Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ruth A.W. Carpenter
416 12th Street, Suite 311
P.O. Box 2317
Columbus, GA 31902
Res. 866 598 7968 Bus. 706 596-1138
Fax. (706) 221-2571 Cell 706 575 5662
A member of Citigroup
An independent representative of Primerica Financial
River City Rehabilitation & Spine Specialists, PC
EMG Testing
Non-Surgical Spine Care
2300 13th Street, Suite A
Georgia 31906
Office: (706) 243-7010
Fax: (706) 243-7019
The Men’s Club of St. Benedict
is open to all male members
of the parish.
Join us the second Tuesday of each month
at 7:00PM. Call 706-221-1253 for location.
We are accepting donation items for our
upcoming yard sale in November.
Bishop Gross Council 1019
To all Catholic men over the age of 18, we would like to have
you in the Knights of Columbus, a world-wide Catholic,
family-oriented organization promoting
Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.
Contact: Louis “Rusty” Hurst, Grand Knight 706-563-9925
Jaime Herras, Membership Director 706-569-7878
Dearest Jesus,
Teach me to be generous,
To love and to serve you as you deserve,
To give and not to count the cost,
To toil and not to seek for rest,
To fight and not to heed the wounds,
To labor and not to ask for any reward,
Safe only to know that I do your sacred will. Amen.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Mary, Mother of the Church, Pray for us.
St. Paul, Pray for us. St. Benedict, Pray for us.
St. Benedict the Moor
Catholic Church
Served by the Missionary Society of St. Paul:
Pastor: Fr. Donatus C. Mgbeajuo,
Religious Ed. Directors:
Brett Murphy-Dawson & Gary Dawson:
Rectory: 2939 9th St., Columbus, GA 31906
Church: 2930 Thomas St., Columbus, GA 31906
Office, Hall & Mailing Address: 2935 9th St., Columbus, GA 31906
Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday: 9am-5pm,
E-mail Address
Phone: 706- 323-8300
Fax: 706- 324-2641
Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday: 9am-5pm,
Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary
Phone: 706- 323-8300
Fax: 706- 324-2641
August 21, 2011
“I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven.”
Parish Weekly Activities:
Sunday Masses: 8am &11am
Daily Masses: Tues.-Thurs. 7:30am
Friday: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and
Adoration: 6pm;
Mass: 7pm First Friday: Benediction
Saturday: 10am
Holy Days of Obligation: 7:30am & 7pm
(Exceptions will be posted)
Confession: 5-6pm on Saturday and anytime on
Religious Ed. Classes (Sept.-May)
Bible Study: Wednesday, 7pm
Emergencies: Please call the Office or the Rectory
Parish Council Executive Meeting:
2nd Sunday of every month
Parish Council Meeting: 3rd Sunday of every month
Office Hours:
Pastor: Tuesday-Friday 9-5pm
Secretary: Monday 10-2pm
Tuesday 1-5pm
Wednesday 1-7pm
Friday 10-4pm
The Missionary Society of St.
Paul is celebrating its 25 years
of ministry and presence in the
United States on Saturday,
October 29, 2011 at St. Peter
the Apostle Catholic Church,
Houston, Texas. Parishioners
are asked to purchase an ad or
place a goodwill message in the
Commemorative Book. Ad
forms are in the bulletin and
must be submitted by
August 31.
Web Site -
Join us for an evening of
bidding, music, food,
Gail & Nicole Buffong – Tuesday,
August 23 (Birthdays)
drink & dance
Fr. Emmanuel Isi – WednesdayThursday, August 24-25
September 10, 2011
Revised Daily Mass Schedule
Tuesday, 7pm
**No morning Mass on
Wednesday-Saturday schedule
remains the same.
August 22
August 23
August 23
August 27
At the end of Mass each week we
are sent forth to love and serve the
Lord. If you are looking for ways to
make your love of God more
meaningful, we invite you to check
out the JustFaith program.
JustFaith offers an intensive study of
the Christian’s call to address the
needs of the world. An information
session will be held after each Mass
on August 21st to answer your
questions about this potentially lifechanging program.
Eric and Alicia Buffong – Friday,
August 26 (In Memoriam)
Fr. Emmanuel Isi – Saturday,
August 27
Ida Ruth Lane
Gail Buffong
Nicole Buffong
Karen Dexter
Recruitment for the "Seeds of St.
