January 20, 2014 Regular Meeting SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT AREA

January 20, 2014
Regular Meeting
Official Record
January 6, 2014
The regular meeting of the South Williamsport Area School Board was called to order this evening in the
conference room of the Rommelt Building by the President John Engel.
The meeting opened with the Lord’s Prayer and Pledge to the Flag.
Board Members Present: Balawajder, Branton, Broskey, Davenport, Lowe, and Engel.
Board Members Absent: Anthony and Burch.
Others Present: Dr. Mark Stamm-Superintendent, Dwight Woodley-Rommelt Principal, Kathy FurmanCentral Principal, Kristin Bastian- Special Education Director/School Psychologist, Lynn KromerDirector of Maintenance, Fred Holland-Solicitor, and Dennis Artley-Business Manager.
Visitors: Mary Kay Bukeavich, Sandra Bacon, Renee Eiswerth, Cathy Bachman, Christy Lusk, and
Samantha Wallace-Sun Gazette
A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of November 2013 was moved by Balawajder,
seconded by Broskey. Roll call: Balawajder-yes, Branton-yes, Broskey-yes, Davenport-yes, Lowe-yes,
and Engel-yes, motion carried.
A motion to approve the payment of bills from the General Fund in the amount of $880,662.67, as funds
become available, was moved by Davenport, seconded by Branton. Roll call: Balawajder-yes,
Branton-yes, Broskey-yes, Davenport-yes, Lowe-yes, and Engel-yes, motion carried.
A motion to approve the payment of bills from the Cafeteria Fund in the amount of $52,327.91, as funds
become available, was moved by Broskey, seconded by Davenport. Roll call: Balawajder-yes,
Branton-yes, Broskey-yes, Davenport-yes, Lowe-yes, and Engel-yes, motion carried.
A motion to approve the minutes of December 4, 2013, as written, was moved by Branton, seconded by
Lowe. All members present voting yes, motion carried.
Moved by Davenport seconded by Broskey to approve the following conference requests:
 Dwight Woodley, to attend the PETE & C Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and
Conference, in Hershey, PA, on February 9-11, 2014.
 Lisa Beach, to attend ACAPA conference on March 19-21, 2014, at the Hotel Hershey sponsored
by Pennsylvania Department of Education and ACAPA.
Roll call: Balawajder-yes, Broskey-yes, Branton-yes, Davenport-yes, Lowe-yes and Engel-yes, motion
A motion to accept the retirement resignation of Thomas Deljanovan, High School teacher, effective June
30, 2014, was moved by Branton, seconded by Balawajder. Roll call: Balawajder-yes, Branton-yes,
Broskey-yes, Davenport-yes, Lowe-yes, and Engel-yes, motion carried.
A motion to accept the letter of resignation from Lawrence Siertle from his custodial position, effective
December 13, 2013, was moved by Balawajder, seconded by Broskey. Roll call: Balawajder-yes, Brantonyes, Broskey-yes, Davenport-yes, Lowe-yes, and Engel-yes, motion carried.
A motion to approve the employment of Amber Heggenstaller as a long-term tenth grade English teacher
for the second semester of 2014 at a daily rate of $150, plus benefits, was moved by Davenport, seconded
by Lowe. Roll call: Balawajder-yes, Branton-yes, Broskey-yes, Davenport-yes, Lowe-yes, and Engelyes, motion carried.
A motion to recommend that Scott Lowery be named the eighth grade boys basketball coach at his current
salary of $3,216, and Bryan Zysset be removed as a paid eighth grade coach and approved as a volunteer
assistant for Varsity, JV, and Jr. High, was moved by Branton, seconded by Davenport.
Roll call: Balawajder-yes, Branton-yes, Broskey-yes, Davenport-yes, Lowe-yes, and Engel-yes, motion
A motion to approve a new five- year contract for Superintendent Dr. Mark Stamm, was moved by
Davenport, seconded by Broskey. This contract will run from July 1, 2014 thru June 30 2019.
Roll call: Balawajder-yes, Branton-yes, Broskey-yes, Davenport-yes, Lowe-yes, and Engel-yes, motion
A motion to approve a Family Medical Leave (FMLA) request from Irene Ryan, school nurse, during the
time of November 20, 2013, through January 2, 2014, was moved by Balawajder, seconded by Branton.
