level. My research on school performance was featured in the professional press - Public Finance (07/09/2007) and the Times Educational Supplement (07/09/2007 and 14/09/2007), reported widely in the regional press, including the Evening Standard (mainly on 07/09/2007), reported in the Independent, the Times and the Guardian (07/09/2007), and reported and combined with interviews in prominent articles in the Daily Mail (07/09.2007) the Daily Telegraph (07/09/2007) (front page) and the South China Morning Post (08/09/2007). In addition, the research was reported on BBC Breakfast TV, BBC Radio 2 News and Sun FM Radio News (07/09/2007). On the same day, I also gave interviews broadcast by BBC TV News 24, Independent Radio News (ITN’s regional network), BBC Radio 4 News Briefing, BBC Radio 5 Live News and, most prominently, BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme. The publicity resulted in a large number of requests for the research paper; from, amongst others, academics, practitioners and both Houses of Parliament. OTHER SKILLS SERVICE German: good reading and speaking (postgraduate year in Hamburg, 1977-78). All standard Microsoft packages, especially Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Experienced user of statistical and econometrics packages: SPSS; Microfit; Limdep; STATA and JMulTi. Includes: Weekend and evening social events for overseas students. Occasional hosting of overseas students over Christmas. One-week Summer Schools on applied econometrics (on an expenses only basis) in Kosova (twice) and Macedonia. Representing Staffordshire University, as the need arises, on local and regional bodies (e.g., the Southern Staffordshire Partnership Research and Evaluation Group). Local, regional and national media interviews and articles. Invited participation in the North Staffordshire Regeneration Partnership project “Transforming North Staffordshire” (200708). Member of Southern Staffordshire Partnership’s “Expert Panel” (2008-09). Member of the North Staffordshire Regeneration Partnership’s “Ceramics Industry Development Group” (2009-2011). Member of Stoke City Council’s Export Promotion Group (2012). Page 12 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 Employment History Professor (Scale 11) Professor (Scale 10) Principal Lecturer Senior Lecturer Senior Lecturer Lecturer School Teacher Research Assistant Staffordshire University Staffordshire University Jan.21st 2013 to date Feb.2005 – Jan.2013 1995-2005 Staffordshire University 1993-95 Leeds Polytechnic 1991-93 Leeds Polytechnic William Ellis School, Inner London Education Authority 1989-91 Full-time education (teacher training) 1983-84 Staffordshire University North London Polytechnic Full-time education (BA and PhD) Voluntary work Community Service Volunteers Salary £ 65,453 1984-89 1979-83 1973-79 1971-73 Education M.Sc. – Distinction Economics Birkbeck College, University of London 1989 Postgraduate Certificate in Education – Distinction Professional qualification Institute of Education, University of London 1984 PhD Politics (Political Economy) University of Kent at Canterbury Thesis: Economic Theory & Political Thought in German Social Democracy 1983 BA [Hons] – 2:1 Politics University of Kent at Canterbury 1976 Page 13 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 Other achievements / peer recognition My most important external appointment: membership of the Advisory Committee to the Council of the Central Bank of Montenegro (from December 2011). Other examples of peer recognition are as follows. 1. External examining: 2012: PhD examiner at the University of the West of England (UWE) 2008 and 2012: PhD examiner at Deakin University, Australia. 2006 and 2008: PhD examiner at Westminster University. 2000, 2002 and 2004: PhD examiner at the Institute for German Studies, Birmingham University. 1996-2001: Senior External Examiner at Robert Gordon University (MSc International Trade Policy). 1999-2000: University of Westminster (Business Studies). 1995-99: University of Westminster (Economics and Quantitative Studies). 1993-96: responsible for both politics and economics on the BA/BSc Modular Programme in Social, Economic, and Political Studies at King Alfred's College of Higher Education, Winchester. 2. External assessor for award validation: BA in Business Administration: Middlesex University in partnership with the Institut Supérieur de Gestion, Paris (December 2013 in Paris) University of Westminster with Westminster International University of Tashkent: awards in economics and business (2003 in London and 2004 in Tashkent) Leeds Metropolitan University: Modular Undergraduate Programme in the Social Sciences (1997) London Guildhall University: BA Globalisation (1997) 3. External assessor for senior academic appointments: External referee for Readership/Associate Professorship applications: Robert Gordon University; Portsmouth University; the University of East London; and Bournemouth University. External member of professorial appointments panels: Glyndŵr University (2004); Bournemouth University (twice in 2009; once in 2013). 4. External reviewer for Glyndŵr University - internal quality audit of the Wrexham Business School (April 2002). 5. Reviewer for Macmillan; Oxford University Press; Birmingham University Press; Routledge; and McGraw-Hill (book proposals; in particular, on the economics of European integration, the German economy, and applied econometrics). 