Introduction to the New Senior Secondary Elective Subjects in the Personal, Social and Humanities Education Key Learning Area DVD - Economics Am I interested in Economics? 財政預算案:政府的長遠財政計劃 在財政預算案(Budget)發表前,財政司司長 曾俊華已在其網誌發表多篇文章,預告政府為 免出現入不敷支的情況,將要減少「派糖」。 上月26日,2014至15年度財政預算案正式公布 ,一如所料,當中有不少篇幅敍述了政府財政 的危機,並提出了一些解決方法。 Econschool 10/3/14 人幣貶值救出口? 人民幣,彷彿只與「升值」扯上關係,不過近日其滙價卻 大幅下跌。本月10日,人民銀行(中國的中央銀行)下 調 人 民 幣 兌 美 元 中 間 價 111 個 點 子 , 同 日 報 1 美 元 兌 6.1312元人民幣,為19個月來最大單日跌幅。究竟人民 銀行為何讓人民幣貶值(Devaluation)? Econschool 17/3/14 事與願違的日本經濟 雖然日本仍是亞洲經濟強國,但由於一直缺 乏經濟增長動力,實力已大不如前。至現任 首相安倍晉三上場後,日本政府推出多項刺 激經濟政策,曾令當地出現經濟復甦的曙光, 但去年第四季經濟數據顯示,日本經濟增長 卻遠遜於預期。Econschool 3/3/14 為何facebook收購 WhatsApp? 社交網絡facebook(fb)以190億美元(約1,482 億港元)收購即時通訊程式WhatsApp,金額之高 被傳媒指為「天價收購」。為何fb不惜以巨額收 購WhatsApp? Econschool 3/3/14 水務署擬加水費 早前,港府檢視了1,300多個政府服務項目的收費 ,當中有200多項將會調高收費。財政司司長曾俊 華在上月底公布財政預算案時表示計劃加水費,是 影響最多市民的一項收費調整項目之一。究竟加水 費的原因何在?對市民又有何影響? Econschool 17/3/2014 Constrained Maximization – cost & benefit analysis Producers government Rational decisions Consumers theory Critical thinking application Problem solving Economics Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 4-6) Compulsory Parts: • Basic Economic Concepts • Firm and Production • Market and Price • Competition and market structure • Efficiency, Equity and the Role of Government • Measurement of Economic Performance • National income determination and Price level • Money and Banking • Macro-economic Problems and Policies • International trade and Finance Elective : Anti-competitive behaviours and competition policy Am I capable to study Economics? You will develop skills to (a) interpret and present information in verbal, numerical or graphical forms. You will develop skills to (b) apply economic knowledge to a variety of problems and issues in a range of economic contexts; (c) analyse information through the use of economic concepts and theories; (d) evaluate information, arguments, proposals and policies from different economic perspectives and make informed judgements; and (e) communicate economic ideas and informed judgements, in a clear, logical and appropriate form. Is Economics a right choice for me? If You want to develop values and attitudes so that you may: (a) participate as informed persons in the discussion of economic issues and decision making; and (b) become active and responsible citizens and contribute to the well-being of the local community, the nation and the world. Economics For enquiries, contact • Ms. Grace AuYeung • Ms. Nikki Pun • Ms. Irene Law