Fiction terms

Fiction Terms
plot: sequence of events through which an author constructs a story
not the actions but how the actions are arranged
structure: arranged the elements/events of the plot, which order they go
Plot- The way the author arranges the events in his storry. The
plot is not specifically the actions themeself.
Structure- The specific way that the author constructs his plot. For
example, in the most dangerous game, Rainsford tries three times to take
out the bad guys. The last try he kills Ivan and outwits him. This
structure is used in other stories. This is to say they have a common
Dilemma- a position in which he or she must choose between two
courses of action, both undesirable(almost like a problem)
Suprise- absorbs the reader in the story because of the suspense
Suspense- the quality in a story that makes the reader ask "what's going to
happen next? What will turn out?
Suspense is good for the author because it makes the reader curious and
anxious about the sequal of the book to see what is going to happen next.
Suspense uses the words what and why for their questions.
can be created putting a character in any problem or bringing to young 'sexy'
people together
Mystery- an unusual set of circumstances for which the reader craves an
they put the main character in a dilemma they must choose between two
paths of action
Dilemma is the a position in which he or she choose between two courses of
action, both undesireable. One very good example is the MOST DANGEROUS
GAME when Rainsford has to choose between getting killed by Ivan or get hunted
by Zarroff.
suspense- something that makes you come back to the story; leaves you
without an answer
Ex: The end of Hunters in the Snow
mystery- if suspense is asking what, mystery asks why; the reason behind
Ex: The island in The Most Dangerous Game
Suprise ending- one that features a sudden, unexpected turn or twist
happy ending- protagonist must solve for problems, defeat an adversary,
win her man, "live happily ever after"
Unhappy endings
1. many situations in real life do have unpleasant outcomes; therefore, if
fiction is to reflect and illuminate life, it must acknowledge human defeats as well
as triumphs
2. its value in forcing us to ponder the complexities of life. The story with a happy
ending has been "wrapped up" for us: it sends the reader away felling pleasantly
and vaguely satisfied with the world.
Surprise Ending:
- One that features a sudden, unexpected turn or twist.
Happy Ending:
-The protagonist must solve the problem(s); defeat the adversary.
Unhappy Ending:
-Has an unpleasant outcome.
-Expect defeat as well as victory.
Indeterminate Ending:
-Problems are never resolved in favor of the protagonist.
Chance is the occurrence of an event that
has no apparent cause in previous events or in
predisposition of character.
Coincidence is the chance occurrence of
two events that may have a peculiar
Chance cannot be barred from fiction, of course, any more than it can be barred from
life; the same is true of coincidence.
-can mean multiple things
-could solve a problem
-accident type thing
-wont solve a problem
*Chance is the occurrence of an event that has no apparent cause in previous events or in
predisposition of character, while coincidence is the chance occurrence of two events that may
have a peculiar correspondence.
*The occurence of an event that has no
apparent cause in previous events or in
predisposition of character, while coincidence
is the chance occurence of two events that
may have a peculiar correspondance.
*Used to initiate a story, and occasionally
complicate it, but not to resolve it.
Conflict- the problem or clash of actions, it can be the characters may be put against another
group or person.
Protagonist- The main character, usually the good guy, sometimes there will be more than one
Antagonist- the person who causes things to happen to the protagonist and is usually also a main
character, usually the bad guy
Artistic Unity- The selection and arrangement of all events in a
piece of literature; events must advance the central intention of the story
Plot Manipulation: Including an unjustified turn in a plot, such as
an unmotivated action.
Deus ex Machina: "God from a Machine" taken from Greek plays
that featured a god coming down to save the protagonist at the last
second. This ending to a story relies too much on coincidence and
chance nowadays.
Artistic Unity- is essential to a good plot. Nothing in the
story is irrelevant, that does not contribute to the meaning.
plot manipulation- unmotivated action is one instance of
such manipulation.
Deus ex machina- "god from the machine", presented in
the theater by means of mechanical stage device)
Artistic unity-a plot where nothing is irrelevant and everything contributes to the
Plot manipulation-a turn in the plot that is unjustified by the situation or the
Deus ex machina-resolution of a plot by use of a highly improbable chance or