Benedict", our youth choir, is
ongoing. Plant a seed by signing up
today. Open to youth ages 5 to17. Call
Jackye: 706 568-2999
Sunday: Is 22:19-23; Rom 11:33-36;
Mt 16:13-20
Monday: The Queenship of the
Blessed Virgin Mary 1 Thes 1:1-5, 8b10; Ps 149:1-6, 9; Mt 23:13-22
Tuesday: Saint Rose of Lima 1 Thes
2:1-8; Ps 139:1-6; Mt 23:23-26
Wednesday: Saint Bartholomew Rv
21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18;
Jn 1:45-51
Thursday: Saint Louis of France;
Saint Joseph Calasanz 1 Thes 3:7-13;
Ps 90:3-5, 12-14, 17; Mt 24:42-51
Friday: 1 Thes 4:1-8; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6,
10-12; Mt 25:1-13
Saturday: Saint Monica 1 Thes 4:911; Ps 98:1, 7-9; Mt 25:14-30
Next Sunday: Jer 20:7-9; Rom 12:1-2;
Mt 16:21-27
John XXIII was pope during the
turbulent 1960s when it seemed
that everything was falling apart.
The priesthood was in crisis,
religious life was in crisis,
marriage was in crisis, faith was in
crisis, the church was in crisis. The
pope worked long and hard hours
trying to address these problems.
One evening, after an exhausting
day in the office, he went to his
private chapel to do his daily Holy
Hour before retiring but he was too
exhausted and too stressed out to
focus or pray. After a few minutes
of futile effort, he got up and said,
“Lord, the church belongs to you. I
am going to bed.” Difficulties
might have driven the Pope to
acknowledge that the church
belongs to Christ. But Jesus
himself said it 2000 years ago:
You are Peter, and on this rock I
will build my church, and the
gates of Hades will not prevail
against it (Matthew 16:18).
This passage is crucial for a proper
understanding of what the church
is, and our role in the church. This
is the most explicit statement that
Jesus makes in the Gospels about
the church. First and foremost,
Jesus calls the church “my
church.” This tells us that Jesus is
the owner of the church. Neither
Peter nor the disciples owns the
church. Pastors and church leaders
who think and act as if they own
the church are like farm workers
who go about posing as if the farm
belongs to them. All God’s people
have been called together as coworkers in Christ's vineyard,
though some work as foremen
overseeing others. But we do not
own the church. We belong to the
church. The owner of the church is
Christ. Secondly, the passage tells
us that Jesus is the one who builds
his church. He is the master builder
who has the building plan in his
hands. Human co-operators are like
masons and carpenters employed
by the master builder to help him
with the building. Our role is to
listen and follow his instructions,
doing our own small part in the
grand design of the master.
Workers who stick to their own
ideas of what the building should
look like rather than follow the
directives given by the master may
find themselves working at cross
purposes with the master.
If Jesus is the owner and builder of
the church, where then do we come
in? We come in precisely where
Peter comes in. Together with
Peter we are the building blocks of
the church. Peter is the foundation
rock and we are the pieces of stone
with which the church is built:
Like living stones, let yourselves
be built into a spiritual house, to
be a holy priesthood, to offer
spiritual sacrifices acceptable to
God through Jesus Christ (1
Peter 2:5).
The passive voice “let yourselves
be built” indicates that God himself
is the builder and not us. Our role
is to allow God to use us. The
question we could ask ourselves
today is: “How is God using me to
build up his church? Am I letting
God use me?” We must not forget
that no matter how small a piece of
stone may be, the master builder
could still use it to do something
A famous stained-glass artist was
commissioned to make a huge
portrait for the window of the
cathedral in Chartres, France. First
he laid all of the pieces he was
going to use out on the floor of the
cathedral. Among these awesome
pieces of glass was a small, clear
piece about as big as a fingernail.
As the stained-glass portrait was
assembled, that little piece
remained on the floor. Only the big
colorful pieces were used. On the
day of the window’s completion
the entire city gathered to witness
the unveiling of the portrait. The
artist pulled away the cover cloth
and the crowd gasped at the beauty
of the colorful window glowing in
the sunlight. After a few seconds,
however, the crowd grew silent.
They sensed that something was
missing, that the portrait was
unfinished. The great artist then
walked over to where the little
clear piece of glass lay, picked it
up, and placed it in the portrait,
right in the centre of Jesus’ eye. As
the sun hit that little piece, it gave
off a dazzling sparkle. The work of
art is now complete. Without the
small piece the work was
incomplete. In the grand design of
building the church of God, each
one of us could consider ourselves
to be that small piece of glass – so
small and yet so indispensable.
God’s Gifts for August 14, 2011
Utilities and Energy:
Church Repair:
Latin America:
Votive Candles:
Project 2004:
Project 2004 Bal:
On behalf of the entire parish, Fr.
Donatus extends prayers and deep
concerns to our sick parishioners
and their families: Ann Perry,
Clarence Johnson, Evelyn and Debra
Pough, Susie Cameron, Debra Pierce,
Eleanor Jones Stansfield, Georgetta
and Lillian Leonard, Jocelyn
Chambers, Mable Craig, Alice Austin,
Donald Julien, Mary Ellison,
Fernando Pascua.