weekly bulletin sunday 10-11-15

Office: rectory910@msn.com
(914) 967-0142
Bulletin Notices: bulletin@resurrectionrectory.com
Mrs. Julie Casino - (914) 967-0142
Music Director: resmusicrye@gmail.com
Mr. Joseph Viserta- (914) 925-3520
Parish Council:
Two-Year Old Program:
Mrs. Ellen Schiavone, Director – (914) 921-2801
Pastoral Ministry:
Sr. Danielle Baran, C.R. - (914) 512-4463
Please Pray for Our Sick
Yokio Ishizuka Nat Shanks
Maureen Brophy
Please Pray for our Deceased
Cathryn V. DePuy
Saturday, October 18
5:00 Joseph Brancato Jr.
Sunday, October 19
7:30 Theodora Beary
8:45 Francis Santangelo
10:00 Frances & Joseph Sinopoli
11:15 Clara & Gordon Bishop
12:30 Dionisio Gonzalez
Monday, October 20
8:00 Dory Beary
9:00 Wright Family
Mondays 7:30 p.m.
Novena & Benediction;
Prayer Group meets
afterward. The Church
is open each day until
personal prayer and
Sundays, the Church
will be closed at 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 21
Friday, October 24
Military Prayer List
8:00 Geraldine Dean
9:00 Gus & Theresa Botticelli
Wednesday, October 22
8:00 Bob McCooey
9:00 George O’Connor
Thursday, October 23
8:00 Dory Beary
9:00 Ann Mara
8:00 Carmela Graustein
9:00 Donald Cather & Maryellen DePauw
Saturday, October 25
Chris Kocovic
Gregory Dempsey
Christian Stuebe
Riley Stuebe
Tyler Conway
Hunter J. Hrab
Tyler Reisner
Alex Moreira
Jorge Jay Waddell
Leo Matthews
8:00 Anthony Arena
9:00 Nora Mitchell
5:00 Mary McCready
Sunday, October 26
Stewart Latwin
Dan Somma
Angie Waddell
Ted Dempsey
Robert Bisconti
7:30 Saciuk Family
8:45 Tolve, Penzo Tolan
10:00 Ruth & Ed Arreche
11:15 Mary & Arthur Jarrett
12:30 Teresa Stevaraglia
Resurrections 8th Grade class will be
hosting their Annual
18th from 9:30 am to
1:30 pm. Cars are
10 and SUV are
after Mass and
support our 8th
This has been a favorite theme of Pope
Francis and one that has particular urgency today,
as the “culture of death” is gaining an ever wider
The Blessing of Animals will be held
today Sunday,
October 11 at 2 pm
in the front lawn of
the White House.
Some may
think the phrase
“culture of death”
is too grim or too
because, on the
surface at least,
ours looks like a culture of fun and pleasure.
No less than the Supreme Court of the United
States has told us that it is our choice to live as we
wish-letting nothing and no one stand in our way,
including the child who may be growing in her
mother’s womb.
After each Mass on Sunday, October
11 , The Cub Scouts of Resurrection Pack 11
will be selling popcorn on the steps outside
Resurrection Church.
Although it seems to have fallen out of
fashion today, there is, in fact, a way of defining a
concept of existence, meaning and human life that
has worked exceptionally well for individuals and
society wherever it has been tried. Jesus Christ
explained this concept in his every word and
every action:
Our origin and
our destiny is
loves each of
us with an
merciful love.
open our hearts to life, we must first overcome
every tendency to reject people, and the demands
they make in our daily life, by seeing, like God,
how precious and special human life is.
Please come out and support our Cub
Scouts of Resurrection Rye Pack 11!
Through prayer and through the
celebration of Mass and the sacraments, we can
know and love God better. With his help, we can
be more aware of the needs of those around us
and open our hearts to all human life.
Please join us for our next meeting on
Wednesday, October 28th at 10 am in the Nielsen
Room in the Lower Church Hall. We will be
exploring “Building Relationships That Bond”.
How do we further develop our communication
skills with our children? How can we strengthen
our family? The DVD program and discussions
can help us to support one another in this
important life journey!
Our next session will be on Wednesday,
October 21 at 9:30 a.m. in the Nielsen Room in
the Lower Church
Hall. Our topic is
“The Virtue of
Wouldn’t it be
great to have a
real “anchor” in
our lives!
inner sense of confidence and peace despite the
world among us! Come and discover anew the joy
that comes from peace!
