MARINE BIOLOGY – MS. BANKS COURSE INFORMATION/CLASS RULES e-Mail: Web Page: A. Course Objectives This course is designed to facilitate a basic understanding of the principles of biology for all students, whether they approach biology as informed future citizens or as apprentice scientists. Equally important, is the development of good work habits, a scientific approach to problem Solving, and the further improvement of organizational and writing skills. (we hope to have some fun too!! :-) B. City-Wide Grading Scale: A = 92-100 D = 65-73 F = 64 and below B = 83-91 C = 74-82 C. Grading Policies: Marking period grades are determined as follows: Classwork/Homework: 20% Projects: 15% Labs: 15% Tests: 30% Quizzes: 20% D. Required Materials: 1. Pens (Black or dark Blue ONLY/Pencils (#2 ONLY) 2. Color Pencils 3. 70 – 80 page Spiral Notebook 4. 1 Marble notebook 5. Textbook: (To be provided) E. Rules/Expectations: 1. Be in the classroom on time. If you are not in your seat when the last bell rings, you will be marked tardy. 2. NO FOOD, DRINKS, OR GUM ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM. If found open, it will be taken and placed in the trash. 3. Please observe school rules and do not bring electronic devices to school. If found, they will be confiscated. 4. Do not do homework for other classes in this room, unless specified that you have free time. If found, it will be placed in the trash. 5. Do not talk during announcements or when Ms. Banks is talking. 6. Restroom and water fountain before or after class. You will be allowed only TWO emergency restroom passes per semester. 7. Keep the area around your desk/lab table clean. Put any trash in the trash can, not in or around the desk. 8. Any talking during tests/quizzes will be assumed to be cheating. 9. Labs: a. Follow directions the first time Safety first! b. Students guilty of horseplay will receive a “0” on that lab report and parents will be called c. Help your group clean up F. Homework: a. Homework assignments and project due dates for the year are located on my webpage @ . I encourage you to go to my web site to get your assignments and get ahead in your assignments. b. Homework is to be placed in the drawer specific to your block at the beginning of class ONLY!. It will not be accepted later. If you were present the day the assignment was assigned, but absent the day it is due, I will accept it the day after you return. c. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, UNLESS IT IS MAKE-UP WORK, AND MAKE-UP WORK IS TO BE MADE UP WITHIN 5 DAYS OF AN EXCUSED ABSENCE!! 10. Make-up work See me about handouts and/or staying after school. I am usually available immediately after school on Thursday in the main office. for make-up quizzes, tests. Please let me know when you are coming in ahead of time, as I sometimes have scheduled meetings to attend and cannot be there. Parents: My planning times are 2nd and 7th periods. If you need to schedule a conference during this time, or after school with an appointment, please call (School phone # - 591-4700 Ext. 58114).