Users test final ASSISTANT prototype

Users test final ASSISTANT prototype
Spring 2015 saw further field trials of ASSISTANT public transport app, with all the
functionality of the final prototype. A total of 12 end users were involved, in Helsinki,
Vienna and Donostia-San Sebastian. As ASSISTANT is aimed primarily at mobile
older travellers, all participants were aged 65+. E-Seniors co-ordinated the trials, with
support from VTT, University of Vienna and Tecnalia.
All users participated in initial workshops
to discuss the testing process and how to
use ASSISTANT. They then tested the
ASSISTANT prototype over two weeks in
the field, using it to plan and guide public
transport routes.
User experiences were evaluated with
diaries and questionnaires, and their
feedback is being analysed in a Final
User Evaluation Report. Some of the trial participants used public transport more
often than others, but all agreed that ASSISTANT is a very useful solution when
travelling new and unknown routes. They also felt that the system encourages older
travellers to be more mobile and discover their city. The users would be happy to
utilise ASSISTANT when travelling in other European cities too.
“The prototype evaluation phase confirmed that ASSISTANT encourages older
people to take public transport, guiding them from the departure point until the ‘final
kilometre’ to the desination. The testers also raised ideas for fine-tuning the user
interface and these are certainly helpful for the future of the ASSISTANT service.”
said Annukka Svanda, co-ordinator of the evaluation in Helsinki.
June 2015
Notes to Editors
The innovative ASSISTANT project is developing an application for the home PC and
smartphone. The app. will help older travellers plan public transport journeys and then
provide guidance during their journeys. This guidance will help older travellers find the
vehicle they need, advise on changing to other routes, alert them when to get off a
vehicle, and then assist with getting to their final destination. ASSISTANT will also
provide help if something goes wrong during a trip
The full title of the project is Aiding SuStainable Independent Senior TrAvellers to
Navigate in Towns (ASSISTANT). The project involves seven partners from five
countries, with an overall cost of €2.7 million. The ASSISTANT application is expected
to come to market by 2017.
ASSISTANT has received funding from the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme
(AAL JP), co-funded by the European Commission and national funding authorities of
participant countries. The objective of the AAL JP,, is to enhance
the quality of life of older people in Europe through the use of information and
communication technologies.
Project partners:
Tecnalia, Spain – Coordinator | University of Vienna, Austria | Citruna Technologies,
Finland | Fara, Finland | VTT, Finland | E-Seniors, France |Transport and Travel
Research Ltd (TTR), United Kingdom | Project Subcontractor: IN2 (UK)
Find us online at or follow us @AAL_ASSISTANT.
For more information contact:
Dr. Stefan Carmien, Tecnalia Mona Komulainen, E-Seniors
Samantha Jones, TTR
+34 946 430 850
+ 44 (0)1543 416 416
+ 33 (6)81 79 69 85