Refreshments will be
This, October 11, 2010, many across our
Nation will be observing 'Columbus Day'; the day
our country sets aside as a legal holiday to celebrate
the 'discovery' of America.
Many are unsure why we call this
celebration 'Columbus Day', as we know that
Christopher Columbus
never reached the United
States. There are also
historians that note other
explorers and information
on the colonization of the
Americas prior to
Columbus' landing in 1492.
And, certainly, it is well
known that our 'Native
Americans' crossed the
Bering Strait from Siberia
to Alaska, traveled
throughout the lands now know as the Americas,
and established villages herein long before
Columbus' 'discovery'.
Yet, with the understanding that the
explorations and findings of Columbus were the
first that led to continued expeditions to the
Americas by European powers to colonize and build
trade networks in the 'New World', we give title to
our country's day of 'discovery' as 'Columbus Day.'
May we pray together today, in great
thanksgiving, speaking aloud of our
gratefulness for our
liberties and our
appreciation for those
willing to serve that
we may remain free!
A land of opportunity,
a land of prosperity, a
land of hope where the accomplishment of dreams
is a reality given to us!
Today, as we remember how very blessed
we are, may we also hold in special prayer each
member of our Armed Forces, our veterans, their
family members, and the families of those who have
given the ultimate sacrifice that our country may
remain strong, united, and without defeat! We have
a bounty of blessings each day we live ~ may we
thank God and all those brave souls instilled with
the courage to fight for this land and its people!
“Indeed the word of God is living and
effective, sharper than any two edged sword,
penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and
marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts
of the heart… ‘You are lacking in one thing. Go sell
what you have, and give to the poor and you will
have treasure in heaven, then come, follow me.’”
We call these reflections ‘His Word Today’
asking that what we read and hear, might have an
effect upon us here and now. Surely, the teaching
of Hebrew about the word and the question posed
by the young man are familiar.
The former might lead me to ask if the word
is truly alive, does it make a difference, does it
really touch my heart, does that word lead me to a
real encounter with Jesus?
encounter of
the one who
could be the
raise. I know the word and I try to put it into
practice. I ask myself, what’s the one thing I am
lacking? Surely there is something I can or must
do. I don’t need to wait for Jesus to tell me, I am
aware of it because His word has touched my heart.
Surely there is something I can give away to
someone – money, kindness and concern, needed
encouragement, and then, perhaps for the first time I
can really say I am following Him.
May the word of God be truly alive and
God Bless America!!
Did you know that we can help our
children become more successful, better
socialized and more secure in just 45 minutes a
day, four days a week? Studies show that
gathering for four family meals every week can
build a stronger family plus higher achievement
and self-esteem in children.
The new two year term for the Parish
Council began on October 5th. The Parish
Council advisors the Pastor on issues
concerning the well being of parishioners and
the direction of the parish. It is an important
avenue for feedback to the Pastor. The Parish
Council cooperates with the Pastor for the good
of the Parish.
We acknowledge new Parish Members:
Anita Davis, President
Sara Miller, Vice President
Maria Barton, Trustee
Lucy Berkhoff
Mary Ellen Caccomo
Joe Demo
Dana Hetzel
Eamonn Long
Siobhan Marangi
Duane Phenningwerth, Trustee
Matthew Pike
Enzo Repola
Annalise Stack
Ways for the council to do its work
* helping to indentify the present needs
of the parish
* suggesting practical ways to address
those needs
* talking up good things and derailing
guilt trips
* inviting and supporting new initiatives
We are grateful to these parishioners for
accepting the invitation to serve. The next
meeting is December 14th at 7:15 pm.
Unplug. Set a schedule and stick to it.
Turn off the TV and all mobile devises. Send
message that family comes first.
The company matters more than the
menu. This is often an obstacle to family dinners
so consider making a pot of soup or a double
casserole over the weekend and freeze some for
weekday dinners. Then you are free to focus on
children instead of meal preparation.
Celebrate the liturgical seasons. Mark
the changes in the year, celebrate the lives of the
saints, observe devotions – family meals are
opportune times to pass on our faith.
Discuss, talk, chat. Studies indicate that
family dinner conversation helps to boost
vocabulary and teach values.
Build traditions that strengthen family
identity and stability. Friday pizza night, lighting
candles during Advent, an indoor picnic at the
first snowfall – the tradition doesn’t matter as
long as it is consistent.
Gathering regularly around a family table
reinforces the idea that we don’t merely exist for
ourselves – we are all members of a greater Body.