August 2013 - St. Wenceslaus Parish

The St. Wenceslaus Altar & Rosary Society met for their regular meeting on August 21, 2013, at 8:00
p.m. at the Beseda Hall. President Eileen Sestak called the meeting to order. She welcomed everyone
and thanked them for coming.
President Eileen thanked Circle #2 for serving the delicious lunch.
The minutes of the April 17, 2013, minutes were read by Secretary Karla Kortan. President Eileen asked
if any corrections, since there were none the minutes stand approved as read.
The Treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Renee Hejna. President Eileen asked if any corrections,
since there were none the treasurers report stands approved as read.
Father Dan thanked everyone for all the updates that were done at the rectory.
Circle Reports:
Circle #6 served the Roman Honner funeral; Sue Pechous, Chairman on 5/6/13
Circle #7 served the Helen Kollars funeral; Vicky Carda, Chairman on 5/10/13
Circle #8 served the Jason Kokes wedding: Kris Kocer, Chairman on 7/13/13
Circle #9 served the Becky Sestak wedding; Marie Manas, Chairman 8/10/13
Circle #10 served B-Y Electric Annual Mtg supper; Megan Sykora, Chairman 8/20/13
Circle #1 served Joe Hejna funeral; Norma Reining, Chairman 7/24/13
Circle #2 served Tim Kostal funeral; Marilyn Hejna Chairman 7/27/13
Circle #3 assigned to Jake Herman wedding; Karla Kortan, Chairman 9/14/13
Circle #4 is up for assignment with Anita Kloucek, Chairman
Circle Changes: Mary Souhrada removed from Circle #7, Gladys Kubal removed from Circle #9. Rita
Varilek Circle #3, Rita Schuch Circle #5 and Marlene Kostal Circle #6 requests no Chairman.
Bingo Reports:
May 8 – Circle #4 – Sherry Povondra, Chairman, Jeanette Zimmerman to bake kolaches
June – No bingo
July 10 – Circle #5 – Sara Goeden, Chairman, used Czech Days kolaches
August 14 – Circle #6 – Mary Ann Kloucek, Chairman, used Czech Days kolaches
September 11 – Circle #7, Dorothy Duffek Chairman, will use Czech Days kolaches
October 9 – Circle #8, Mary Ann Jambor, Chairman, will use Czech Days kolaches
Rosary Reports:
September – Saturday – Kris Kocer; Sunday – Bob & Loretta Kortan
October – Saturday – Tom & Kathy Sedlacek – Sunday – Maxine Kronaizl & Irene Hovorka
Joyce Hauck and Mary Prunty volunteered to pray the rosary on Sundays in December.
Votive Light & Card report provided by Maxine Kronaizl. Get Well cards were sent to Ilene Sternhagen,
Agnes Kocer and Florence Vesely. Sympathy cards were sent to Roman Honner Family and George
Kostal. Votive Lights were lit for Roman Honner and Tim Kostal.
Correspondence read by the secretary consisted of Thank You’s from Roman Honner Family, Helen
Kollars Family, Terry & Eileen Sestak/Tim & Becki Reck, Joe Hejna Family, Tim Kostal Family and the
Good Samaritan Society.
President Eileen read a request for a donation from the Tabor Youth Summer Program. Sherry
Povondra made a motion to donate $100 to the summer program, Agnes Hejna seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
President Eileen read a request for a donation from the Good Samaritan Society. Linda Hoffman made a
motion to donate $50, Char Kronaizl seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Old Business:
Lorretta Kortan gave a report on the Kolache baking days. 237 dozen were baked with the help of 18 27 ladies over the 2 days. Worked very well to change the days to Friday and Saturday. Had a problem
with a stove but otherwise all went very well. She thanked the ladies for their help.
President Eileen thanked the ladies that helped plant flowers on May 14th and to all the ladies that have
volunteered to water the flowers.
Florence Sutera reported on the Human Services Nursing Home program, stating that everything went
President Eileen gave a report on Czech Days. The Beseda Hall was set up the same as last year which
worked out well again. We received 1606 dozen extra baked kolaches this year. We sold kolaches till
9:30 pm on Friday night and till the dance was over on Saturday night, having about 15 dozen that were
not sold. There were 40 dozen donated kolaches that were not taken out of the freezer and will be
used for bingo, along with 24 dozen that were thawed but not used so were refrozen. The crowd was
way down and the weather could have been a factor. We had plenty of food leftover: 21 pails of
pork, 3 pails of beef, 3 pails of tavern, 5 dozen dumplings, 16 pkgs of hamburger buns, 6 pkgs. hotdog
buns and 9 lbs. of margarine. There is pork and kolaches available for sale. A discussion was held on
how much of the profit from the meal lines is to be given to the Beseda Hall. No decision was made
and was tabled till the next meeting.
New Business:
The Altar & Rosary Society will serve the Banquet on September 19, 2013. Jeanette Zimmerman, Agnes
Karolevitz, and Sue Pechous will chair this event. They will be using 5 pails of pork left over from Czech
Days for the Banquet.
Bazaar report was given by President Eileen. President Eileen asked for a motion to make a donation
to the raffle prizes. Agnes Hejna made a motion to donate $100, seconded by Judy Wagner. Motion
Fr. Daniel requested payment of a bill for CCD teaching materials in the amount of $643.46. Loretta
Kortan made a motion to pay for the CCD materials, seconded by Joyce Sestak. Motion carried.
Fr. Daniel requested to start a library of religious DVD’s for the teachers to use. Joyce Hauck made a
motion to donate up to $200 to purchase some DVD’s, Kathy Kortan seconded the motion. Motion
Agnes Hejna gave a report on the old ovens in the kitchen and the problems we are having with them.
She then gave a report on new ovens she had priced out. Ruth Sternhagen made a motion to purchase
2 new ovens, Evie Kronaizl seconded the motion. Motion carried.
A discussion was held on the rules for serving weddings and it was decided to send a copy of the rules
to the parents and bride and groom when the hall is booked for the occasion.
There were no bills to be presented at this time.
The next meeting will be held on October 16, 2013, at 8:00 pm. Circle #3 will serve lunch. With no
further business a motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Judy Wagner, seconded by Marilyn
Hejna. Motion carried.
A closing prayer was led by Fr. Daniel. Door prizes were won by Maxine Kronaizl and Ann Kloucek.
Karla Kortan