Parent Consent
Identification of
Evaluation Team
Referral Form - TieNet
Parent, School
Parent Consent – TieNet
Procedural Safeguards on SISS website.
Develop written evaluation/eligibility determination report using 504 Report
Template on TieNet
School 504
School 504
Evaluation Team
Lead evaluator. (i.e., psychologist)
School 504
A student who, because of a suspected disability, is believed to need services under Section 504 is typically referred for a Section 504 evaluation by a parent, guardian, teacher or other certified school employee.
The parent must be provided written notice of the referral and asked to give written consent to a Section
504 evaluation. The parent must be given a copy of
“Section 504 Notice of Procedural Safeguards.”
Identify staff that will participate on the Section 504
The District is required to conduct an evaluation before providing Section 504 services. The nature and extent of the information needed to make a Section 504 eligibility decision is determined on a case-by-case basis. Evaluation must be completed within 30 days of receipt of parental consent.
The eligibility determination must be made by a group of persons knowledgeable about the student, the meaning of evaluation data, and placement options and must be documented in writing. The parent of the student must be given an opportunity to provide input into identification, evaluation, and placement decisions for his/her child.
Parents must be invited to participate in the Section 504 meeting.
Schedule meeting with parents to review evaluation results. Invite parents to 504
Plan Meeting.
Notification of
Evaluation Results and
Eligibility Determination
- Template on TieNet
Letter of Invitation 504
Accommodation Plan
Meeting - Template on
Develop 504 Plan Section 504 Plan -
Section 504 Plan
Documentation of
Receipt of Section 504
Plan – on SISS website
School 504 Team including, i.e., psychologist, SLP, etc. when evaluations have been conducted in these areas
Student’s Teachers,
Building Section 504
Where a student is found to be eligible under Section 504, the need for a Section 504 Plan must be determined. The
Section 504 team, which should include the parent, is responsible for determining the services that are needed to provide the student FAPE. The Plan should specify how services will be provided and by whom. If a determination is made that the student is not eligible, the Plan should so indicate. The parent should sign acknowledging receipt
of the Plan. Regardless of the eligibility determination, provide parents with a copy of the “Section 504 Notice
of Procedural Safeguards.”
Staff must implement the 504 Plan as it is designed. Staff is responsible for signing that they have received and reviewed the Section 504 Plan.
Provide documentation on accommodations that are implemented
Conduct Yearly
Section 504 AAPS
Student’s Teachers
All teachers that have students with 504 Plans should send the “Documentation of Accommodations Provided” form to parents at each card marking. A copy should also be provided to the building 504 Coordinator and SISS.
Review Section 504 Plan
- TieNet
Re-evaluation is conducted every three years
Exit from Section 504 services
504 Committee
504 Committee
The teacher or other person(s) designated by the Section
504 Team is responsible for monitoring the student’s progress and the effectiveness of the student’s Plan. The teacher or other designated person must contact the parent (in person or by phone) at least annually to discuss whether the Section 504 Plan continues to be appropriate or whether any changes are necessary. Provide parents with a copy of the “Section 504 Notice of Procedural
A re-evaluation must be completed at least once every 3 years to re-determine eligibility under Section 504 and before any significant change in the student’s placement.
Provide parents with a copy of the “Section 504 Notice
of Procedural Safeguards.”
This is done if/when a student with a 504 Plan no longer requires it to access the curriculum/environment or activities. Provide parents with a copy of the “Section
504 Notice of Procedural Safeguards.”
Conduct the
Determination 504
Meeting for the discipline of student with
Section 504 Plan
Completion of MDR
Form on TieNet
Section 504 Team Section 504 disabled students are subject to the same disciplinary action as a non-disabled student, provided that the student’s behavior is not a manifestation of his or her qualifying disability. The Section 504 Team must conduct a manifestation determination whenever a disabled student is subject to out-of-school suspensions for 10 consecutive school days or more or when the student has been subjected to a series of suspensions that total more than 10 school days in a school year and
a pattern of removal exists. If the Section 504 Team concludes that the violation is a manifestation of the student’s qualifying disability, the discipline process must end and the Section 504 Team should review the Section
504 Plan to determine if changes are appropriate. If the violation is not a manifestation, the student is subject to the same disciplinary action that any non-disabled student would receive for the same violation. Provide parents with a copy of the “Section 504 Notice of
Procedural Safeguards.”