NS Program Planning and TIENET (Stages

Program Planning and TIENET
Program Planning Stages
Program Planning Process
TIENET Documents
TIENET Functionality
(End User Guide)
Classroom teacher identifies student
challenges with curriculum or
classroom environment.
No TIENET activity at this stage.
Stage 1 - Screening and
Classroom teacher performs a variety
of assessments to provide baseline of
Classroom teacher may decide to
differentiate instruction.
Exception: If a student enters the
school system with an existing
diagnosis skip directly to Request
for a Program Planning Team
- Accessing TIENET (pg.4)*
- Navigating the Homepage(pg. 4)
- Student Caseloads(pg.7)
- Searching for Students, Staff and
Locations (pg. 26)
- Navigating Staff and Student Profiles
(pg. 31)
Classroom teacher may communicate
with parents/guardian.
Teacher uses and documents available
materials, human resources and
strategies for future reference.
Stage 2 - Exploration of
Instructional Strategies
(Including Documented
Adaptations) by Classroom
Consult with staff, school psychologist,
SLP, resource, etc.
Co-operate and collaborate with
Develop adaptations at the class /
subject level.
Classroom teacher creates
Documented AdaptationsTeacher Exploration
- Accessing and Viewing Student
Documents (pg. 33)
- Creating Student Documents (pg. 37)
- Attaching File-Based Documents
(pg. 48)
- Copying Documents or Sections of
Documents (pg.52)
- Accessing and Creating LocationBased Documents (pg. 43)
- Saving Documents (pg. 44)
- Changing Document Status (pg. 46)
- Printing Documents (pg.54 )
Program Planning and TIENET
Program Planning Stages
Stage 3 - Referral for a
Program Planning Team
Program Planning Process
TIENET Documents
Classroom teacher completes
Request for a Program Planning
Team Meeting and sends the
When additional programming needs to request to the principal or
be considered, a teacher may request a designee
meeting with the Program Planning
The principal or designee either
Team by submitting a meeting request
approves request or advises
to an administrator.
teacher to further explore Stages
1 and 2
A parent or a student may request a
meeting with the Program Planning
If approved, principal notifies PPT
Team through a teacher or
members through TIENET
communication and contacts
parents or guardians that a
meeting will be scheduled.
TIENET Functionality
(End User Guide)
- Communicating in TIENET (pg. 9)
- Calendaring in TIENET (pg. 22)
- Accessing Public Reports (pg. 34))
- Subscribing to Reports (pg. 35)
Program Planning and TIENET
Program Planning Stages
Stage 4 - Program Planning
Team Meeting
Program Planning Process
Team members are those who have
responsibility for the student learning,
including parent(s)/guardian(s);
principal/vice principal; teachers,
including resource teachers, and other
professional staff involved; and if
appropriate, the student.
TIENET Documents
TIENET Functionality
(End User Guide)
Program Planning Meeting
Minutes are documented for each
individual student.
Documented Adaptations - PPT
Note: there is a student
strengths/challenges worksheet
embedded in this form to use as a
tool when developing the DA.
PPT can decide to develop Documented
Adaptation - PPT for the student
- Entering Data into the Student
Profile (pg. 31)
Referral for Services
Meeting allows members to clarify the
strengths/challenges of the student and
decide on future action.
Health Care/Emergency Care Plan
Student Special Transportation
The PPT may also decide to make a
Referral for Services at this point.
Transition Plan (not on IPP)
The PPT reviews the student
information to write the IPP.
Stage 5 - Development of
Individual Program Plan
All those who have responsible for
implementing the IPP should be
The PPT defines Annual Individual
Outcomes, Specific Individual
Outcomes, Instructional and
Assessment Strategies and
Responsibility Areas.
- Adding/Deleting Document
Individual Program Plan
Sections (pg. 45)
- Printing with Note-Taking
Spaces (pg.55)
Program Planning and TIENET
Program Planning Stages
Program Planning Process
Team members are assigned
responsibility for the
implementation of adaptations
and/or the IPP.
Stage 6 - Implementation of
Documented Adaptations and/or
Individual Program Plan
Stage 7 - Monitoring of
Documented Adaptations and/or
Individual Program Plan
Classroom teacher is responsible
for evaluating and reporting to
parent’s on student progress.
PPT must collaboratively review
the IPP twice per year
Teachers and other designated
professional team members are
required to evaluate
adaptations/individual program
plans to assess student progress.
Classroom teachers must monitor
Adaptations must be reviewed
formally at least once a
Stage 8 - Reviewing of
Documented Adaptations and/or
Individual Program Plan
Adaptations/IPPs are formally
evaluated / reviewed twice a year
and progress is reported at every
report period as designated by the
school calendar with one of those
reviews at the end of the school
TIENET Documents
Note: there is an IPP Matrix
embedded in the IPP form to use
as a tool when assigning
responsibility areas.
The IPP Report is utilized at each
reporting period for a student on
an IPP.
Classroom teachers are
recommended to use Updates on
Progress section of the IPP to
record student progress.
Note: The Documented
Adaptations has a Review Rubric
as a tool to assist with assessing
the effectiveness of the
adaptations in place.
An IPP Report is incorporated with
the IPP to be used at each
reporting period.
IPP - High School Transcript
IPP - High School Work Placement
TIENET Functionality
(End User Guide)
- Logging Events (pg. 20)
- Entering Data into a Previously
Created Document(pg.40)
- Logging Events (pg. 20)
- Entering Data into a Previously
Created Document(pg.40)
- Logging Events (pg. 20)
- Entering Data into a Previously
Created Document(pg.40)
Program Planning and TIENET