April 2014 - St. Wenceslaus Parish

The St. Wenceslaus Altar & Rosary Society met for their regular meeting on April 23, 2014, at 8:00 p.m.
at the Beseda Hall. President Geralyn Hellmann called the meeting to order. She welcomed everyone
and thanked them for coming noting no guests were present. President Geralyn led the opening prayer
for all the deceased members of the Altar Society.
President Geralyn thanked Circle #5 for serving the lunch along with a special thank you to Irene
Hovorka for being chairman.
The minutes of the January 15, 2014 meeting were read by Secretary Karla Kortan. President Geralyn
asked if any corrections, since there were none the minutes stand approved as read.
The Treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Amy Beran. President Geralyn asked if any corrections,
since there were none the treasurers report stands approved as read.
Circle Reports:
Circle #7 served the Kathy Sedlacek funeral; Deb Kokes, Chairman. All went well served 275.
Circle #8 served the Bruce Meyer funeral; Ann Beran, Chairman. It was held in the Legion hall, served
131. Served coffee to the guests before the family got there and had plenty of food. Had substitutes
for help and all went well.
Circle #9 served the Albina Hejna funeral; Jeanette Zimmerman, Chairman. It was held in the Legion
hall served about 100. Served tuna/egg salad sandwiches since it was during Lent. Had only 4 ladies
from circle show up so extra help pitched in.
Circle Changes: Amanda Richey added to Circle #2, Emily Kloucek added to Circle #9, Erin Pechous
added to Circle #10, Dorothy Cuka removed from Circle #8, Kathy Sedlacek removed from Circle #6,
Heather Fillaus removed from Circle #5, Dorothy Duffek removed from Circle #7, and Betty Papiernik
removed from Circle #9.
Circle #10 assigned to the Helen Vlasak funeral on April 25, 2014. Donna Adam, Chairman, Ruth
Sternhagen, Co-Chairman.
Circle #1 is up for assignment with Margie Wallem, Chairman, and Susan Showers, Co-Chairman .
Bingo Reports:
February – Circle #2 –Nancy Pechous, Chairman, Ann Beran to bake kolaches.
March – Circle #3 – Ann Souhrada, Chairman, Rita Varilek to bake kolaches.
April – Circle #4 – Susan Sedlacek, Chairman, Loretta Kortan to bake kolaches
A discussion was held on some issues concerning visitors playing bingo and taking the kolaches. It was
noted the Good Samaritan Home did provide an additional 2 dozen kolaches for the visitors playing
bingo. It was decided that our kolaches are for the residents and the Blackout Bingo prize should be
only for the residents to win. President Geralyn will contact the Good Samaritan Home concerning
these issues.
May – Circle #5 – Claire Sestak, Chairman, Jeanette Zimmerman to bake kolaches
July – Circle #6 – Tammy Sternhagen, Chairman, Rita Honner to bake kolaches
August – Circle #7 –Janice Rous, Chairman, Agnes Hejna to bake kolaches.
Rosary Reports:
President Geralyn thanked the following for praying the rosary.
February - Ann Beran, Bob & Loretta Kortan
March – Joyce Hauck & Mary Prunty, Ron & Joyce Sestak
April – Rita Varilek & Maxine Kronaizl, Ev Kloucek
President Geralyn announced the following scheduled to pray the rosary.
May – Saturday – Frances Honner; Sunday – Jeanette Zimmerman
June – Saturday – Alvin & Ruth Sternhagen; Sunday – Ione Cap
July – Saturday – Marilyn Hejna; Sunday – Judy Wagner/Rhonda Kocer
August – Saturday – Frances Honner; Sunday – President Geralyn will call
It was suggested that the rosary leaders be listed in the bulletin, so reminder phone calls will not be
Votive Light & Card report. No report was provided.
Correspondence read by the secretary consisted of Thank You’s from Fr. Daniel, Sue Pechous, Sherry
Povondra, Fern Meyer Family and Darrin/Rita Bierle Family.
Old Business:
President Geralyn contacted Janet Rezac to inform her that she was elected as Vice-President and she
stated she had mailed a letter to be removed from the ballot. She then contacted Linda Hoffman who
agreed to take the office of Vice-President.
Ministerial Tea held in January. Eileen Sestak made sandwiches, Lori Karolevitz made bars and Marilyn
Sestak delivered the items.
Pastoral Planning Meeting held in February was well attended and went well. Susan Showers
complimented Fr. Jones and Mark Kronaizl for their presentations. All felt Bishop Swain was very
attentive and listened to our concerns.
New Vestments. President Geralyn has visited with Fr. Jones concerning purchasing new vestments and
he will make some suggestions.
New Business:
The books have been audited for 2013 by Marilyn Sestak and Amy Beran and were found in good
President Geralyn reported that $269.10 of items have been purchased for the Rectory kitchen. Fr
Jones thanked everyone for the improvements made in the rectory and kitchen.
2014 List of Committees was reported as follows:
Activities: Gladys Hamburger, Judy Wagner
Publicity: Karla Kortan
Get Well & Votive Lights: Maxine Kronaizl
Auditing: Joyce Sestak, Ev Kloucek
Yankton Area Banquet: Agnes Karolevitz, Sue Pechous, Joyce Hauck
Flowers for Church Altar: Nancy Smith
Christmas Party Entertainment: Marilyn Hejna, Jeanette Zimmerman, Loretta Kortan
2014 Bazaar Committee: Barb & Joe Rezac, Linda Hoffmann, Eileen & Terry Sestak, Lynn & David Rous,
Jean & Kevin Meyer, Lisa & Darrin Hauck.
