Kompletterande information om kurslitteratur Ekologisk ekonomi

Kompletterande information om kurslitteratur
Ekologisk ekonomi
Additional information will be given at the introduction meeting on May, 3.
Daly, H. Farley, J. 2004. Ecological economics: principles and applications. Washington,
D.C.: Island Press, cop. Available
Larsson, M. Bratt, L. Sandahl, J. 2010. Ekonomi för hållbar utveckling – ekonomins svar på
globala överlevnadsfrågor. Studentlitteratur. In press. Still in press. A copy of this book will
be distributed in the first days of the course (around 100 SEK).
Elektroniska källor
Andrén, S. 2005. Hållbar tillväxt - möjlighet eller motsägelse? En granskning av aktörer och
strategier inom EU och Lissabonprocessen. Report no 2005:1 at the Unit for Ecological
Economics, School of Business, Mälardalen University. This report is available on internet
and will also be distributed by the author.
Dietz, T. Ostrom, E. Stern, P. 2003. “The struggle to govern the commons”. Science, Vol 302,
Nr 5652, pp: 1907-1912. Available through www.lub.lu.se
Hermele, K. 2009. “Greening the Human Development Index”. In: International Trade and
Environmental Justice. A. Hornborg and A.K. Jorgensen (Eds). Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Available at the course website.
Hermele, K. 2009. The use and misuse of reductionist measures of the nature-economy
interface. Paper presented to the fifth biannual conference ‘Science and Policy for a
Sustainable Future’, US Society for Ecological Economics, Washington DC, 2009.
Available at the course website.
Hornborg, A. 2007. “Learning from the Tiv: why a sustainable economy would have to be
'Multicentric'”. Culture & Agriculture, Vol. 29, Issue 2, pp. 63-69, by the American
Anthropological Association. Available through www.lub.lu.se
Söderbaum, P. 2008. “Actors, agendas, arenas and institutional change processes: A social
science approach to sustainability”. The Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 2008, Vol.
19, pp. 127-151.
Söderbaum, P. 2008. “Only pluralism in economics research and education is compatible with
a democratic society”. International Journal Green Economics, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp: 45-64.
Additional sources
Additional sources to some lectures and seminars will be announced and available at the
course webpage (LUVIT).