To: trainingfeedback@search

Subject: Training Feedback Submission
Form contents:
Marilyn Peplau
Houston, Texas
Title: Building Developmental Assets in School Communities TOT
Nov. 9 & 10, 2005
(Texas Association of Partners in
Pat Rosenberg and Barbara Foots
NumberofParticipants: 30 TOTers (and another 9 BDASC only); 2
additional TOTers only attended Day 1
NumberofYouth: 0
NumberofAdult: 36
AudienceIssueAnswer: About eight of the participants had attended the
Healthy Communities conference in Dallas last week. So--they were
enthusiastic and inspired. The number of TOTers was 32 for the first
day; however, two of the TOTers were not there on the second day.
Additionally, many of the schools represented have Katrina evacuees
enrolled; this has provided some challenges.
KeyQuestions: What asset development happens with part-time employment
for youth?
What\'s the best way to bring parents into this work?
NewIdeas: The participants are working with some larger school
districts in the Houston area and are interested in knowing more about
the asset-building process. They realized after a resource review that
the kits had a lot of valuable information; now they are wanting the
time to study those materials and then share them with their
ExpressDeeperLevel: As indicated, they wanted to know how to bring
this change to their schools--beyond just delivering the workshop.
Noteworthy: Pat Rosenberg is such an asset-building champion in Texas!
The Texas Association of Partners in Education benefits from her
contributions. In addition, there is funding from the Houston
Foundation. So many Search Institute and VTA trainers have been in
this area: Mary Ackerman, Nancy, James Vollbracht, Flora Sanchez,
Chris Beyer, Shelby Andress, and Peter! This was the fourth of four
BDASC TOTs in the Houston area. Barbara Foots serves as logistical
point for the TOTs and is a fabulous host; her contributions have
improved our overall TOT manual and directions for hosts thanks to VTA
adding her suggestions.
current thrust.
Achieving a balance among all of the sectors is a
SpearheadingOrganizations: As mentioned, this TOT was to further
support and empower the educational sector. It\'s my impression that
they have adequate \"trainer\" capacity in the area now for this event.
There does appear to be interest (as expressed by Barbara) for the Link
\'n Learn design as followup. Chris had done this on a prior occasion
with Peter on teleconference connection; was very well-received by
YouthInvolvedHow: Six of the Houston area high schools sent students
to the HCHY conference last week in Dallas. The youth wrote
testimonials that were fabulous and great anecdotal data for the power
of the asset building and the conference.
ListConcreteExamples: The school districts that attended are
incorporating the asset framework into their school improvement plans.
StoriesContact: Barbara Foots received a call on Nov. 10 from the
mother of the young man (Nathan) who was one of the Katrina evacuees
and was blessed by the Lakota during the closing session of the
national conference. This might be a fabulous followup story--perhaps
one that Peter could use in his revised book? Pat Rosenberg is aware
of the story as well. Barbara\'s number is 713-663-7545.
BestPart: Barbara Foots and Pat Rosenberg were so well prepared and
such gracious hosts. The hospitality for participants and myself was
premier. Also, when I was cleaning up the strategies footprint
pathways, six Headstart ladies stopped by (following their meeting in
another part of the building) and became really excited. I gave their
contact information to DeDe Springer, one of the sector moderators for
TAPE, and to Pat Rosenberg. They wanted me to come and present to
their group--and I think the referral will mean that DeDe will do a
workshop with them. I loved that!
The room was just a bit cozy--but we made it work!
ChangeOneThing: I forgot to pull Great Places to
kits! Thus, there wasn\'t an examination copy of
and that makes it\'s intentional use difficult to
hosts could afford one copy for each person, that
Learn out of the
each on the tables
model! While I wish
is becoming a true