Drop Folders, Work Folders

Drop Folders, Work Folders
Work folders are for combining work done as cooperative projects.
For instance, if three students are preparing a Power Point Presentation, and have divided
up the work, each student can take their work and combine it with the other students’
stuff in the work folder to make one presentation.
Instructions for using work folders:
1. The file you wish to combine: Save As 1st initial, Last name, short title.
a. Example: mpoole Saturn one to seven
2. Close the file you are wanting to combine.
3. Open Network Drive.
4. Open PHS students
5. Open Poole_work folder
6. Drag and drop the files to be combined.
7. Open the file you wish to use for your presentation.
8. ‘Insert slides from file’ and choose (click) on the other file. This will add all the
slides from both files together to be able to make one presentation.
9. Edit the combined file as you wish.
Instructions for Poole_Drop folder.
1. Find but do not open the file you wish to drop.
2. Open Network Drive, PHS students.
3. Open Poole_Drop folder.
4. Open the appropriate class, i.e. Geo-Space 4, or Env Sci 6.
5. Drag the file to the folder and drop it.
That’s all there is to it.