RTi Newsletter

Issue 1, September 2015
What’s HOT in MTSS/RtI?
Answering the question "Why adopt a Response-toIntervention (RTI) model?" can be approached from several
different perspectives, including legal, historical, best
professional practice, and, indeed, political.
Amalio Nieves, Director
Adrienne Dixson, RtI Specialist
RTI has emerged, in part, as an answer. It is a
knowledge base, skills, and a service delivery system that is
intended to provide an educational experience to all students
that is focused on delivering effective education and
intervention programs and on frequent progress monitoring of
student outcomes using those measured student outcomes
(RTI) to adjust and change programs and interventions and
necessary. That is the essence of RTI and that is also the answer
to "Why adopt an RTI model?" RTI is a cornerstone of a
problem-solving service delivery system. An RTI approach to
determining educational need—as opposed to relying on
categorical labels (remember, learning disabilities is not a need)
keeps the focus of our professional resources where they need
to be, on student outcomes.
Diversity, Prevention &
Intervention Department
1400 NW 14th Court
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Phone (754) 321-1655
Fax (754) 321-1691
Excellence in education is when we do
everything that we can to make sure they
become everything that they can.
Adopting an RTI model is about adopting best
professional practice, insisting that we do what is best and
necessary for all students in our schools, and, finally, rising to
the challenge of doing that, which is socially just. That is why
we must adopt an RTI model and implement it with integrity
in every school throughout the nation.
What is Response-to-Intervention?
Response to Intervention (RtI) is a multi-tiered
approach to the early identification and support of
students with academic and behavior needs. The
RtI process begins with high-quality instruction
and universal screening of all children in the
general education classroom.
What Response-to-Intervention is NOT
Special Education
A new program/new assessment
An intervention curriculum
An easier way to get Special Education services
A place to send difficult students
“Multi-Tiered System of Supports at a Glance”
Academics and/or Behavior
Define: What’s the problem?
Analyze: Why is it occurring?
Implement: What are we going to do
about it?
Evaluate: Is it working?
Tier 1: All
Tier 2: Some
Tier 3: Few
Tier 3
Intensive Individualized Interventions and Supports
More focused, targeted instruction/intervention and
supplemental support in addition to and aligned with the core
academic and behavior curriculum and instruction
Tier 2
Targeted Supplemental Interventions and Supports
More focused, targeted instruction/intervention and
supplemental support in addition to and aligned with the core
academic and behavior curriculum and instruction
Tier 1
Core Universal Instruction and Supports
General academic and behavior instruction and support designed
and differentiated for all students in all settings
Be informed about BASIS!
Do you know how to access BASIS tutorials and resources?
 At www.browardprevention.org. Hover over the RtI tab and
then click into the drop down word “BASIS”. Scroll down the
BASIS page to find the help you need.
 Within the BASIS electronic system itself. When in BASIS, just
click into the “Help” panel located on the right side of the
screen. There, you will find many guides and tutorials along
with several taped webinar sessions on various topics
surrounding documenting RtI.
 Through your school’s BASIS Liaison. Every school has a
BASIS liaison that receives updated and important
information through a BASIS CAB conference. Know who
your liaison is and ask them to share information with you.
 Contact your BASIS District Liaison, Debra Boles at
Monthly RtI Webinar
October 15 @10am
RtI: B Training
1009 NW 4th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Zone Platform Assistance &
Collaboration (ZPAC)
October 2 & 9
MTSS/RtI Wiki Space
Choose Peace Week
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Process of designing instruction that is
accessible by all students; UDL
includes multiple means of
representation, multiple means of
expression, and multiple means of
engagement; the focus of UDL is on
technology and materials.
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