January 2014 - St. Wenceslaus Parish

The St. Wenceslaus Altar & Rosary Society met for their regular meeting on January 15, 2014, at 8:00
p.m. at the Beseda Hall. President Eileen Sestak called the meeting to order. President Eileen led the
opening prayer. She welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming and asked if any guests were
present. There were none. She thanked Circle 4 for serving the lunch. President Eileen reminded
everyone of the annual dues and stated the treasurer will be available after the meeting to collect your
The minutes of the December 4, 2013, meeting were read by Vice-President Geralyn Hellmann due to
the absence of Secretary Karla Kortan. President Eileen asked if any corrections. There were none.
Rita Varilek made a motion to approve the minutes, Marilyn Sestak seconded the motion. Motion
The Treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Renee Hejna. President Eileen asked if any corrections.
There were none. Char Kronaizl made a motion to approve the report, seconded by Joyce Hauck.
Motion carried.
Vice-President Geralyn Hellmann read a Pray for Volunteers.
Circle Reports:
Yvonne Adam has been removed from Circle 5.
Circle #5 served the Don Munkvold funeral. Jodi Cap was chariman, Agnes Hejna was co-chairman. 217
people were served. There was a shortage of food so volunteers went to Tyndall to get more.
Discussion was held on the circle members to bring in salads when working for a funeral, finding/paying
substitutes should be found for those who cannot work and having cheap dessert plates available. It
was mentioned that we are short coffee decanters if they are put on the tables.
Circle #6 will serve the Confirmation meal on Feb. 16 with Joyce Sestak as chairman and Charlene
Kronaizl as co-chairman.
Circle #7 is up for assignment with Deb Kokes as chairman and Rita Honner as co-chairman.
Bingo Reports:
December 11 – Circle #10 – Joanne Herman, Chairman, Rita Honner to bake kolaches.
January 8 – Circle #1 – Stephanie Duffek, Chairman, Agnes Hejna to bake kolaches.
February 12 – Circle #2 – Nancy Pechous, Chairman, Ann Beran to bake kolaches.
March 12 – Circle #3 – Ann Souhrada, Chairman, Rita Vairlek to bake kolaches.
April 9 – Circle #4 – Susan Sedlacek, Chairman, Loretta Kortan to bake kolaches.
Rosary Reports:
January -Saturday –Gary and Evie Kronaizl; Sunday – Renee and Jordan Hejna
February – Saturday – Ann Beran; Sunday – Bob and Loretta Kortan
March – Saturday – Joyce Hauck and Mary Prunty; Sunday – Ron and Joyce Sestak
April – Saturday – Rita Varilek and Maxine Kronaizl; Sunday – Ev Kloucek
Volunteers are still needed to pray the rosary.
Votive Light & Card report provided by Maxine Kronaizl.
Get Well Cards – Janet Rezac, Betty Vlcek and Vee Horner.
Sympathy Cards – Dan Hunoff Family, Steve and Nancy Sternhagen, Margie Dvoracek family,
Dorothy Duffek family
Votive Lights – Dennis Duffek, James Kortan, Lorraine Sternhagen
Correspondence read by the president consisted of Thank You’s from Dennis Duffek Family, Monsignor
Hermann and the Bon Homme Food Pantry.
Old Business:
President Eileen thanked all the volunteers who helped take down the decorations in church. A candle
remained lit for a couple of days, but nothing serious happened. The left over garland was brought to
the meeting for anyone who would like some.
Loretta reported on the results of the Advent Baby Shower. It was very successful.
New Business:
The Pastoral Planning meeting in the Yankton Deanery will be held at the St. Wenceslaus church on
February 4 at 6:30 pm.
The Ministerial Tea is January 17. Eileen Sestak will make the sandwiches and Lori Karolevitz will make
bars. Marilyn Sestak will take the sandwiches and bars to the tea which is being held in Tyndall.
President Eileen talked to Father Forcelle to see if there was anything that the parish was in need of. He
stated that new vestments were needed. He informed her that we could get 4 sets for $500.00. A
motion was made by Loretta Kortan to approve the purchase of vestments, seconded by Florence
Sutera. Discussion was held in regards to waiting to purchase these items until the Pastoral Plan was
Geralyn Hellmann informed the ladies of the annual Beseda Hall meeting on Sunday, January 19, at 1:00.
Ev Kloucek added some information about the meeting.
Election of officers for Treasurer and Vice President.
There were several letters read asking to be removed from the ballot. After the votes were counted,
Janet Rezac was elected as Vice President and Amy Beran as Treasurer. They will join Geralyn Hellmann
as President and Karla Kortan as Secretary.
There were no bills to be presented at this time.
The next meeting will be held on April 16, 2014, at 8:00 pm. Circle #5 will serve the lunch, with Irene
Hovorka as chariman. With no further business a motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Sherry
Povondra, seconded by Lori Karolevitz. Motion carried.
The closing prayer was led by President Eileen for the deceased members of the Altar and Rosary
The door prize winners were Sherry Povondra and Lori Karolevitz.
Acting Secretary,
Geralyn Hellmann