Transitioning from Early Intervention to School Age

Avon Grove School District
Early Intervention to School Age
Pre- Transition Meeting- early January
 The Intermediate Unit (IU) will contact you to schedule a
transition meeting
 At the meeting, the IU will request the following completed
o A completed Student Profile—including strengths, school the child is currently
attending, hours of current pre-school program
o A signed permission for release of records- this allows the district to access a current
IEP and ER.
- The IU does not provide us with additional records; however parents may
provide any additional information, relative to your child. This allows the
school District to gain a full understanding of your child prior to the meeting.
o In order for the district to review these records, prior the
meeting, the records release must be signed and received in
advance of the meeting.
Transition Meeting- January- February
The purpose of this meeting is to share information about the student and plan for transition
to school age programming.
o Potential meeting attendees: Building Administrator, Supervisor of Special Education,
speech therapist, school psychologist, supervisor of special education, nurse
 If there is a particular team member that you would like to attend the meeting,
please notify the school District
o At this meeting, you will be provided with Intent to register form.
 Signing this document allows the District to begin the educational transition
process. If not signed, the District cannot begin to plan for the student’s
educational programming and needs.
 Signing the intent to register is non- binding nor a commitment to attend
AGSD for the following school year.
o If your child is not of the Age of Beginner (6 years old prior to 9/8/2015) they have
the option to remain in Early Intervention (EI) for another year.
 If you decide that your child will remain in EI, let the District know and we
will resume the transition process next year
 If you make the decision to send your child to another school, please notify the
o During the meeting:
 You will have the opportunity to ask questions of District representatives.
 Early Intervention records will be reviewed.
o Based on shared information, the team makes the determinations of the following:
 The need for a pre-reevaluation
 Implementation of the EI IEP
 Development of a new IEP
o A determination of placement will not be made at the Transition Meeting. If your
child is found to be eligible for school age special education services, placement will
be determined at a subsequent IEP meeting.
You must schedule an appointment for registration using the district website. At the time of your
appointment, you will meet at PLE and providing additional information.
Next Steps
Your child may be reevaluated by the District
Your child may be reevaluated by the IU
If your child is found to be exceptional and in need of specially designed instruction, an IEP
team meeting will be held.
o A district representative will contact you to coordinate this meeting
If you are attending Penn London Elementary for the fall, a “sneak a peek” will be held in late
Contact Information
Penn London Elementary School
Dr. Cynthia Holland, Principal
Ms. Suzanne Magee, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Holly Pettine- Supervisor of Special