Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ruth A.W. Carpenter
416 12th Street, Suite 311
P.O. Box 2317
Columbus, GA 31902
Res. 866 598 7968 Bus. 706 596-1138
Fax. (706) 221-2571 Cell 706 575 5662
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2300 13th Street, Suite A
Columbus, Georgia 31906
Office: (706) 243-7010
Fax: (706) 243-7019
The Men’s Club of St. Benedict
is open to all male members
of the parish.
Join us the second Tuesday of each month in the
Parish Hall at 7:00PM.
Bishop Gross Council 1019
To all Catholic men over the age of 18, we would like to have
you in the Knights of Columbus, a world-wide Catholic,
family-oriented organization promoting
Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.
Contact: Louis “Rusty” Hurst, Grand Knight 706-563-9925
Jaime Herras, Membership Director 706-569-7878
Free ministry to traveling Catholics: For nationwide Mass Times and locations call: Mass Times 410-676-6000, or internet
Abortion’s not the answer- there are alternatives. If you are pregnant and in need call 1-800-848-LOVE, answered 24/7.
Please, contact the office about baptisms, marriages, homebound or hospital visitation and funerals. Note that 6 months notice is needed
before starting marriage arrangements.
St. Benedict the Moor
Catholic Church
Served by the Missionary Society of St. Paul:
Pastor: Fr. Donatus C. Mgbeajuo,
Religious Ed. Directors:
Brett Murphy-Dawson & Gary Dawson:
Rectory: 2939 9th St., Columbus, GA 31906
Church: 2930 Thomas St., Columbus, GA 31906
Office, Hall & Mailing Address: 2935 9th St., Columbus, GA 31906
Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday: 9am-5pm,
E-mail Address
Phone: 706- 323-8300
Fax: 706- 324-2641
Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday: 9am-5pm,
Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Phone: 706- 323-8300
Fax: 706- 324-2641
August 8, 2010
Luke 12:48
Parish Weekly Activities:
Sunday Masses: 8am &11am
Daily Masses: Tues.-Thurs. 7:30am
Friday: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
and Adoration: 6pm;
Mass: 7pm First Friday: Benediction
Saturday: 10am
Youth activities: 10:30am
Holy Days of Obligation: 7:30am & 7pm
Confession: 5-6pm on Saturday and anytime
on request
Lectors: Saturday, August 14
Parish Council: Sunday, August 15
Eucharistic Ministers: Saturday,
August 21, 10:45am
Counters: Saturday, August 21,
12 noon.
Religious Ed. Classes (Sept.-May)
Sundays, 9:30am-10:30am in the parish hall
Emergencies: Please call the Office or the
Rectory anytime
Parish Council Executive Meeting:
2nd Sunday of every month
Parish Council Meeting: 3rd Sunday of every
Office Hours:
Pastor: Tuesday-Friday 9-5pm
Secretary: Monday 10-2pm
Tuesday 1-5pm
Wednesday 1-7pm
Friday 10-4pm
Web Site
CCW is collecting school
supplies throughout the month
of August.
At the end of Mass each week we are sent
forth to love and serve the Lord. If you are
looking for ways to make your love of God
more visible, we invite you to check out the
JustFaith program. JustFaith offers an
intensive study of the Christian’s call to
address the needs of the world. The 30-week
program includes weekly meetings, regular
reading, retreats and immersion experiences.
An information session will be held after all
the Masses on August 29th with additional
information about this life-changing program.
On behalf of the entire parish,
Fr. Donatus extends prayers
and deep concerns to our sick
parishioners and their families:
Ann Perry, Clarence Johnson,
Eddie Mae Lewis, Evelyn and
Debra Pough, Shirley Madison,
Susie Cameron, Debra Pierce,
Georgetta and Lillian Leonard,
Jocelyn Chambers, Mable Craig,
Willie Ford, Alice Austin, Antoiya
Williams, Lula Bellamy, Robert
Pete Sanders, Mauricio Mason,
Larry Joe Stafford, John Gilmer,
Mittie Moss, Edith Johnson, Annie
Veal, and Gail Buffong.
(Please keep the Sick and Shut-in list current by calling the
office to add or remove names.)
Johnny L. Johnson – Wednesday,
August 11
Sam Johnson – Thursday, August 12
The funeral for
Johnny Van – Friday, August 13
(repose of souls requested by Mary
Latin America
AMERICA. The Church in this region is
undergoing a great continental mission,
intended to strengthen the faith of the people
and to create leaders in their own lands.
Today’s collection funds catechists and
formation programs, evangelization, religious
training, and other pastoral programs
designed to strengthen and renew the faith.
