File: SBWC Meeting Minutes, Mar, 2015

Meeting Minutes; SBWC Board Meeting – March 3, 2015
The meeting was called to order by Lonny Welter, about 7:10.
Members present (in addition to Lonny): Barbara W., Maddy S., Steve T., Jane H., and
Howard B.
Staff: Pat W, Amber K, Jenni (LCEP)
Public: none
February Minutes – Howard made a motion to approve February minutes; Jane seconded;
motion approved unanimously.
Public Comment – Howard (for Caroline) noted the Nob Hill work party on April 4; need
tools and plants from the Council.
Lonny noted that the water levels will be a concern this year due to the extremely
low rain – we’re getting 3-10% of normal amounts; we also have a very low
snowfall. Pat noted the Rockies have been receiving more normal amounts;
this will help in the upper portions of the Columbia.
Presentation: no presentation this month.
Council Elections: discussion on question of recent elections – Pat researching when last
elections were held but could not find record of such in previous minutes (she
looked through copies going back to January 2013), but all recalled that elections
were held in January 2014 (but likely not recorded in the minutes). A review of the
By-laws show that elections should be every two years, so Council is following ByLaws, and elections should be held again in 2016.
Maddy was going to review the By-laws to possibly re-write sections for greater
clarification on Board positions and elections.
Strategic Plan: Pat discussed the Strategic Plan – now called the Action Plan. This needs to
be approved and filed with OWEB by May 1; it should be annually reviewed in the
future. Pat reviewed the major goals of the previous Plan (2008-2012), and
suggested keeping the focus of the Plan broad, while leaving details in the Annual
Work Plans. In addition to the existing major goals, the Plan should include more
involvement with the southern portion of the 5th field – Sauvie Island and
Multnomah Channel (Gilbert River sub-basin). Pat noted we are beginning projects
with WMSWCD.
Pat will write up a draft of the work plan; consensus is to use the format of the previous
Plan, with modifications as appropriate, and use a 5-year time frame (2015-2020).
Format should include a focus on OWEB’s significant review categories – Effective
Governance, effective Management, Progress in Planning, Progress On-The-Ground,
Community Engagement.
Coordinator’s Report (Attached to Minutes); Highlights include:
 OWEB Capacity Grant – all paperwork completed on the Work Plan and submitted.
Project work – writing up work plan for additional BLM funds to use in monitoring
Scappoose Bay; beginning work with Scott at WMSWCD; Milton Creek Riparian final
report completed; still waiting for reviews on Duck Lake and MC Large Woody
Debris proposals; initial Duck Lake reviews are they want to move forward with the
project, but with a different restoration design.
Office – new lease agreement (verbally) with Port and Kayak shop okay with slight
change (they get back closet)
Events – March 7 trail cleanup coming up; several plant sales.
Financial Report: Barbara W. presented the financial report (filed with Minutes);
processes are still being modified, but working reasonably well. Motion to approve
minutes was made by Lonny, seconded by Howard; Motion approved.
Additional Financial/Office: Pat will prepare an annual budget for Board review at next
meeting. Computers may need to be upgraded; a first step is to secure a back-up
system – Pat will purchase a backup disk and copy the server onto it as a first step,
and will ask an IT friend if he can give a quick review of the system.
Nursery Report: Nursery is gearing up for several upcoming sales – Friends of Baltimore
Woods, Skyline Grange, and our own Spring Sale. Volunteer days (Thursdays) are
well attended, and the new plants have all be potted and doing well.
Board Meeting adjourned approximately 9:00 pm.