Cake Walk: Heather Kubal, Judy Wagner, Ann Souhrada, Rhonda Kocer
Country Store: Char Kronaizl, Jeanette Zimmerman, Amy Goehring, Julie Burbach
Fish Pond: Kristi Kocer, Sara Goeden, Sara Hellmann, Carrie Smith
Sweet Shop: Deb Knudson, Ione Cap, Rita Honner, Colleen Sedlacek
Bazaar Publicity: Marge Wallem
Prom donations. A discussion was held on increasing the donation to the schools for the prom and
which schools to donate to. A motion was made by Sue Pechous to increase the donation to $50 and
donate to the schools that request a donation that has our students in attendance, Susan Showers
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Relay For Life. A motion was made by Kathy Kortan to make a donation to the Relay for Life in the
amount of $100.00, Susan Showers seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Chamber of Commerce Czech Days advertising donation. Sherry Povondra and Kathy Kortan explained
the new program idea for the Czech Days advertising. A motion was made by Kristi Kocer to donate
$400.00 to the Chamber for advertising, Sherry Povondra seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Summer Program Donation. A motion was made by Agnes Hejna to donate $100 to the Tabor Summer
Program, Kathy Kortan seconded the motion. Motion carried
Catholic Youth Conference. Seven confirmation students will be attending the Catholic Youth
conference in Ohio to be held June 12-16 along with chaperones Fr. Jones and Barb Rezac. The
students are raising funds to attend this conference. Adoration will be held on Sunday for each
student for one hour and attendees will earn them $10 per person along with any donations made by
the attendees. A motion was made by Loretta Kortan to give $900 to the students and chaperones to
help with expenses to attend the conference, Sue Pechous seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Good Samaritan Home. A discussion was held on the donation for flags for Memorial Day. A motion
was made by Sherry Povondra to donate $100 if the donation request letter is received, Julie Burbach
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
HSC Program. Last year it was held on May 21st, no correspondence has been received for 2014.
Kolache Baking Days at the Beseda Hall have been set for Friday, May 23rd and Saturday, May 24th due
to several scheduling conflicts. Last year 237 dozen were made. It was decided that if possible that
amount would be made again. Loretta Kortan gave a report and has put the reminder in the bulletin.
She stated ingredients have been ordered and some have arrived. All help will be welcomed.
Wagon Train Stop in Tabor September 5-6. A request has been made to serve about 300 people
supper or breakfast. A discussion was held on serving them supper. It was also discussed that 2
circles may be needed to serve this supper. A motion was made by Kristi Kocer to prepare the meal,
Bonnie Vavruska seconded the motion. Motion carried. President Geralyn will attend the Chamber
meeting on April 28 to find out more details.
Bazaar Committee. Linda Hoffman reported that the committee is thinking of not using the Legion Hall
this year to serve the workers meals. They would set up a separate serving line to serve the workers
meals and possibly set tables up on the stage for the workers to eat. This would also free up some extra
workers for the main hall. They are also planning on having workers serve the guests their food rather
than self-serve as previous years. They will also be looking at making the shifts for workers more even.
Planting of Flowers around the church will be on May 13th at 6:30 pm with a rain date of May 15th.
Volunteers are needed to help.
Czech Days: It was reported that we served 2200 meals in 2013. A discussion was held on increasing
the meal price since the price of meat has increased this year. It was decided to leave the meal price at
$9.00 as it was last year.
President Geralyn stated that we had about 1600 extra dozen kolaches baked last year along with the
400 donated kolaches. It was suggested that each person make only the amount they committed to
when signing up or let Vice-President Linda Hoffman know if you are going to make more. A discussion
was held on frying the hamburger for tavern to be done on Wednesday instead of Thursday. All agreed
on this decision. Packaging of kolaches will be on Thursday and those making the extra kolaches are
asked to stay and help package them when they bring them in.
The 2014 Czech Days Circle assignments schedule is:
Friday, June 20, 2014
Circle #7 8 AM to 12 Noon
Circle #8 11 AM to 3 PM
Circle #9 2 PM to 6 PM (split shift)
Circle #10 3 PM to 7 PM
Circle #1 6 PM to 10 PM
Circle #9 10 PM to closing (split shift)
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Circle #2 8 AM to 12 Noon
Circle #3 11 AM to 3 PM
Circle #4 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Circle #5 4 PM to 8 PM (split shift)
Circle #6 6 PM to 10 PM
Circle #5 10 PM to closing (split shift)
Susan Showers discussed the upcoming Kiononia Retreat that is going to be held on May 2-4. She
asked for any volunteers who would like to help out with the retreat and invited everyone to attend.
Fr Jones installed the new officers for the upcoming year. After finished everyone sang Fr Jones Happy
Birthday and a gift was presented to him.
There were no bills to be presented at this time.
The next meeting will be held on August 20, 2014, at 8:00 pm. Circle #6 with Linda Bares as Chairman
will serve lunch.
President Geralyn reminded everyone of the annual dues and stated the treasurer will be available after
the meeting.
With no further business a motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Susan Showers, seconded by
Kathy Kortan. Motion carried.
A closing prayer was led by President Geralyn Hellmann.
The door prize winners were Rita Honner and Kathy Kortan.
Karla Kortan