RTI is a state and federally mandated system of tiered, research

Warren County Schools
Response to Intervention Plan
Tier 1 – “Core instruction”
Implement district curriculum and instructional practices that are
research-based and aligned with state standards
Utilize differentiated instruction in the general education setting
Expect 80-90% of students to respond and achieve established
Utilize ongoing formative assessments
Administer universal screener at least twice yearly
Tier 2 - “Something More”
RTI is a state and federally mandated system of tiered, researchbased interventions designed to address the needs of general
education students. Under the 2006 reauthorization of the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), students must first receive
systematic, tiered, research-based interventions prior to being
referred for a suspicion of a disability.
RTI integrates assessment and intervention within a school-wide,
multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and
reduce behavior problems. With RTI, our schools
identify students at risk for poor learning outcomes
monitor student progress
provide evidence-based interventions
adjust the intensity and nature of those interventions based
on students’ responsiveness.
National Center on Response to Intervention
Provide targeted services and interventions based on the
universal screener data
Implement intervention for the 5-10% of students who do not
make adequate progress with Tier 1 instruction
Deliver intervention in smaller group settings
Utilize ongoing formative assessments
Ensure progress is monitored more closely, at least every
two weeks
Tier 3 – “Something Different”
September 2011
Implement interventions that are more student-specific based on
identified needs
Utilize this level of intensive intervention for 1-5% of students who
do not make adequate progress with Tier 2 targeted interventions
Deliver intervention in smaller group settings
Develop an intervention plan for each student at the Tier 3 level
through a problem-solving team
Ensure progress is monitored more closely, at least weekly
Warren County Schools
Response to Intervention Plan
Universal Screener
 Purpose: Identify students who are at risk for poor learning
 Focus: All students
 Tools: Assessment that is valid, reliable, and demonstrates
diagnostic accuracy for predicting learning or behavioral problems
 Timeframe: Administer at least twice a year (e.g., fall, winter,
and spring)
Problem-solving Teams
 Purpose: Analyze data to determine appropriate interventions for
students; determine responsiveness to interventions; and decide
upon changes in interventions
 Focus: Students in Tier 3 and those not making progress in Tier 2
 Participants: Membership is fluid but must include:
 someone knowledgeable about the child
 someone knowledgeable about the school resources
 someone knowledgeable about the intervention data
 others as needed (speech therapist, psychologist,
LifeSkills therapist, counselor, etc.)
Progress Monitoring
 Purpose: Monitor student’s response to instruction in Tiers 2 or 3
in order to estimate rates of improvement; identify students who
are not demonstrating adequate progress; and compare the
efficacy of different forms of instruction
 Focus: Students identified through screening as at risk for poor
learning outcomes
 Tools: Brief assessments that are valid, reliable, and
 Timeframe: Students are assessed at regular intervals (e.g.,
weekly, biweekly, or monthly)
Data-based Decision Making
Data analysis occurs at all levels of RTI Implementation (e.g., state,
district, school, grade level) as well as all levels of prevention (e.g.,
Tiers 1, 2, or 3)
 Establish routines and procedures for making decisions
 Determine decision rules for assessing student progress (e.g.,
state and district benchmarks, level and/or rates)
 Use data to compare and contrast the adequacy of the core
curriculum and the effectiveness of different instructional and
behavioral strategies.
September 2011