TIENET Confidential and Additional Programming Info Documents in

Confidential and Additional Programming Information Documents in TIENET
According to the Nova Scotia Department of Education Student Records Policy (August, 2006),
“A cumulative record must be opened, following registration, on a timely basis. It must contain the ongoing
record of a student’s progress related to educational programming. The cumulative record contains specific
information for each year of the student’s schooling that directly relates to educational programming, services,
and progress that has not been designated by the principal as information required to be placed in the student
confidential record.” The information related to the student’s program planning and student services are
created and managed in TIENET and uploaded and attached as Programming Documents within Additional
Programming Information (see more details below). This would include student programming information
like a FAIS, strengths and challenges worksheet, referrals, reports, parental consent forms, correspondence to
and from the board and outside service providers, etc.
“A confidential record must be opened immediately when information that is judged to be highly sensitive, as
determined by school principal or designate, is acquired. The confidential record must be kept in a separate
student file. The existence of the confidential record must be noted on the cumulative record.” In TIENET,
Confidential Documents related to student program planning are uploaded and attached as part of the
Confidential Record (see more details below). This would be information like psychological, psychoeducational, psycho-social, and formal speech-language assessment reports, confidential case conference
reports, etc. Suspension information for NS students is managed in PowerSchool so will not be attached in
“A youth criminal justice record must be opened immediately upon receiving or creating a record that
identifies a student in any relation to the YCJA, programs or services.” According to the NS DOE at this point,
this record will not be converted to an electronic file and will remain as a paper file.
HINT- when attaching a file in TIENET, it is helpful to appropriately name the file before uploading it.
For example, if
attaching a Parental Consent form for assistive technology, the file name could be Parental Consent – Assistive Technology.
Confidential Document Attachments - in TIENET, confidential documents are attached once and are
always accessible year after year within student documents. They can be uploaded by resource teachers,
school administrators and itinerant professionals (SLPs, School Psychologists, LD Specialists, etc. will upload
their own reports and documents) and viewed by classroom teachers and anyone who has access to the
student’s TIENET information and documents.
To attach a confidential file in TIENET, choose Confidential Document from the drop-down list and then Go. In
the User Comment field, type in the name and creation date of the document being attached, then New to
access the document. This takes the user to the cover page for the Confidential Document. To use this (use is
optional), click Edit This Section, then add Author, Title, Notes, etc. if needed. To attach a file, use Navigate
To… at the top, then File Attachments and Attach File to Select and Upload File once it is selected. Third
party documents/files/reports may have to be scanned first to create an electronic copy.
Once the file is uploaded, the status of the document must be set to Final so that it is secure and cannot be
changed. To do this ...
Click on the More Actions link at the top of the page.
Click on Change Status of This Document.
Use the drop-down to select the new status (Final).
Then click Accept.
Additional Programming Document Attachments - in TIENET, additional programming documents are
attached and available for the current school year, then are archived. These documents can be uploaded by
classroom teachers, resource teachers and school administrators and viewed by anyone who has access to the
student’s TIENET information and documents.
To attach an additional programming file in TIENET, choose Programming Document from the drop-down list
and then Go. Follow the same steps as above with Confidential Documents.
Accessing Confidential and Additional Programming Attachments – to access and view an
uploaded file, in the list of student documents, click on the name of the attachment, then Download File.
Documents that have not been finalized also have the options to Upload Replacement File or Delete File.
According to the Nova Scotia Department of Education Student Records Policy (August, 2008),
The cumulative record must contain the following (so can be attached to Additional Programming Info in TIENET):
• completed identification block with complete legal name; legal documentation must be presented to the school
(see Appendix A, Identification Block)
• attendance record
• dates of enrolment, transfer, withdrawal, and graduation
• identification of services provided by school and board
• record of academic progress (all student report cards)
• pertinent medical information that directly affects the educational programming, health, and safety of the
individual or others
• indication of any other files held by the school that relate to the student (except the youth criminal justice record)
• transcripts
The cumulative record must contain the following, if applicable (so can be attached to Additional Programming
Info in TIENET):
• Literacy Support Plan
• Reading RecoveryTM entry and exit dates, and exit status
• individualized program plans (IPPs)
• record of adaptations (see Policy 2.2, Special Education Policy Manual)
• custody documents
• legal documents pertaining to legal name change
The cumulative record may also contain, subject to board policy, the following, when appropriate (so can be
attached to Additional Programming Info in TIENET):
• referrals, reports, parental consent forms and correspondence to and from the board and outside service
providers not deemed to be sensitive or not required to be included in the confidential record
• documentation supporting foreign students
• student participation in extracurricular activities written in the comment section
• current photograph of student
The Student Confidential Record must contain the following, if applicable (so can be attached to Confidential
Information in TIENET if related to program planning):
• psychological, psychiatric, psycho-educational, psycho-social, and formal speech-language assessment reports
• confidential case conference reports, both from within the school system and from agencies outside the school
• third-party information, from an outside agency or professional (who is a recognized service provider and not
employed by the school board), such as assessments from Family and Children’s Services, psychologists, mental
health clinicians, hearing and speech clinicians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, medical doctors, and
social workers, including referrals, reports, correspondence, and informed consent from parent(s)
• Individual Program Planning Team meeting notes and related confidential information (Meeting Minutes in
• notices relating to student suspension (Suspension notices for a period of not more than five school days should
be destroyed after six years. Suspension notices for a period greater than five school days are kept during the
student’s enrolment in the public school system.). Suspension information for NS students is managed in
PowerSchool so will not be attached in TIENET.