File: SBWC Meeting Minutes, Feb. 2015

Meeting Minutes; SBWC Board Meeting – February 3, 2015
The meeting was called to order by Lonny Welter, about 7:10.
Members present (in addition to Lonny): Barbara W., Maddy S., Steve T., Jane H., and
Howard B.
Staff: Pat W and Amber K
Public: Amber Horn, Alison Charbonneau and two high school students (from St. Helens
High). Jenni D. from LCEP.
January Minutes – Howard requested to add Caroline and Jenni as guests to January
minutes. Maddy asked about the amended contract to Duck Lake; Pat confirmed no
motion was necessary. Lonny motioned to approve minutes; Maddy second;
motion approved unanimously.
Public Comment – None
Presentation: Amber and Alison presented their work on the St. Helens Service Learning
Project, an effort the Council has supported for several years. The grant ends spring,
2015. Highlights include:
 Program has been going on for six years, allows students in middle school to get
to high school program and show younger kids
 Grants support supplies (boots, coats, equipment), transportation, field guides
 A lot of work has been done to restore wetland on school grounds; increasing
 Upcoming “field days” in April; numerous activities in multiple locations; need
Financial Report: Barbara W (Treasurer) discussed the process her and Pat had gone
through in the transition of the financial information from CSWCD over the past few
weeks. Her and Pat collected the necessary information and Pat sent out the 1099s
on time. New procedures are being put in place, including:
 Financial report prepared by format set up by Barbara, with detailed numbers
provided by Pat
 All grant information stored and maintained in single spreadsheet showing
running expenditures, in both a cash-flow and grant-budget format (may be
different due to some grants receiving advances in addition to receipts-paid).
 An approved Financial Report will include approval for expected expenditures
listed (checks to be paid during the upcoming month).
 Pat will email Barbara every time she writes a check; both have access to view
the account on-line.
Motion made to accept the Financial Report as presented (made by Barbara); Maddy
second; motion passed unanimously.
Note: motion was amended later in discussion to include non-specific
expenditures up to $100 per month for nursery and office supplies. Amendment
made by Barbara; Lonny second; amended motion approved unanimously.
New Bank Signers and ATM card: Barbara discussed having 3 signers on the bank account,
and that checks will be paid by the bank with single signature (regardless if Council
requires multiple). Barbara recommended an ATM card for small purchases as this
will show very quickly on the account and it provides a more rigorous tracking
method (than keeping receipts and getting reimbursements).
Motion was made (by Barbara) to change signatories on the account, from those
existing, to the persons holding the position of President, Treasurer, and Council
Coordinator (staff). Currently, that includes Lonny Welter, Barbara White, and Pat
Welle. Motion second by Howard, motion approved unanimously.
Motion was made (by Barbara) to close second account, if no additional activity on the
account occurs within 60 days. Jane second; motion approved.
Coordinator’s Report: Pat discussed upcoming Duck Lake proposal presentations, and the
need to spend a great deal of time on the upcoming OWEB Capacity grant proposal
(due March 2). She will have to send materials to the board for approval during
February. Also:
 We received an additional $11,400 from the BLM as the remainder of the State of
the Watershed grant; new proposal for specific work coming.
 We will be working with the WMSWCD on an upcoming monitoring project this
spring, and very likely will receive a $10,000 grant for projects for the July 2015June 2016 period.
 The new web is being uploaded today…
 More details in the Coordinator Report
Office Space: Pat noted there has been a request from Next Adventure to have us reduce
our space in the Marina so they can expand, at least into the full front of the building.
The Council’s lease with the Port expires the end of June and we will have to renew
this. Our contract requires us to maintain Marina Trail and support the Port in grant
o Amber and Pat to schedule Trail cleanup in March.
o Lonny noted Pat should discuss Port proposals with Board members to assure
they reflect Council goals and mission.
o Discussion included options to reduce space Council uses, advantages to Council
of reduced rent and public visibility/support from Next Adventures.
o Jane requested Amber and Pat determine options and present them to the board,
then discussing preferred options with NA.
Nursery Report: Amber described number of volunteers and regular work days, including
visits by Special Needs students who are getting individual vegetable plants. Nearly
1000 plants were purchased and are almost all re-potted. Spring sale is set for April
Board Meeting adjourned approximately 9:30 pm.