6. Birmingham University: Visiting Fellow of the Institute for German Studies (2000-04). Page 14 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 7. Reputation as a practitioner of meta analysis in social science: Member of an authorial collective of leading practitioners invited to publish protocols for the practice of meta-regression in economics: ‘Meta-Analysis of Economics Research Reporting Guidelines’, Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol.27(2), pp. 390–394, April 2013. Member of the Programme Committee of the International Colloquium on Meta-Analysis in Economics: 2008, Nancy (4th); 2013, Greenwich (9th). External reviewer for the UK Cochrane Centre: protocols for a systematic review (2010). 8. Referee for academic journals (current activity mainly for numbers 8-17). In 1. 2. 3. education policy: International Review of Economics Education (from 2005) Higher Education Quarterly (from 2006) Asia Pacific Education Review (from 2009) In economics (in particular, applied economics)and related disciplines: 4. Economic Issues (from 1997) 5. Current Politics and Economics of Europe (from 1998) 6. International Review of Applied Economics (from 2000) 7. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (from 2000) 8. Applied Economics (from 2007) 9. Applied Financial Economics (from 2007) 10. South East European Journal of Economics and Business (from 2008) 11. Journal of Economic Surveys (from 2008) 12. Comparative Economic Studies (from 2012) 13. International Journal of Manpower (from 2012) 14. American Journal of Political Science (from 2012) 15. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (from January 2014) 16. European Journal of Political Economy (from April 2014) 17. International Small Business Journal (from June 2014) 18. The International Trade Journal (from August 2014) 9. Czech National Bank: Reviewer for their Working Paper series (June 2014) 10. UK Government: Academic Advisor for the DTI’s “Evaluation of the Industry Forum Adaptation Initiative” (2003 – 2005) Academic Assessor for the Government Economic Service (from January 2002 to December 2010) 11. Keynote address: “Institutions and economic development: the need for evaluation ". For: Economic Development Perspectives of the SEE Region in the Global Recession Context (October 14th-15th 2010, Sarajevo). 12. Journal Editorial Board. Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, published by the Central Bank of Montenegro (from May 2012). Page 15 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 13. European Association for Contemporary European Studies (EACES) EACES PhD Award, 2014: Reviewer for the Award Committee 14. Keynote address: “Innovation policy support for SMEs in traditional manufacturing industries: some lessons from the EU?” Keynote address for the 2014 UACS 9th annual international conference on European integration: The Europe of Tomorrow: Creative, Digital, Integrated (May 15th 2014, Skopje). 15. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC): Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP) Member of the RRPP Expert Evaluation Panel (from May 2014) Personal / Other Interests Personal Date of Birth: 12.05.53; Married; No children Other interests Active member of St John’s Church, Wakefield (Anglican) Active member of Wakefield tennis club (the extreme lower edge of competitive tennis) History Modern American and UK crime novels Page 16 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 PUBLICATIONS and WORK IN PROGRESS PAPERS in REFEREED JOURNALS Since UK REF 2014 submission: 1. "Institutional Effects on Economic Performance in Transition: a Dynamic Panel Analysis”, Acta Oeconomica (forthcoming in 2015) (with Adnan Efendic). 2. "The Effectiveness of Non-Surgical Weight Management Interventions for Obesity in the UK: A Review and MetaRegression Analysis," Open Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol. 3 No. 3, 2014, pp. 235-249 (with J. Randall, M. Slater, A. Stewart, K. Lewis, C. Levy and P. Alessandri-Gray,). doi: 0.4236/ojmp.2014.33025. ‘School Expenditure and School Performance: Evidence from New South Wales schools using a dynamic panel analysis’, British Educational Research Journal (with Jean Mangan, Dragana Radicic and Vincent Blackburne). On-line version published 21-05-2014, DOI: 10.1002/berj.3146 3. 4. ‘Export Behaviour of SMEs in Transition Countries’, Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol.42(2):407–435 (February 2014) (with Iraj Hashi and Petrit Gashi): DOI 10.1007/s11187-013-9487-7 1st/2nd Main discipline; author SSCI impact factor; ABS and ERA/ABCD ranking * 4th 1st 2nd Economics. SSCI Impact Factor (2013): 0.083; ABCD – C; ERA - C Health (public policy) Education SSCI Impact Factor: 1.66 (2012) (1st ranked UK/European Education journal); ABS: 3 ERA: A* Entrepreneurship/ Economics SSCI: 1.641 (2013) ABS: 3 ERA & ABCD: A UK REF period: Jan.1st 2008-Dec.31st 2013 5. ‘Foreign Direct Investment and Output Growth Volatility: A Worldwide Analysis’, International Review of Economics and Finance. Vol.25 (2013) pp.260-271 (with Bruno Ćorić). Available online since 20-07-2011: DOI: 2nd Economics SSCI: 0.927 (2011); 0.855 (2012) ABS: Not listed. ABCD: A 6. ‘Does Exchange Rate Volatility Discourage International Trade? A Meta-Regression Analysis’, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development (with Mekbib Haile). Vol. 22(3) (April 2013) pp.321-350. DOI:10.1080/09638199.2011.565421. 