PPT - Career Choices

Pendleton High School
Pendleton, Oregon
Inclusion in the
Career Choices
IEP Transition Goals
Oregon IEP
Transition Goals:
The Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT) of the Council for Exceptional
Children defines transition assessment as an “…ongoing process of collecting data on the
Individual’s needs, preferences, and interests as they relate to the demands of current and
future working, educational, living, and personal and social environments. Assessment data
serve as the common thread in the transition process and form the basis for defining goals and
services to be included in the Individualized Education Program (IEP)” (Sitlington, Neubert, &
LeConte, 1997; p. 70-71). Federal law requires “appropriate measurable postsecondary goals
based upon age appropriate transition assessments related to training, education, employment,
and, where appropriate, independent living skills” (§300.320[b][1]).
Published and distributed by:
National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center
University of North Carolina Charlotte
College of Education, Special Education & Child Development
9201 University City Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28223
Phone: 704-687-8853
Fax: 704-687-2916
Select assessment instruments and methods
that help the student to answer the following
1. Who am I?
2. What are my unique talents and interests?
3. What do I want in life, now and in the future?
4. What are some of life’s demands that I can meet now?
5. What are the main barriers to getting what I want from school and
my community?
6. What are my options in the school and community for preparing
me for what I want to do, now and in the future?
Career Choices Curriculum
Workbook Based Curriculum
Chapter 1 – Envision Your Future Pg. 6
Chapter 2 – Personality Profile Pg. 11,
Identify Your Passions Pg. 12,
Work Values Pg. 13-16 , Strengths and Personality Pg. 17-19,
Chapter 4 – Life Style Goals Budget Profile Pg. 42,
What Salary Will Support This Lifestyle Pg. 42
Chapter 5 –
Work Settings Pgs. 57 – 61
Chapter 6 – research on 3 specific careers
Chapter 7 – Evaluate Your Choices
Chapter 12 – 10 year plan
Learning Objectives are listed at the beginning of every
lesson in the Instructor’s and Counselor’s Guide for Career
*A Certified Teacher steps the students through the
Career Choices Curriculum
*Any Teacher in the school can be given access to
*Special education Teacher can look up a Special
Education Student’s plan
*The Special Education Teacher uses the student’s own
words to write measurable, realistic goals and
Teacher’s Lounge
Multiple resources available
Student Activities
Fundraising Ideas
Classroom/Project Ideas
Inspirational Videos
And more including:
Modified Lesson Plans:
Accommodations-Can and should be
provided to any student who needs them
without changing the outcome of instruction.
Remove the Reading & Writing Barriers to learning
the content:
Books on tape, peer readers, teacher reads to
Provide notes, either fill in the blank/skeleton or
copies of entire notes with a highlighter, a good
note taker could provide carbon copy notes for
the whole class
Provide visual aids and reduce the visual clutter of
environment, assignments, presentation, etc.
Accommodations Response Format & Procedures
Provide page numbers for finding information
* all page numbers go on board and are said at least 4 times
Give the questions ahead of time
* Workbook has all questions and students are encouraged to explore
Highlight key words in directions
* Key words are written out on board daily
Provide a word bank for fill in the blank
*vocabulary word bank in workbook for each chapter
Provide a completed example on worksheets
* use my10yearplan.com the day before to go over what is expected in the computer lab
Sentence Frames or Sentence Starters for short answer items
* Put examples up the students are allowed to use for their text box responses
Break large assignments into smaller chunks with clear timelines for completion
Oral responses
Type work
Break score down into content and process i.e. writing ideas separate from spelling and punctuation,
*correct answer separate from correct process
Performance assessment rather than paper and pencil tests
* posters or on-line work as a test grade
These change what the child learns and therefore have major
ramifications for the future.
Sometimes they are necessary but we have to look at the long term
plan and either have an alternate diploma plan already in mind or a
solid plan for closing the performance gap and reducing the need for
future modifications.
Most students need a challenging curriculum in general education with
accommodations and special education supports.
Instructional Level
Partial completion-ideas and concepts crucial and attainable
-Chapter 12 only the years of high school filled in, plus 1 year after
Lower level writing expectations
-type 1 word answers in text boxes on My10yearplan.com
Lower level math expectations
- chapter 4 limit number of items to filled in on Budget Profile
Performance Criteria
Reduction in the number of concepts for mastery
-chapter 6 require 1 career search instead of 3
An alternative grading procedure/scale
– Pass/Fail
Grade based on alternative learning objectives
– Participated in class with 1 verbal response