SustainabilityPPTbas.. - Sustainable Stillwater

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Sustainable Stillwater
“Development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs”
Leaving a positive legacy for our offspring
• Corporate Responsibility
• Consumer Responsibility
Quality of Life
Tree huggers
Costs too much
The Business Case
Newsweek 2009 Green Rankings of S&P 500
Top 10: Hewlett Packard, Dell, Johnson &
Johnson, Intel, IBM, State Street, Nike, BristolMyers Squibb, Applied Materials, Starbucks
Wise use of natural resources, water, energy,
electricity, fossil fuels
Make investments for long-term benefits
• Renewable energy, better insulation, etc.
Smart-Growth & Low-Impact Development
Consider the triple-bottom line
• Society (People)
• Environment (Planet)
• Economy (Profits)
Neighborhoods with a center of activity
Services & shopping within walking distance
Green spaces, parks, playgrounds
Infrastructure for walking, bicycling, public
Less congestion
Less pollution
Lower gas bill
More exercise
Sense of community
Natural light
Passive solar
• Lower energy bills
• Fewer non-renewable
resources used
Local & seasonal foods
Natural vs. processed foods
Eat to live vs. live to eat
Quality over quantity
Fewer non-renewable resources
Supports local economy
Reduces pollution
Better health
Lower medical costs
Low-impact development
Front-loading washing machine
Low-flow toilets & showerheads
Low maintenance yards
Rainwater harvesting
Compact fluorescent bulbs & LEDs
EPA Energy Star appliances
Renewable energy investments
Elbow grease (instead of power tools, leaf
blowers, clothes dryers, stairs)
Carpool, bus, bicycle, walk
Flip the switch
Reduce first, then reuse, then recycle
Buy in bulk or concentrate to reduce packaging
Rent/borrow items that are rarely used
Buy durable goods that can be reused
Use fewer disposable items
Buy resale, repair items
Recycle what you can’t reuse
Buy recycled content
Waste = Food
No waste in nature
Cradle to grave design
Product components are either biodegradable
or synthetic (plastic, metals, etc.)
Biodegradable or organic waste – compost it
Synthetic waste – reuse or recycle it
Stillwater Automated Waste Collection
Planning for:
 A clean environment
 Long-term prosperity
 Healthy children & healthy people
These things don’t happen without sustained
effort and ability– Sustainability!
Stillwater Reuse & Recycle Guide
Payne County Region Local Food Guide
U.S. Green Building Council
EPA Energy Star Program
ODEQ Pollution Prevention
Oklahoma ECO Tourism
RENEW Waste Exchange