2nd Economics SSCI: 0.309 ABS: Not listed. RePEc ranking: † 207/813 ABCD: B Page 17 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 7. Invited submission: protocols for the practice of metaregression in economics (member of an authorial collective of leading practitioners) 08/02/2016 NA Economics SSCI: 1.328 (2011); 0.986 (2012) ABS: 2 ERA: A ‘Meta-Analysis of Economics Research Reporting Guidelines’, Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol.27(2), pp. 390–394, April 2013 (with Tom Stanley et al.). 8. ‘Can Powerful Buyers “Exploit” SME Suppliers?’ Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. Vol.19, Issue 2 (May 2012) pp.322-334 (with David Tyrrall and John Wyld). 2nd SMEs and Enterprise ABS: 2 ERA & ABCD: C 9. ‘Institutions and Economic Performance: A Meta-Regression Analysis’, the European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 27, No.3 (September 2011) pp.586-599 (with Adnan Effendic and Nick Adnett). 2nd 10. ‘Confidence in Formal Institutions and Reliance on Informal Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina: an Empirical Investigation Using Survey Data’, The Economics of Transition, Vol. 19, Issue 3 (2011), pp. 521-540, 2011 (with Adnan Efendic and Nick Adnett). 2nd Economics SSCI: 1.437 (2011); 1.132 (2012) ABS: 2 ERA & ABCD: A RePEc: 90/813† Economics SSCI: 0.782 (2012) ABS: 1. ERA & ABCD: A RePEc: 116/813 † 11. ‘Constraints on Exchange Rate Flexibility in Transition Economies: a Meta-Regression Analysis of Exchange Rate Pass-Through’, Applied Economics, Vol.43 (27) (2011) pp.4111-4125 (with Igor Velickovsky). 2nd Economics SSCI: 0.404 ABS: 2 ERA & ABCD: A RePEc: 78/813† 12. Award: “Commended” paper: 1st Education SSCI Impact Factor: 1.14 (2011); 1.66 (2012) (1st ranked UK/European Education journal); ABS: 3 ERA: A* 2nd Regional Science / Business / Public Policy SSCI: 1.161 ABS: 3 ERA: A ‘Do increased resources increase educational attainment during a period of rising expenditure? Evidence from English secondary schools using a dynamic panel analysis’, British Educational Research Journal, Volume 37, Issue 1, (2011), pp.163-189 (with Jean Mangan and John Gray). 13. “Commended” at the 2012 Conference of the British Educational Research Association. (Each year, in the “Best Paper” awards, one research paper is selected as the “Best paper” and two more are “Commended”). ‘Evaluating the impact of progressive beer duty on small breweries: a case study of tax breaks to promote SMEs’, Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy, Vol.28 (2) (2010) pp.225-40 (with John Wyld and David Tyrrall). Page 18 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 14. ‘Technological change and employer-provided training: evidence from UK workplaces’, International Journal of Manpower, Vol.31, No.4 (July 2010), pp.426-448 (with Ardiana Gashi and Nick Adnett). 2nd Business (HRM, management and labour economics) SSCI: 0.472 (2012) ABS: 2 ABCD: A 15. ‘The effects of exchange rate variability on international trade: a Meta-Regression Analysis’, Applied Economics, Vol.42 (20) (2010), pp.263-2644 (with Bruno Ćorić). 2nd Economics SSCI: 0.404 ABS: 2 ERA & ABCD: A RePEc: 78/813† 16. ‘Evaluating the effects of the M6 Toll Road on industrial land development and employment’, Regional Studies, Vol.42, No.7, pp.977-90 (August 2008) (with John Fairburn). 1st Regional Science (12th ranked in the top 35 geography journals) SSCI Impact Factor: 1.465 (2012) ABS: 3 ERA & ABCD: A* RePEc: 104/813† 17. ‘Faith schools, social capital and academic attainment: evidence from TIMSS-R mathematics scores in Flemish secondary schools’, British Educational Research Journal, Vol.34, No.2 (April 2008), pp.235-67 (with Shqiponje Telhaj). 1st Education SSCI: 1.14 (2011) 1.66 (2012) (1st ranked UK/European Education journal; ABS: 3 ERA: A* Previous UK research assessment periods (2007 and earlier): 18. ‘Institutions and economic performance: an overview of empirical research with the main focus on transition economies’, South East European Journal of Economics and Business, Vol.2, No.1, pp.25-30 (April 2007) (with Adnan Efendic). 19. ‘Should we have faith in not-for-profit providers of schooling?’, Journal of Education Policy, Vol.21, No.1, pp.19-33 (with Nick Adnett and Peter Davies) (Jan. 2006). 20. ‘Changes in Examination Performance in English Secondary Schools over the Course of a Decade’, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Vol.16, No.1 (March 2005) pp.29-50 (with Jean Mangan and John Gray). 21. ‘Performance Indicators and Widening Participation in UK Higher Education’, Higher Education Quarterly, Vol.59, No.1 (Jan. 2005) pp.19-39 (with Nick Adnett and Gwen Coates). 22. ‘The provision and accessibility of small business Web sites: a survey of independent UK breweries’, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol.11, No. 3 (2004) (E-commerce Special Edition) pp.302-314 (with Jackie Fry, David Tyrrall and John Wyld). 23. ‘What’s in a trend? A comment on Gray, Goldstein and Thomas (2001)’, British Educational Research Journal, Vol.29, No.1 (2003) pp.77-82 (with Jean Mangan). Page 19 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 24. ‘Introduction: Skilling and the role of the firm’, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 24, No.1 (Jan.-March 2003) pp.7-10 (with Thomas Lange, Gwen Coates and Melissa Spore). 25. ‘Will the single currency promote intra-European trade?’, European Business Journal, Vol.14, No.3 (September 2002) pp.150-57 (with David Tyrrall). 