Learning and Cognition EDUC 1007

Learning and Cognition EDUC 1007
Presentation Assignment
Question: Is theory and research in child development or educational psychology/psychology actually relevant to
There are two parts to your Presentation Assignment. For this: You present your thoughts and ideas in a posting
to your peers in an online discussion forum, also responding to what others have presented and offering them
constructive feedback. This is called an Assessed Discussion
You then write a 300 word final summary of your response which you submit via the course website, using dot
points but providing a concise, clear summary presenting your views and thoughts on the topic. You should cite
public sources (websites, books, scholarly articles and research papers) which support your thoughts and provide
references. This is called an Assessed Presentation Summary of your final thoughts.
Course Objectives
On completion of this course, students should be able to:
CO1. Discuss and critique theories of learning and development relevant to educative relationships and settings
for learners from birth to adulthood
CO2. Identify the relationship between theory, research and practices in educational settings from birth to
CO3. To apply theoretical understandings to creating and supporting effective learning environments
CO4. Evaluate the contribution of psychological research to educational issues
Upon completion of this course, students will have achieved the following combination of Graduate Qualities and
Course Objectives:
Graduate Qualities
GQ1. operates effectively with and upon a body of knowledge of sufficient depth to begin professional practice
GQ2. is prepared for life-long learning in pursuit of personal development and excellence in professional practice
GQ3. is an effective problem solver, capable of applying logical, critical, and creative thinking to a range of
GQ6. communicates effectively in professional practice and as a member of the community
Criteria for quality presentations
Presentation is well-organised, well -researched and clear
Audience is made aware of overall content at the beginning
Activities are appropriate for the audience
Activities are structured and viable to deliver 40 minute group presentation
Images used support learning
Recap or summary is provided of key points
Audience is left with impression that learning has occurred
Preparatory activity
Prior to the undertaking the summative assignment, you can do a preparatory task which provides powerpoint
examples about good and not so good presentations. In viewing the two presentations you should ask the
following questions which provide clarity about the criteria :
Is the presentation well-organised and clear?
Does it appear well-researched?
Is the audience made aware of the overall content of the presentation at its start?
Are activities appropriate for the audience?
Are activities structured and viable to deliver in a (40 minute) group presentation?
Are a range of activities used to help keep the audience engaged?
Are appropriate images used to support learning?
Is a recap or summary provided to help the audience remember key points?
Would the audience be left with the impression that they had learned something new?
After watching the two presentations, compare both presentations: what other differences (good
and bad) can you see? Consider how you might now apply what you have learned to the
presentation for this course.
Resources to use as a starting point:
Pedagogy: Using theories in the classroom, TES Magazine, 19-05-2010
Chalabi, M. The Pisa methodology: do its education claims stack up?The Guardian, 03-12-2013
*With grateful thanks to Dr Dave Armstrong for the original task of which this is an adaptation.