Morgan County Response to Intervention Morgan County Schools are committed to providing our students with a variety of opportunities to reach their fullest potential. Response to Intervention is a system that integrates assessments and intervention within a three-tiered system (see below) to maximize student achievement and to reduce behavior problems. With RtI, schools identify students at risk of not achieving grade level goals, monitor student progress, provide evidencedbased interventions and adjust those interventions based on a student’s responsiveness. RtI can also help identify students with learning disabilities or who need advanced learning opportunities. RtI is NOT “special education” it is a regular education initiative that supports students and provides targeted instruction based on regular progress monitoring and data analysis. Kentucky System of Interventions (KSI) Instruction through the tiers is a flexible and fluid process based on student assessment data and collaborative team decisions. The goal of the process is to provide continuous progress so that students are successful. RtI process for “At-Risk” Students 1. Administer Universal Screener (US) 2. Data Analysis Begin with US data, look at summary, break down by class, individuals, standards, clusters, skill sets Look at classroom performance, formative and summative assessments, anecdotal records, etc. Contact Prior Teacher(s) 3. Develop a “concerns” list identifying students and specific areas of need and create an RtI Folder for each student on the list. Include the documentation of passed hearing and vision screener. 4. Provide and document (on referral form) specific strategies used in small and whole group to address needs for 2-3 weeks. 5. Give appropriate RtI screener on targeted skill. 6. Data Analysis If no adequate progress… 7.Contact Parent 8. Place in Tier 2 intervention for 2-4 weeks. Progress Monitor and document at least 2 times. 9. Data Analysis. Inform parent of assessment results. If no adequate progress… 10. Place in Tier 3 for 2-3 weeks, progress monitor and document weekly. 11. Data Analysis Inform parent of assessment results. If no adequate progress… 12. Refer to Special Education Morgan County At Risk RtI Referral Form Student Name:_____________________________ Date__________________ Grade____________ Referring Teacher:__________________________________ Circle or Highlight Areas of Concern: Beh/Emotional Work Habits Reading Soc. Skills Organization Phon. Aware. Impulsivity Complete Wrk. Phonics Aggression Attendance Fluency Attention Other Vocabulary Other Comprehension Other Date Process US Data Analysis Concerns/Target(s) Passed Vis/Hearing Tier 1 strategies implemented (2-3 weeks RtI Assessment Given Data Analysis Parent/Guardian contacted and documented Tier 2 Strategies and Progress Monitoring Data Analysis and Parent informed of results Tier 3 strategies and Progress Monitoring Data Analysis and Parent informed of results Begin Referral Procedure Writing Conventions Ideas/Content Spelling Organization Fluency Other Notes/Data/Results Math Numeracy Prob. Solving Fluency Computation Other RtI Process for Advanced Learners This is a work in progress and very much a rough draft 1. Administer Universal Screener (US) 2. Data Analysis Begin with US data, look at summary, break down by class, individuals, standards, clusters, skill sets Look at classroom performance, formative and summative assessments, anecdotal records, etc. Contact Prior Teacher(s) 3. Develop a “”watch” list identifying students that scored distinguished on the US or where data supports an advanced learner. Create an RtI Folder for each student on the list. 4. Contact parent and provide assessment data. 4. Provide and document learning experiences that challenge and extend student learning, including but not limited to: Multiple textbooks, supplementary reading, project based learning, mentors, interest surveys, learning contracts. RtI Advanced Learner Referral Student Name:_____________________________ Date__________________ Grade____________ Referring Teacher:__________________________________ Circle or Highlight Areas of Advanced Achievement Reading Language Arts Math Date Process US Data Analysis Passed Vision and Hearing Screener Target(s) Tier 1 strategies implemented Parent/Guardian contact (document attached Progress Monitoring/Data Analysis If more challenge is necessary, place in Tier 2 Notes/Data/Results