Oregon RTI Staff Survey Questions

Directions: The following is a brief survey to help understand how your school/district's Response to Intervention (RTI) system in Literacy
Supports is working. All of your individual answers will be anonymous. Please read the following statements and click on the box that best
describes your level of agreement or disagreement with each statement (1 - Strongly Disagree; 2 – Somewhat Disagree; 3 – Somewhat Agree; 4
- Strongly Agree; NA - Not Applicable to my position; DK - I don't know).
Please note: If you work in a school, please answer each question based on your knowledge of your individual school's RTI system. If you work in
the school district office, or serve multiple schools in the district, please answer each question based on your knowledge of the RTI system across
the entire school district.
Demographic Questions:
1. School District Name:
2. School Name: (Need the district office as an option)
3. Job Description:
 Administrator
 Classroom Teacher
 SPED Teacher
 Literacy Support/Coach or Title I Teacher
 Other Licensed Staff (e.g., specialist, school psychologist, counselor, etc.)
 Non Licensed Staff (e.g. Instructional Assistants, Paraprofessionals, etc.)
4. Grade Level(s) of assignment:
 K-2
 3-5
 6-8
 9-12
 Districtwide
Oregon RTI Staff Survey Questions
I have a clear understanding of how my school's Response to Intervention (RTI) system works to meet the needs of all students
My school/district has a long term vision for RTI
I believe I can impact powerful educational outcomes for my students
I have the resources that I need to provide effective instruction
I have the time necessary to analyze student data and problem solve with my colleagues.
I believe that at least 80% of students in my school/district can be proficient readers with effective core instructional supports
I believe that the data teams in my school/district are effective in making important educational decisions for students
My school/district provides professional development (e.g. training, coaching, technical assistance, etc.) around using data to make decisions about
My administrator regularly attends RTI team meetings
I believe that there is strong leadership guiding our RTI system
I have a clear understanding of what Tier 1 is in my school/district (e.g., core reading curriculum & instructional strategies)
I believe that my school/district does a good job of addressing the literacy needs of students in Tier 1 (e.g. core reading curriculum & instructional
My school/district provides professional development (e.g. training, coaching, technical assistance, etc.) around skills/strategies to improve core
instructional practices
My school/district uses a universal screener in reading (e.g., DIBELS, easyCBM, AIMSWEB, etc) that is given to all students
I receive universal screening data in usable and understandable formats
My school/district has teams that use universal screening data to evaluate the effectiveness of core instruction for all students
I have a clear understanding of what an "intervention" is in my school/district
I believe that my school/district does a good job of addressing the literacy needs of students in Tier 2/3 interventions
My school/district provides professional development (e.g. training, coaching, technical assistance, etc.) around interventions for struggling learners
The progress of students receiving Tier 2/3 interventions is monitored frequently
My school/district has teams that use multiple data sources to identify interventions for struggling learners and evaluate their effectiveness
My school/district provides professional development (e.g. training, coaching, technical assistance, etc.) around how to monitor students' progress and use
progress monitoring data
I receive coaching/mentoring to help me implement instructional supports and/or data-based decision making
My school/district explicitly teaches and reinforces 3-5 positively stated school rules through our schoolwide behavior support system (for example, “Be
Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful”)
My school/district has multi-tiered behavioral interventions for students with additional behavior support needs.
My school/district has a team that addresses behavior support in the building(s).
I implement my school’s behavior support system in my classroom.
School/district leadership has a system for following up and ensuring that staff implement trained practices with fidelity
Allocation of resources (staff, time, instructional materials, etc.) and professional development decisions are made based on school/district data
I believe that my school/district has an effective process in place to identify and acquire available/needed resources (e.g., materials, technology, people,
I believe that school/district leadership actively seeks out and uses teacher feedback in developing and implementing our RTI system
32. Recently and newly hired staff (teachers, administrators, specialists, etc.) share the values and skills necessary to be an effective member of my
school/district's RTI system
33. I believe that my school/district's RTI system is making my job more efficient and collaborative
34. I believe that my school/district's RTI system is improving educational outcomes for students in my school
35. I believe that my school/district's RTI system is helping to more accurately identify students with learning disabilities
Comments about your school/district’s RTI system: