7th Grade English/ Language Arts Mrs. Serr Objective: We will be

7th Grade English/ Language Arts
Mrs. Serr
Objective: We will be reading and writing different types literature. We will be focusing on narrative,
informational/expository and argumentative writing styles and using different forms of literature to help bridge the
understanding of these writing styles.
Text: The textbook is The Language of Literature. There are only a classroom set of textbooks, therefore, students
will use the textbooks while in class. Students that need extra time with the textbook will be allowed to check out
the book from the teacher. Students will also be coming home with a number of novels to read throughout the year.
The novels are owned by the school district and there will be a charge for lost, stolen or damaged books. Students
are required to bring a book everyday to class.
Materials need:
 Glue/ Glue sticks
 Composition Notebook
 Folder
Colored Pencils
100 3x5 index cards
Assignments: Assignments for the class are made up of quizzes, tests, essays, daily work and reading novels. Make
sure that your first and last name along with class hour are placed on the top right hand corner on every assignment.
Papers without a name will be placed in the back of the classroom for ONE week and then throw away.
Late-work Policy: All assignments missed will be assigned a grade of ZERO until the assignment is turned in.
When an assignment receives a zero students will go to afterschool zero lab.
Make-up work (related to an excused absence): Upon returning to school following an absence, it is a student’s
responsibility to contact the teacher to request make-up work. Make-up work must be completed within the number
of days absent plus one to make up the work, if the make-up work is not made up within that time the assignment
will be treated as late work.
Grades: Grades will be figured along the following scale:
(Detach and return this potion only)-Students will receive a grade for returning syllabus!
Student’s Name_______________________________ Date___________________
Parent or Guardian Signature______________________________________________________
Parent or Guardian Phone Number(s)________________________________________________
Parent or Guardian email_________________________________________________________
(Signature implies that the parent or guardian has received the course syllabus.)