26. ‘Will progressive beer duty really help UK small breweries? A case study in profit appropriation’, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol.8, No.4 (Winter 2001) pp.311-338 (with David Tyrrall and John Wyld). 27. ‘Reforms in the new German labour market: a case for institutional corporatism’, International Journal of Manpower, Vol.22, No.6 (Sept.-Oct. 2001) pp.494-507 (with Thomas Lange and Lothar Funk). 28. ‘Consensus in the German labour market: Economic consequences and the implications for reform’, International Journal of Manpower, Vol.22, No.6 (Sept.-Oct. 2001) pp.526-543 (with David Tyrrall). 29. ‘Culture, productivity and competitive advantage: the role of consensus in sustaining innovation’, Economic Issues (Dec.2000) – Special Issue on Economics and Business Strategy - pp.5-25 (with David Tyrrall). 30. ‘An Experimental Test of Trade Hysteresis: market exit and entry decisions in the presence of sunk costs and exchange rate uncertainty’, Applied Economics, Vol.31, No.4 (April 1999) pp.427-36 (with David Ansic). 31. ‘Financial Markets, the Maastricht Convergence Criteria and the “Depoliticising” of Fiscal Policy’, Current Economics and Politics of Europe, Vol.8, No.2 (Winter 1998) pp.207-24. 32. ‘Monetary Cooperation in Europe and the problem of differential productivity growth’, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol.12, No.3 (Sept.1998) pp.445-57 (with Bob Beachill). 33. ‘Wage Policy and Transition in Eastern Germany’, The International Journal of Manpower, Vol.19, Nos. 1&2 (April 1998) pp.95-114 (with Thomas Lange). 34. ‘The Profit Elasticity of investment in West Germany and the investment diversion effects of unification’, Applied Economics Letters, Vol.5 (February 1998) pp.97-99. 35. ‘Reaping the Bundesbank’s Whirlwind in Germany’, New Political Economy, Volume 2, No.3 (November, 1997) pp.496-502 (with Charlie Jeffery). 36. ‘High-tech investment and learning-by-doing: an alternative training strategy’, Education and Training, Vol.39, Nos.8-9 (November, 1997) pp.316-21 (with Thomas Lange). Page 20 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 37. ‘Die Ökonomischen Konzequenzen der deutschen Wiedervereinigung für die Europäische Gemeinschaft’, Berichte, Forschungsinstitut der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (Sept.1994), pp.53-66 (Translation: ‘The Economic Consequences of German Reunification for the European Community’, Reports of the Research Institute of the International Scientific Union for World Economics and Politics, Berlin). 38. 'Problems of Economic Transformation in Eastern Germany', The British Review of Economic Issues, Vol.15, No.37 (October 1993) pp.121-44. (The BREI was subsequently renamed Economic Issues.) * According to The Association of Business Schools (ABS) Academic Journal Quality Guide (Version 4, last updated 17 November 2010 - see For the rankings:,242,1 Journals are ranked 4 (highest), 3, 2 or 1 (roughly corresponding to the REA/REF assessment grades) ERA: Australian Research Council (ARC): Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Outlet Ranking (2010); journals are ranked A*; A; B; C If no ERA rating, then ABCD: Australian Business Deans Council Journal Rating List (2013). For the rankings: (The proportion of the total 2671 ABCD journals in each category is as follows: A*: 6.9%; A: 20.8%; B: 28.4%; and C: 43.9% journals † Citations in Economics provides citation analysis for documents distributed on the RePEc digital library. CitEc has narrower criteria for citation matches, thus having fewer errors than Google Scholar. Also, the coverage of CitEc is narrower than Google Scholar's. Version updated November 1st 2010. Research Reports: published by national governments Department for Children, Schools and Families: London, UK Pugh, G., Mangan J. and Gray, J. (2008) Resources and Attainment at Key Stage 4: Estimates from a Dynamic Methodology. Publication Code: DCSF-RR056. Published 3010-2008. * New Zealand Ministry of Education, Research Division: Wellington, New Zealand Rentoul J., Rosanowski J., Demster N., Fisher D., Hosking N., Hunter R., Pugh, G. and Walford G. (2000) New Zealand Ministry of Education Strategic Research Initiative. Literature Review 4. The Effects of School Governance, Ownership, Organisation and Management on Educational Outcomes. ISBN 0-477-05181-2 * Available from the DCSF Research Website: Page 21 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 GUEST EDITORSHIPS of JOURNALS 1. Guest editorship of an international journal (SSCI listed): International Journal of Manpower: Special issue on ‘Skilling and the role of the firm’, Vol. 24, No.1 (Jan.-March 2003) (with Thomas Lange, Gwen Coates and Melissa Spore). 2. Guest editorship of an international journal (SSCI listed): International Journal of Manpower: Special issue on ‘Reform of the new German labour market’, Vol.22, No.6 (Sept.-Oct. 2001) (with Thomas Lange and Lothar Funk). BOOKS 1. Monograph: The Economics of German Unification (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1998); with Thomas Lange. 2. Textbook: Public Policy and the Financial Environment (London: BPP, 1992); with Bob Beachill and Bob Leach; 2nd Edition, 1993. 3. Sources in Modern European History (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1987); with Dr. Chris Cook. PAPERS in EDITED COLLECTIONS 1. ‘An Introduction to Meta-Regression Analysis (MRA): Using the Example of the Trade Effects of Exchange Rate Variability’, in Guido Erreygers and Mieke Vermeire (eds), Macroeconomics and Beyond: Essays in honour of Wim Meeusen (Antwerp-Apeldoorn: Garant, 2011) (with Bruno Ćorić and Mekbib Haile). 