ASSIGNMENT 1 Task 1: Tenses Analyse the PAST PERFECT

Task 1: Tenses
Analyse the PAST PERFECT SIMPLE. Use the Language Analysis Sheet
Context: Going on holiday.
Target sentence: When she arrived at the airport, they’d cancelled the flight.
use the language focus sheet (you can find this on the computers, or paper
copies are available)
see the EXAMPLE given out on Day 3 (going to).
Don’t forget to include a timeline and two or three concept questions!
Task 2: Functions
1. ‘Let’s go for a walk’ is a suggestion. Suggestion (or advice) is the function being
expressed here.
Imagine you are teaching ways of making suggestions to a class of Intermediate
learners. Here are two other ways of making the same suggestion.
a) How about going for a walk?
b) We could go for a walk.
2. For each of the above, describe briefly when we would use each one, and to whom.
Think about different degrees of formality.
3. Identify any grammatical and pronunciation features of the introductory phrases of
the suggestions (the exponents) which might cause difficulty for ss.
Use: Let’s.... could be used by one friend to another, or between people of similar
status who know each other well, in a situation where there are no complications
regarding putting the suggestion into action. It’s informal.
Grammar: In a suggestion, let is always followed by us and contracted to ‘s. Let’s is
always followed by the bare infinitive (no ‘to’).
Pronunciation: The stress would be on let’s and walk. The consonant cluster /ts/
followed by another consonant /g/ could cause problems: ss may say /letɪs/; students
from East Asian countries will have problems with the initial /l/. The diphthong
/əυ/causes problems for many ss: they may produce something between /ɔ: / and
Intonation starts high and falls on the final syllable:
Let’s go for a walk
Task 3: Vocabulary & Pronunciation
Imagine you are going to teach the three lexical items on the vocabulary
analysis sheet to an Intermediate level group.
First study the example already filled in on the vocab analysis sheet..
Then, fill in the sheet to analyse the meaning/use, pronunciation, including stress
patterns and the form of each of the other 3 items.
Illustrate pronunciation using phonemics, mark stress and comment on possible
pronunciation problems. It’s fine to handwrite the phonemics.
Write 2 or 3 ways to check understanding e.g concept questions
Finally, acknowledge any references you have used in this assignment.