What can you do about your situation? How we respond to what happens to us. We can finally stop worrying about things we can’t control! Circle of Control The things in this circle are the things we have control over. These are our attitudes, our choices, and our responses to what happens. Since we can control these things, we are responsible for them, and the consequences (positive or negative) that accompany them. These are the things we can’t control. For example, we cannot control the weather, our parents, other people’s comments, or whether or not our team will win. We just have to leave these things. We cannot spend our energy worrying about them. If we do, we feel out of control, as if we were victims. Think to yourself... Can I fix this? Did I cause this? Should this worry me? If the answer to these questions is “yes,” then get to work. If the answer is “no,” move on. Fix what you can (yourself!), and leave the rest.