A Report of an Experimental Recycle System Setting

A Report of an Experimental Recycle System Setting-up at
the “Tomson Beautiful Place”
Introduction of Experimental Site
The Tomson Beautiful Place (TBP) is a residential compound located at Zhangjiang,
Pudong New Development district, Shanghai, Mainland China. There are 34 buildings
inside the compound consisting of 716 apartment units (Note: there is no data available
for the current occupancy rate in this compound). Each building is 6 floor high with each
apartment unit taking 2 floors. The buildings are 2-5 years old. The background of
residents varies and most residents are mainly local middle class families, Taiwanese,
oversea returnees and a few non-Chinese foreigners. The Property Management
Company is “East Lake Management Co.” (东湖物业).
Recycle System Setting-up
The preparation of our experimental recycle system began in the mid of August. Haiying
Wu is our manager and volunteer whom is in charge of the ongoing process of the recycle
system at TBP in China.
Haiying and I had a very effective meeting with Mr. Chen (head of East Lake
Management Co. at TBP) on August 17, 2009. Mr. Chen suggested that we submit a plan
to him for review (see attachment – System_Plan). After reaching an agreement with
him, we purchased recycle cans from Shanghai Worgor Plastic Co. LTD (46 50-L Green
Recycle Cans with lit and our slogan and foundation’s name printed on the front of can
and 46 20-L Blue Collect Cans without lit). The total cost for the cans is 5290 RMB. All
cans were delivered to the site on August 21, 2009.
During the week of August 17, we had another meeting with Mr. Chen and submitted our
system plan and two documents to him (see attachment – 告居民书 和 垃圾分类). We
also met with Head of Cleaning group Ms. Shun and three cleaning staff twice in the
same week. The whole staff and management team from East Lake Management Co are
very supportive to this project.
In the following week, the cleaning staff will place labels of 垃圾分类 sign on each of 92
cans (both 50-L and 20-L). Ms. Wu will contact with Neighborhood Committee at TBP,
both East Lake Management Co. and Neighborhood Committee will have their Stamps
on the 告居民书, Ms. Shun will post them on the bulletin board of those 8 buildings we
plan to carry out the experiment as well as on the bulletin board allocated near the main
entrance of the compound. Three cleaning staff already had their own data collection
sheet (see attachment – Table1), they will start monitoring the “normal trash” beginning
September 1, 2009. The data collecting cycle will be 5 days per week for a total of
consecutive three months.
Ideally, by the end of November, we will generate sufficient data that can help us to
evaluate the effectiveness of this recycling system and the data package will also be used
for our future fundraising. Our goal is to establish this recycling system at residential
community one by one, we believe that our effort will make a better world.