HENDRICKS COUNTY RETIRED TEACHERS MINUTES SEPTEMBER 9, 2013 63 members, associates and visitors gathered at the Senior Center in Danville for fellowship, lunch, a program, and a business meeting. Linda Szewc and Jane Tietz collected dues and distributed the new program and information booklet and Linda Buckner and Sally Henzie were responsible for setup, table decoration, registration, and collecting meal payments. Before lunch, President Pat Kriskovich recognized Sue Shaffer (Avon), Marcie Robinson (Plainfield), Kathy Owen (Plainfield), Dianne Perry (Mill Creek), Meredith Kendrick, (Wayne Township) and Donna Heshelman (Brownsburg) as new retirees for 2013. She also welcomed several others who had retired in previous years but who were attending a meeting for the first time. The invocation was given by Jeff Thompson. During lunch, copies of a thank you letter from Jenna James were passed around so all could read it. Jenna was the 2013 recipient of the scholarship funded by the association. Once again, the buffet lunch was catered from Mayberry Café. Program: At 12:30 the program began with Charlotte Martin’s introduction of John Barnes, the Director of Legislative Affairs for the Indiana Department of Education. John, who prefers to refer to himself as the legislative liaison, gave a timely and informative talk about the working of the DOE and passed out copies of Ritz’s initiative for the Outreach Division of School Improvement. Following his talk he fielded a number of questions from the floor. Business Meeting: The meeting was opened with President Pat Kriskovich leading the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Minutes from the last meeting were read by Nancy Singer who also explained that in the interests of streamlining the meetings, minutes would no longer be read, but would instead be available for viewing both on the website and in hard copy by request. Treasurer Linda Szewc reported the following balances: General fund: $1608.60 and Saving Account/Scholarship fund: $1899.90. Committee Reports: Membership (Betty Vogel): Betty, Ramona Levy, Vicki Loughmiller, Nancy Singer, and Pat Kriskovich put together the August mailings Legislative Report (Dick Thompson): Dick mentioned the areas on which the next session would focus. Community Service (Jane Tietz): Jane reminded everyone to turn in volunteer hours. Public Relations (Anne Garceau and Judy Reed): Anne and Judy will be submitting information to the papers; a reminder was also given to take a look at our website. Scholarships (Jane Tietz for Anne Garceau): Our scholarship has been raised to $750. We will be leaving the Hendricks County Foundation as soon as we give three more scholarships and deplete our funds deposited with them. Current donations to scholarships are placed in the savings account in anticipation of the time when we will again give our own scholarships with no deductions made to the capital for administrative fees. Members and Concerns (Pat for Ann Morse and Bonnie Elmore): Members were advised to let them know about members who might need sympathy and/or thinking of you cards. Condolences will be sent to Sarah Schuetter on the death of her husband. Unfinished Business: The Representative Assembly on June 19, 2013 was attended by nine members who reported that our website received an “Outstanding Award”; our Area 5 designation will be changed to Area 4 as the counties are combined and redistricted; and reminded members to join the state association particularly since they lobby for the “13th check” which we once again received. Several of the new officers attended the Officer’s workshop on July 31, 2013 and learned more about what some of the other chapters are doing. We were reminded to bring in paper products for the Senior Center since we do this in lieu of rent. New Business: The Fall Workshops were announced and members desiring to attend were encouraged to let Pat Kriskovich know as soon as possible. We have a new photographer for the association, Judy Reed, who is taking pictures of all the members to make a picture/name/email listing for all members. Members who have not been photographed were asked to stop after the meeting to have their picture taken. A reminder was given for the next meeting, November 11, when the program will be presented by Ron Mays, publisher of Life Stories. With no further business to be conducted, the meeting was adjourned at 1:55. Respectfully submitted, Secretary Nancy Singer