File: SBWC Meeting Minutes, June 2015

Meeting Minutes; SBWC Board Meeting – June 2, 2015
The meeting was called to order by Lonny Welter, about 7:00.
Members present (in addition to Lonny): Barbara W., Maddy S., Steve T., Jane H., and Jean
L., and Howard B.
Staff: Pat W
Public: Caroline, FBW and Nob Hill; Renee Meyers, FPConservancy
April Minutes – Maddy made a motion to approve May minutes; Barbara seconded;
motion approved unanimously.
Public Comment –
Caroline discussed the plant list produced for Nob Hill with the help of Wilbur Bloom, a
retired horticulturalist. Lona Pierce walked this and helped identify many of them.
They find 2-3 things new per year but there had been a push in the past month.
Renee suggested Kendall Peterson-Morgan as a possible additional resource.
Maddy brought up the issue of the Frisbee Golf park in St. Helens as an area we should be
keeping an eye on; Howard noted the golf folks have violated many rules in terms of
clearing near he riparian areas. There is also a conflict of walkers with the golfers.
May want to work with them to make activity more compatible.
Presentation – Renee Meyers, FP Conservancy
 Introduced the Conservation Initiative; a connection between Forest Park and the
Coast Range; looking at the high value habitat of maintaining these connecting
 Threats to these areas include habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation; climate
change, and invasive plant and animal species
 Overarching goals: streams, connectivity, forests, wildlife and funding
 Integration with other efforts is also important.
 Lonny asked about coordination with other entities – RM noted they are playing that
role for multiple entities.
 Renee would like to see the boundary move north, to increase the connection with
the Coastal range.
 A few specific projects:
o Perimeter Program – WMSWCD doing invasive removal
o Watershed Assessments – local watersheds
o Greening of the Industrial Area
o Measuring Success with improved monitoring protocol
 Partnerships – greater funding available with larger partnerships; they are working
on a list of prioritizing projects with ODF and USDA
Coordinator’s Report (Attached to Minutes); Highlights include:
 Project work – BLM monitoring continuing on schedule; Milton Creek LWD project
has completed a contract for supervising work with Waterways, and is going to bid
for the Installation contract; Duck Lake project has hired ESA to do additional
analyses; they’ll begin work shortly; we began work with WMSWCD monitoring.
Nursery Report: Amber was not present; only note is on the Fisher Park project – need to
charge full price on these trees and get invoice to Lonny
Financial Report: Barbara W. presented the financial report (filed with Minutes); Motion
to approve minutes was made by Maddy, seconded by Howard; Motion
Upcoming Events:
Paddlefest June 13-14; We have a few volunteers (Maddy and Howard); Amber has a few
others joining her on Saturday.
Board Meeting adjourned approximately 9:08 pm.