2. ‘The German Economic Model: Consensus, Stability, Productivity and the Implications for Reform’, in Ben Clift and Jonathan Perraton (eds), Where are National Capitalisms Now? (Basingstoke: MacMillan, 2004) (with Clare Annesley and David Tyrrall). 3. ‘Institutional Perspectives on Reforming the New German Labour Market’, in Lothar Funk and Simon Green (eds), New Aspects of Labour Market Policy (Berlin: Verlag für Wissenschaft und Forschung, 2002) (with Lothar Funk and Thomas Lange). 4. ‘The DM' s Undervaluation and West Germany's Economic Performance', in Jens Hölscher (ed.), Fifty Years Deutsche Mark (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2001) (with Jens Hölscher and Eric Owen-Smith) – Festschrift for Stephen Frowen. 5. ‘The Pottery Industry: Exploding the Myths and Charting the Way’, in Ian Jackson, Suzanne Leech, Michael O’Keefe, Les Trustrum (eds), Ceramic Ambitions and Strategic Directions (Stoke-on-Trent: Staffordshire University Business School, 2000) (with Hugh Padley). 6. ‘Exchange rate variability, international trade and the single currency debate: a survey’, in Wim Meeusen (ed.), Current Issues in European Economic Policy (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1999). Page 22 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 7. ‘Catching up with the West: the achievements and limitations of creative destruction’, in Jens Hölscher and Anja Hochberg (eds), East Germany’s Economic Development Since Unification: Domestic and Global Aspects (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998). 8. ‘Uneven productivity growth, monetary integration and unemployment in Europe’, in Thomas Lange (ed.), Unemployment in Theory and Practice (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1998). 9. ‘Economic Reform in Germany: 1948 and 1990’, in Len Shackleton and Thomas Lange (eds), Germany: An Economy in Transition (Oxford: Berg, 1998). ‘Financial Systems and Industrial Performance’, in Len Shackleton and Thomas Lange (eds), Germany: An Economy in Transition (Oxford: Berg, 1998). 10. 11. ‘The Treuhand: a positive account’, in Len Shackleton and Thomas Lange (eds), Germany: An Economy in Transition (Oxford: Berg, 1998) (with Thomas Lange). 12. ‘The Investment Diversion Effects of German Unification’, in Jens Hölscher and Steven Frowen (eds), The German Currency Union of 1990: A Critical Assessment (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997). PAPERS in PROFESSIONAL or MASS-CIRCULATION JOURNALS 1. ‘European trade and the single currency’, Financial Management (April 2003) (with David Tyrrall). 2. ‘The Pottery Industry: Exploding the Myths’, Staffordshire Life (January 2000) (with Hugh Padley). 3. 'German Unification and the EC', Economia, Vol.3, Part 2 (Winter 1993) pp.38-45. 4. 'Monetary Consequences of German Unification: Why Germany has high interest rates', Economics and Business Education, Vol.1, Part 1, No.3 (Autumn 1993) pp.116-123 (with David Carr). 5. 'Making Links Between Economics and Mathematics at A-Level', Economics (March, 1991) pp.25-27. Page 23 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 CONTRACT RESEARCH REPORTS (selected) 1. The Cost Effectiveness of Agency Social Workers: a comparison of the costs of agency social workers supplied by Social Work Choices and of permanent staff employed by Local Authority Social Services Departments INDEX Voucher project for Social Work Choices Methodology for evaluating the relative costs of employing private-sector agency staff and public-sector staff with permanent contracts Selected as an example of best practice by the Advantage West Midlands’ Innovation Voucher programme (with John Wyld) 2. An assessment of the carbon footprint of the M6 Toll Motorway in the UK (November 2008) Report for Midland Expressway Ltd (owner and operator of the M6 Toll) (with John Fairburn). 3. Setting tuition fees at Staffordshire University from September 2007: a framework of principles for guiding policy Report for Staffordshire University’s Recruitment management Team; including a questionnaire framework for use by faculty and award managers in setting fees (2007). 4. Identifying high-tech SMEs in Staffordshire Objective 2 areas eligible for internationalisation assistance (2006). Project for Stafford Chamber Services. Methodology and database. 5. The economic impact of the M6 Toll on southern Staffordshire. Report commissioned by the South Staffordshire Partnership (a consortium of local authorities in Southern Staffordshire, the Government Office for the West Midlands, and Midland Expressway, the operator of the M6 Toll) (2005-06). 6. The regeneration effects of “fair wages”: The economic benefits to Stoke-on-Trent of closing the gap between private and public sector pay for residential care work Report for UNISON (with Ian Jackson) (2005). 7. Evaluation work for the Ceramic Industry Forum (CIF) (with Ian Jackson). Report on various industry-support programmes (2004). 8. September 2003: The Ceramic Supply Sector: Its Identity, Capabilities, Threats, Opportunities and Support Needs EU funded project (SRB6) for Stoke Works (with Ian Jackson, Bill Murray and CERAM). 9. March 2003: Pilot implementation of performance indicators for the Ceramic Industry Forum (CIF) Evaluation of selected CIF projects (with Ian Jackson and Bill Murray). 