Ms. Sallie Grady
will be Tuesday,
August 10, 2010 at 11am.
Rosary will be said at
International Funeral Home
on Monday, August 9, 2010
at 6pm.
May God grant eternal rest
and peace
God’s Gifts for August 1, 2010
Utilities and Energy:
Church Repair:
Votive Candles:
Project 2004:
Project 2004 Bal:
An unskilled worker goes for a job
interview and demands a pay
higher than that demanded by
skilled workers. When asked why
he demands so much for his
unskilled work he explains that
because he is new to the job he
would put in more effort and time
than the skilled workers to do the
same job. Therefore, he should be
paid more. This is certainly an
unusual way of reasoning. Booker
T. Washington echoed a similar
sentiment when he said, "I have
learned that success is to be
measured not so much by the
position that one has reached in life
as by the obstacles which one has
overcome while trying to succeed."
This rare way of thinking is
reflected in today's gospel.
Today's gospel is on the theme of
remaining faithful as we wait for
the return of the Lord. Jesus uses
two parables to make the point.
First there is the Parable of the
Watchful Servants where Jesus
encourages his disciples to be
vigilant and ready for action as
they wait for the coming of the
Master. That he will come is
certain, but when he will come no
one knows. The Lord comes
unexpectedly into our lives every
day through events and people we
meet. But the ultimate, unexpected
coming of the Lord in our lives is
the moment of death. We should be
watchful to recognize the Lord and
prepared to meet him in the little
unexpected opportunities of
everyday life. This is the best way
to prepare for the ultimate
encounter with the Lord at the hour
of death.
In the second parable, the Parable
of the Faithful or Unfaithful
Servant, Jesus reiterates the lesson
of the first parable under the
heading of faithfulness. He
portrays two different attitudes of
disciples in the absence of the
Master. The wise disciple remains
steadfast at his duty post even in
the master's absence. The foolish
disciple takes to a complacent
lifestyle and takes the law into his
own hands. The day of reckoning
comes with the master's return. The
faithful servant receives a
promotion, the unfaithful one is
"cut to pieces" and given a place
with the unbelievers.
Jesus then goes on to expand and
throw more light on the issue of
reward and punishment. That
slave who knew what his master
wanted, but did not prepare
himself or do what was wanted,
will receive a severe beating.
But the one who did not know
and did what deserved a beating
will receive a light beating. (Luke
We are all too familiar with the
two groups in which disciples will
be separated on judgment day: the
sheep on the right and the goats on
the left, the blessed and the
accursed, the faithful and the
unfaithful. But what is this extra
teaching that Jesus gives here on
those who will receive "a light
beating?" Surely it is not the
blessed in heaven for they receive
no beating at all. And it is not the
accursed in hell for they receive a
severe beating.
Passages like this lead one to the
conclusion that beside heaven and
hell, there is an in-between state of
remedial punishment. Catholic
teaching calls it purgatory, a state
of temporary, remedial punishment
for believers who die in venial sin.
They cannot be admitted to heaven
directly because they have guilt
and yet they cannot be consigned
to everlasting punishment in hell
because their sin is not mortal (1
John 5:16-17). Many Protestant
Christians have a problem with the
doctrine of purgatory. One reason
for this is that the Reformation
Bible does not include some of the
books in the Catholic Bible, such
as 2 Maccabees, which clearly
support this doctrine. But the
doctrine of purgatory makes sense,
especially in light of biblical
passages, such as today's gospel,
that provide a third alternative to
outright blessing and outright
The doctrine of purgatory satisfies
God's mercy as well as God's
justice. It is good news to the
struggling brother or sister who
never quite seems to make it to the
Christians ideals we all aim at. It is
a great source of hope for us to
know that even if we die in this
imperfect, struggling state we may
receive "a light beating" but we
will still be admitted to the eternal
happiness of heaven by and by.
Sunday: Wis 18:6-9; Heb 11:1-2, 8-19
or 11:1-2, 8-12; Lk 12:32-48or 12:35-40
Monday: Ez 1:2-5. 24-28c; Ps 148:1-2,
11-14; Mt 17:22-27
Tuesday: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-9;
Jn 12:24-26
Wednesday: Ez 9:1-7; 10:18-22; Ps
113:1-6; Mt 18:15-20
Thursday: Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-59, 6162; Mt 18:21-19:1
Friday: Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63;
Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6; Mt 19:3-12
Saturday: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Ps
51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 19:13-15
11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; 1 Cor 15:20-27;
Lk 1:39-56