Tier I Process Step 1: Discuss student concerns at team meeting and document the concerns and as a team. Discuss current programming and if the concerns are academic or behavioral. Decide what changes/placement need to be made in the classroom. Step 2: Begin filling out Intervention Record – Academic and/or Behavior (Teacher Strategies in Virtual Counselor) *Discuss possible interventions that can be done at the classroom level *Decide on intervention and put intervention in place *If you are having behavior issues you need to make sure you have documented the Behavior plan in the classroom and that you are following the school behavior plan *Start monitoring student’s progress by graphing data (Chartdog,com, createagraph.com, Excel) * If after four-six weeks, the intervention you have put in place does not improve the student’s performance proceed to Step 3. Step 3: Complete the CPS Referral. Step 4: Conference with the parent about the concern. Tell the parent you are putting interventions in place to help their child succeed in the area of ____(reading, math, behavior). Tell parent their child will be part of the RTI (Response to Intervention) process. In this process, the RTI team will be giving you, the teacher, assistance on implementing interventions to help their child succeed and they will be working with you to monitor the child’s progress. Please document that the student will be placed in an intervention program related to the documented weakness, ie., fluency, comprehension, decoding, math problem solving, multiplication, etc. If you need a support staff member at the conference please check with Mrs. Hillsamer to come to the conference. *Fill out the Notification of Professional Support Services form and give to parent at the conference ***Do not promise or discuss psychological testing with the parent***RtI does not mean that a child will be tested. Step 5: Begin filling out ELL multi-cultural form only if the student is a B1/B2/A1/A2 Step 6: Determine which language interventions you need to put in place for the student and begin tracking the classroom intervention. All student’s with academic weaknesses must have language interventions. Step 8: If you need assistance filling out the form please see Ms. Porter. Step 7: Once you have completed Academic and/or Behavior CPS referral you will be scheduled to attend a Child Study Meeting every Tuesday of the month. *Until Tier 2 RTI Meeting is scheduled teacher many continue with Tier 1 interventions or meet with grade level team to discuss different interventions to begin implementing.