10. October 2002: Performance indicators for the Ceramic Industry Forum (CIF) (funded by the DTI) Design of performance indicators to evaluate the impact of CIF interventions on its SMC clients (with Ian Jackson and Bill Murray). Page 24 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 11. October 2002: Village appraisal for Checkley Parish Council (funded by the Countryside Commission’s “Vital Villages” programme) Design and analysis of a questionnaire survey of Parish residents (with Charlotte Raynor). 12. July 2001: Widening Participation: Performance Indicators and Benchmarks at School Level Report for Staffordshire University’s Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning Committee (with Nick Adnett and Gwen Coates). Included results for each School together with a methodology for future implementation by Central Information Services. 13. Research commissioned by HM Treasury (with Bob Beachill): completed in two parts with an Executive Summary for policy makers and advisers (May 2000). 1) ‘Exchange rates and productivity: is there a sterling silver lining effect?’ An econometric study of the macroeconomic evidence 2) ‘The impact of exchange rate swings on productivity growth’: Theoretical and empirical study of the effect of exchange rate movements on industrial efficiency at firm level Presented at an internal HM Treasury seminar (Sept.2000); published for initial dissemination as Staffordshire University Division of Economics Working Papers (July 2001). 14. February 2000: International Benchmarking Project: Schools, Scotland: Report commissioned by the DfEE; Centre for Economics and Business Education, Staffordshire University (Mimeo) (with Nick Adnett and Peter Davies). 15. December 1999: A progressive system of excise duty for small brewers: Report commissioned by the Campaign for Real Ale (with David Tyrrall and John Wyld). Page 25 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 CONFERENCE PAPERS (Selected) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Invited presentation of research findings and policy recommendations from GPrix, an EU FP7 project: ‘Innovation support for traditional sector manufacturing SMEs’. Conference of the West Midlands Economic Forum. Sustaining Competitiveness: The West Midlands Economy in a Global Context (July 2012). Invited presentation of preliminary findings from the GPrix survey of European SMEs in traditional manufacturing industry Making Progress and Economic Enhancement a Reality for SMEs: New Approaches Towards RTDI Programmes, EU Committee of the Regions, Brussels (October 6th, 2011); available at: ‘The Financial Accelerator, Globalization and Output Growth Volatility’ (with Bruno Ćorić). INFINITI Conference on International Finance, Trinity College Dublin (8-9 June 2009) ‘Can tax breaks promote SMEs? Some theory and a case study of the impact of progressive beer duty on small breweries’. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference, Belfast (October 2008) (with John Wyld and David Tyrrall). ‘Examination Performance, Specialist Status and School Expenditure in English Secondary Schools: a dynamic panel analysis’. Contribution (one of three papers) to a symposium on Specialisation between and within schools: where are the benefits? For the Annual Conference of the British Education Research Association, Sept.2007. Full (refereed) paper: ‘Achieving High Performance in English County Councils’. British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Sept. 2007 (Public management and Governance stream) (with Jane Kennedy and David Douglas). Conference paper: ‘Faith schools, social capital and academic attainment’ 5th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Religion, Economy and Culture (affiliated to the US Society for the Scientific Study of Religion), Portland, Oregon; Oct. 2006. ‘Not-For-Profit Providers of Schooling: Dominant in the Past – and Future?’ (with Nick Adnett and Peter Davies) Presented at the London Institute of Education, May 2004 (ESRC Supported Seminar series). Conference paper: ‘Attainment effects of school enmeshment with external communities’ European Conference on Educational Research: Economics of Education Section Hamburg; Sept.2003. Conference paper: ‘Evaluating the Ceramic Industry Forum’ Evidence-Based Policies and Indicator Systems Conference, July 2003. Working Paper: ‘International HRM, innovation and productivity: the role of culture and consensus’ British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Sept. 2002 (Organisational Behaviour stream) (with Beverley Metcalf and David Tyrrall). Full (refereed) paper: ‘Will the single currency promote intra-European trade?’ British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Sept. 2002 (Strategic Management stream) (with David Tyrrall); published in Conference Proceedings. Refereed Paper: ‘Performance Indicators, Value-Added and Widening Participation in HE’ British Educational Research Association (Sept. 2001) (with Gwen Coates and Nick Adnett). Refereed Paper: ‘The Internet presence of small UK breweries: accessibility or invisibility?’ (with Jackie Fry and David Tyrrall (Open University Business School) and John Wyld (Staffordshire University) International Academy of Business 28th Annual Conference (April 2001); published in Conference Proceedings. Page 26 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 08/02/2016 Refereed Paper: ‘Monopsony power in the brewing industry: buyer power, tax reform and small business survival’, with David Tyrrall (Open University Business School) and John Wyld British Academy of Management (BAM) Annual Conference (Sept. 2000); published in Conference Proceedings. Refereed Paper: ‘Culture, productivity and competitive advantage: the role of consensus in sustaining innovation’, with David Tyrrall (Open University Business School) International Academy of Business 27th Annual Conference (April 2000); published in Conference Proceedings. Refereed Paper: ‘What ails small brewers? Buyer power, tax reform and small business survival’, with David Tyrrall (Open University Business School) and John Wyld Small Business and Enterprise Development Conference, April 2000; published in Conference Proceedings. Invited Paper: ‘Institutional sources of productivity advantage in German industry: implications for German business practice and reform of the social market’ Political Economy Research Centre, Sheffield University – Conference: Where are National Capitalisms Now? (July 1999). ‘Cultural and institutional sources of productivity advantage in German industry: insights from Xefficiency theory and recent developments in corporate strategy’ University of Westminster / Economic Issues – Conference: Economics and Business Strategy (June 1999). Invited Paper: ‘Exchange rate variability, international trade and the single currency debate’ Prague University of Economics – Conference: The European Monetary Union and Beyond (June 1999). ‘Exchange rate variability, international trade and monetary cooperation in Europe’ ESRC International Economics Study Group (Feb. 1998). ‘Inflexible Labour Markets and Uneven Productivity Growth’ International Labour Markets Conference (June 1996). Refereed Paper: ‘Monetary Cooperation in Europe and the Problem of Differential Productivity Growth’ Royal Economic Society Conference (April, 1996). Refereed Paper: ‘Monetary Cooperation in Europe and the Problem of Differential Productivity Growth’ Applied Econometrics Association: 46th Annual Conference - on Exchange Rate Determination; published in Conference Proceedings (AEA, March 1995). Refereed Paper: ‘The Investment Diversion Effects of German Unification’ Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, Conference on The German Currency Union of 1990 (March 1995). ‘The Economic Consequences of German Unification for the EC’ Conference on Europe in the 1990's, Staffordshire University (July, 1993). ‘Problems of Economic Transformation in Eastern Germany’ Conference on Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe, Staffordshire University (Feb.93). ‘German Unification and Problems of Monetary Integration in the EC’, Conference on European Integration, The University of North London (Nov. 1992). ‘Restructuring for the Market: problems and opportunities’ Yorkshire and Humberside Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Conference on Eastern European Trade (Dec. 1990). ‘Exchange Rate Instability and International Trade’ Association of Polytechnic Teachers of Economics Conference (APTE) (April 1990). Page 27 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 KEYNOTE and INVITED LECTURES, etc. (Selected) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Innovation policy support for SMEs in traditional manufacturing industries: some lessons from the EU? Keynote address for the 2014 UACS 9th annual international conference on European integration: The Europe of Tomorrow: Creative, Digital, Integrated (May 15th 2014, Skopje). Staffordshire Manufacturing 2020 – Future Trends Keynote speaker at the Staffordshire Manufacturers’ Forum (April 4th 2014) Conference (sponsored by the European Regional Development Fund) The impact of innovation support programmes on SME innovation in traditional manufacturing industries: an evaluation for seven EU regions (October 3rd 2013) Invited Seminar, UNI-MERIT, University of Maastricht and United Nations University Economic Development Perspectives of the SEE Region in the Global Recession Context (October 14th-15th 2010, Sarajevo). Keynote address: “Institutions and economic development: the need for evaluation". National Government: The Highways Agency Carbon Accounting Forum (November 2008) ‘Carbon Footprinting the M6 Toll Road’ (with John Fairburn); presenting the recently published report An assessment of the carbon footprint of the M6 Toll Motorway in the UK 4th International Colloquium on Meta-Analysis in Economics - to present a ‘Meta-Regression Analysis Of The Impact Of Institutions On Macroeconomic Performance’ (paper with Adnan Effendic and Nick Adnett). Nancy, France (funded by Nancy University) (October 2008) 3rd International Colloquium on Meta-Analysis in Economics - to present ‘Meta regression analysis of the effects of exchange rate variability on international trade’. Sønderborg, Denmark (funded by Aarhus University) (September 2007). Common Purpose Leadership Development Programme (June 2006) Introduced and led seminar on “Global markets and local business” Regional Government: North Staffordshire Local Strategic Partnership (December 2005) - presentation of a consultancy report The regeneration effects of “fair wages”. National Government: Department for Transport (November 2005) - research seminar. The wider economic implications of the M6 Toll: methodology and findings. Discussant: invited discussant’s contribution to the DAAD/Anglo-German Foundation Conference on “Germany’s Economic Performance: from Unification to Euroisation” (April 2005). National Government: HM Treasury: presentation to the European Monetary Union team (responsible for HMT’s “Single Currency Review”) ‘The