SLT Meeting Jan 6th

SLT Meeting 1/6/14
Read Mission Statement/ Vision Statement
IEP Grading Policy
- EC teacher explained that our policy is now based off of CMS’s policy. All grading comes
back to the IEPs and if things aren’t working, most of the time IEP is addressed. Power
School report card doesn’t have a place that indicates a child is on an IEP… which is why
grading goes back to the IEP. Grading is based on the regular curriculum because that is
what’s expected of all CMS students. Modifications and Accommodations determine how
general curriculum items are graded.
- Question: When a student receives modified assessments (less questions on a test) and gets
5 out of 10 correct and receives a 100… what is the guideline for this grading policy? Is the
teacher picking the best 5 off of the test?
Answer: Case-by-case basis/ collaboration between classroom and EC teacher
- Question: How comfortable are we as a staff at modifying assessments?
Answer: Modified assignments should be a combination of EC teachers and reg ed teacher.
Teachers don’t feel as if we’re consistent across grade levels. Suggestion: We can call in our
NLZ for input on this… the Zone could come in during data meetings for support. Action:
Find out from teams what’s needed. Question 1- Do you understand how to modify and or
accommodate for the IEP? Question 2- How can we best communicate accommodations/
modifications to parents? Question 3- Does your team need support with modifications/
accommodations? Deadline for team responses- 1/16/14 Responses go to :
- Clarification: Accommodations help students to better access the curriculum (ex. Same test
in smaller chunks/ enlarged print) Modification is when actual curricular material is
changed. (less test questions)
- We cannot use a different grading scale for IEP students as per CMS. We are also not
allowed to indicate in Power School that assignments have been modified.
- Needed: Clarification on what and how items are modified with parents and teachers.
- Needed: IEP reports need to be updated in order to inform on modified assignments and
- Needed: Consistency across grade levels so grading isn’t drastically changing each year.
- Even though modifications cannot be indicated on Power School, notes can be put in as to
what assignment was given (ex: if IEP student is tested on retell, but general curriculum
tests on inferencing, retell assessment comment can be added.)
Next meeting will be data heavy. (MAPs/ Reading 3D/ Zone and District MAPs comparisons)
It’s been offered to us to participate in a Tier II platform program. We need a representative
from each grade level to learn more about this platform as well as Tier II and Tier III
interventions. Representatives need to be submitted to Ms. Rao by 1/16/14. Subs will be
provided for an all day PD on 1/28/14. PD is on campus.
TA surveys have gone out and results will be reported next month.
Shared to remember our custodian, Robert, in your thoughts. May share that Robert got sick
and we had many people come to help Mr. Robert. He is getting better! (PTO and Sunshine
Committee will be notified.)
Next meeting Feb 3rd.