Roll call: Balawajder-yes, Branton-yes, Broskey-yes, Davenport-yes, Lowe-yes, and Engel-yes, motion
A motion to approve the following addition to the substitute list was moved by Davenport, seconded by
Broskey, Ian Hart/English. Roll call: Balawajder-yes, Branton-yes, Broskey-yes, Davenport-yes, Loweyes, and Engel-yes, motion carried.
A motion to approve the request of Scott Manning, to take the Key Club students in grades 9-12 (using a
charter bus) to the Key Club Convention in Harrisburg, from March 14, through March 16, 2014, was
moved by Branton, seconded by Lowe. Roll call: Balawajder-yes, Branton-yes, Broskey-yes,
Davenport-yes, Lowe-yes, and Engel-yes, motion carried.
Dennis Artley, Business Manager, provided the Board a 5-year history of Expenses broken out by object
codes 100’s, 200’s, 300’s, etc. He began the presentation by going over Total Salaries for Instruction and
Support Services. Total salaries in 2009/10 were $7,216,923, which was 46.75% of the budget. Salaries
in 2013/2014 are $7,183,840, actually less than 5 years ago. This is because in 2011/2012 all salaries
were frozen and a number of positions were eliminated which resulted in salaries going down by over
$500,000. The area of the budget that has been rising very rapidly is benefits. Total benefits in
2009/2010 were $2,451,152, which was 15.88% of the budget. Benefits in 2013/2014 are $3,791,666
which is 22.33% of the budget. The two benefits that have been rising rapidly are health care and
retirement. Health care costs have moved from $1,349,779 in 2009/2010 to $1,820,986 in 2013/2014.
Retirement costs have risen from $337,009 in 2009/2010 to $1,212,643 in 2013/2014. These two
expenses are going to continue to rise in the near future.
Other areas of the budget include the 300’s, Purchase of Tech Service, which is mainly IU service for
Special Education, which is $500,000, about 3.36% of the budget. The 400 category, Repairs and
Maintenance, is approximately $100,000, amounting to 1% of the budget. The 500 category, Other
Purchases Service, is $500,000 or 3% of the budget. Items in this category include Charter School costs
totaling $180,000 per year. The AVTS program at Williamsport costing $100,000, and the Alternative
Education program, which has risen from around $70,000 in 2009/2010 to about $130,000 in 2012/2013.
The 600 category, Books and Supplies, is about $300,000 or 2% of the budget. This is the part of the
budget that the principals control. The 700 category, Equipment, has dropped from $213,000 in
2009/2010 to $75,000 in 2013/2014. This could be a problem going forward. Total Instruction and
Support costs in 2009/2010 were $11,348,160, which was 73.51% of the budget. Total Instruction and
Support costs in 2013/2014 are $12,575,913, but still around 74% of the budget.
The other categories of the budget are remaining very consistent from year to year. Plant Operations and
Maintenance is 9.49% of the budget. Transportation is 2.37% of the budget. Student Activities is 2.91%,
and Debt Service is 11.17% of the budget.
A motion to hold and advertise a regular school board meeting on Monday, January 20, 2014, for the
purpose of interviewing perspective board members for Region III, discussion of a preliminary budget, and
any other regular business, was moved by Branton, seconded by Davenport.
Roll call: Balawajder-yes, Branton-yes, Broskey-yes, Davenport-yes, Lowe-yes, and Engel-yes,
motion carried.
Mary Kay Bukeavich, from Nutrition Inc., was at the meeting to provide the Board an update in the
cafeteria through December. Participation is down compared to the budget. Breakfast is running 10
servings below the budget and lunches are 31 servings below the budget. Ala carte sales are running even
with budget. At this point, we are in a deficit position of $530; however, the district does have a
Guarantee of $4,150. Some changes this year because of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Act, include 50 % of
Grains must be Whole Grains. No Trans fats. Three age-grade groups for calorie ranges must be met for
both breakfast and lunch. They are continuing to do things to increase participation; there is the
Wellness Wednesday Concept, Fruit/Vegetable Bar, and Youth Advisory committee.
Some new ideas that have been tried this year include:
 Breakfast Kiosk
 Taking Nutrition Global
 Farm 2 Fork Program
 After School Snack Program
 Classroom Party Menu
 New Food Merchandiser at the High School
Other promotional Events include Breakfast with Santa, Thanksgiving lunch with Parents, and Dr Seuss
PSBA – no report.
IU # 17 – no report.
PIAA – no report.
Band Association – no report.
Moved by Lowe, seconded by Broskey that the meeting be adjourned. All members present voting yes, the
meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Dennis A. Artley