trade effects of exchange rate variability’; research contribution to HMT’s review of the conditions for UK participation in the single currency (November 2002). Presentation to the Board of the Ceramics Industry Forum (including a DTI representative) ‘Performance indicators for the Ceramics Industry Forum’ (October 2002). Research Seminar presentation: Institute for German Studies (October 2000) ‘The German Model: the economic consequences of consensus and the implications for reform’. National Government: HM Treasury: presentation of commissioned research to economists and policy advisors (Sept. 2000) ‘Economic consequences of the “strong pound”: exchange rate swings and productivity in the UK traded goods sector’. Presentation: Ceramics Industry Competitiveness: Exploding the Myths CERAM Research workshop for members and clients (Feb. 2000). Presentation: Progressive Beer Duty – presentation of research findings Campaign for Real Ale Industry Committee (meeting attended by John Grogan MP of the Parliamentary Beer Group) (Jan. 2000). Keynote Lecture: German Unification and the future of German “corporatism” Annual Meeting for DAAD Lektoren in the UK and Ireland (Dec. 1997). Page 28 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 19. 08/02/2016 Discussant: invited discussant’s contribution to a policy workshop on exchange rate parities and the European Monetary System Government Economic Service Conference: Keble College, Oxford (July 1996). Page 29 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 CURRENT RESEARCH AGENDA From the platform of current projects and postgraduate research funding, I am developing applied research in three areas: 1. educational policy, in particular policy and programme evaluation; 2. institutional influences on economic performance at both micro and macro levels, in particular in the context of transitional economies; and 3. SME innovation and diversification in traditional manufacturing industries, including the evaluation of innovation support programmes. My contribution includes both primary econometric studies and meta-regression analysis. The first and second of these areas continue, respectively, a 10-year research agenda and 15 years of PhD supervision (see pp.3-4 above). The third reflects more recent interests developed by way of leading the survey and econometric analysis in a European Union Framework 7: Good Practices in Innovation Support Measures for SMEs: facilitating transition from the traditional to the knowledge economy (GPrix, completed in February 2012). Publication strategy is proceeding by means of mentoring within the Centre for Applied Business Research at Staffordshire University, of which I am Director (see p.5 above) as well as through collaboration with former GPrix partners, Hugo Hollanders and René Wintjes (Senior Researchers at the MERIT Institute, United Nations University – University of Maastricht) and Dr Dragana Radicic, former Research Fellow on the GPrix project. Under submission 1. 2. ‘Additionality effects of public support programmes on cooperation for innovation: evidence from European manufacturing SMEs’ (with Dragana Radicic and David Douglas ) Under submission to Technovation Ethnic tolerance and economic performance in a post conflict environment: Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina (with Adnan Efendic) Under submission to The Economics of Transition From a project commissioned by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP) Pipelined for journal submission 3. 4. 5. 6. Radicic, D., Pugh, G., Hollanders, H. and Wintjes, R. (2014). The Impact of Innovation Support Programmes on SME Innovation in Traditional Manufacturing Industries: An Evaluation for Seven EU Regions (May 18, 2014). UNU-MERIT Working Paper No. 2014033. Available at SSRN: Target journal: Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy The effectiveness of public R&D subsidies: a meta-regression analysis of the empirical literature (with Chris Dimos) Target journal: Research Policy Newham Reading Guarantee: Programme evaluation, 2012-14 (with Dragana Radicic and Jane Kennedy) Target journal: British Educational Research Journal From a longitudinal evaluation commissioned by the London Borough of Newham Kosovo – EU Trade Relations: A Dynamic Poisson Approach Target journal: to be determined From a project commissioned by the Open Society Foundation Page 30 of 31 Curriculum Vitae: G.T.Pugh 08/02/2016 References may be obtained from: Professor Thomas Lange, Ph.D. FRSA CAHRI, Professor in Economics, Middlesex University Business School, Middlesex University, Hendon Campus, The Burroughs, London NW4 4BT. e-mail: Professor Lange was formerly Dean of the Business school at Bournemouth University, and so is well acquainted with higher education in the UK. Professor Len Shackleton, University of Buckingham, Buckingham MK18 1EG, UK. e-mail: Professor Shackleton was previously Dean of the Royal Docks Business School at the University of East London and prior to that was Dean of the Westminster Business School at Westminster University. Professor Nick Adnett, Faculty Head of Research, Staffordshire University Business School, Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2DF UK. e-mail: Practitioner referee Professor Stuart Gulliver, 33 Birch View, Bearsden, Glasgow G61 2BT. Professor Gulliver is a former Chief Executive of the Scottish Development Agency and is currently an Emeritus Professor at the University of Glasgow. e-mail: Page 31 of 31