6.4 Circle Flow Charts refomatted

New Seats!
Block 1
New Seats!
Block 3
6.4 Proving Circle Conjectures
Copy the statements and fill in the missing terms.
1) If a point is equidistant from the endpoints of a line segment, then
the point is on the _______________ of the segment.
2) The external angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of its
3) The sum of two sides of a triangle is ______________ the length of
the third side.
H.W. and next couple of blocks
• Pg 359 # 1-10
Monday 1/9 : 6.5 Notes; Start Midterm Review
Complete Ch. 1 pg 90-91 #1-25; Ch. 2 pg 140 #19,20 and 23
Wednesday 1/11: Quiz on 6.1 to 6.4; Continue Midterm
Review Ch. 3 pg 193 – 194 # 1- 6, 11, 12, 17 and 18
Ch. 4 pg 251 – 254 #1-32 and 35 odd#s
Friday 1/13: Notes on 6.6 and 6.7; Complete pg 359 #1119 #62 and 63 in class.
Notebook Check on 6.1 to 6.7 (No chapter test for Ch. 6)
6.4 Proving Circle Properties
Another Flow Chart
Review of Circle Properties
• In groups of 3 or 4 other decide on who will be designer, writer,
researcher, time manager
• You will be given a part of a circle
(diameter, chord, arc, tangent, and semicircle)
• You will create a poster that will advertise your part of a circle as if
you were selling it. (advertisement)
• Once you finish your draft on a piece of paper, I will give you a poster
and markers to make it larger.
• Your final product must be:
1) Accurate (50 pts)
2) At least 4 facts (5pts each = 20pts)
3) visually engaging – organized, interesting, neat (30 pts)
The best poster for each part of the circle will be displayed in the