Minutes - Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum Committee

Minutes for the October 23, 2014 Meeting of the UPCC
Members present: Patti Bullock, Liza Davis Ryan Delaney, Ana Edwards, Andrew Green, Ana
Guimaraes, Jeremy Gulley, Jerald Hendrix, Ken Hill, Carolee Larsen, Kim Loomis, Pinder
Naidu, Gail Scott, Judy Slater, Judy Linda Treiber, Jennifer Wade-Berg (UPCC Chair and proxy
for Ugena Whitlock), Victor Wakeling
Guests: Teresa Banker (Mathematics), Traci Carte (Information Systems), Joe DeMaio
(Mathematics), Chris Dockery (Chemistry), Jose Garrido (Computer Science), Alice Pate
(History), Svetlana Peltsverger (SPSU), Kay Reeve (History), Scott Reese (Biology and
Physics), Lynn Stallings (Mathematics),
The meeting was called to order at 12:35 p.m.
Chair Wade-Berg called for a motion to approve the October 16, 2014 minutes. Gail Scott made
the motion, Andrew Green seconded, and the minutes were approved.
Department of Information Technology
Dr. Svetlana Peltsverger from SPSU presented the IT proposals under consideration.
Three course proposals carried over from the October 9 UPCC agenda were approved for second
reading at the October 16 UPCC meeting:
a “New Course” proposal for IT 3883, Advanced Application Development.
Dr. Wade-Berg called for a motion to approve the course on second reading. Andrew
Green made the motion, Pinder Naidu seconded it, and the motion was approved.
a “New Course” proposal for IT 4490, Special Topics in Information Technology.
Associate Registrar suggested that the variable credit be changed from 1-9 to 1-3. The
Chair called for a motion to approve the course on second reading. Andrew Green made
the motion, Ryan Delaney seconded, and the motion was approved.
a “New Course” proposal for IT 4883, Infrastructure Defense (SPSU). Discussion
ensued when Dr. Traci Carte from KSU’s Information Systems Department shared her
department’s concern that IT 4883 would overlap with an IS course and suggested that
SPSU’s and KSU’s IT and IS faculty have a conversation to resolve any issues.
Dr. Peltssverger explained that such meetings would be set up in the spring semester, but UPCC
members expressed concern about approving the course proposal before that conversation takes
place. Accordingly, Dr. Wade-Berg called for a motion to table the proposal for a second time.
Andy Green made the motion, Ken Hill seconded, and the motion was approved with the
following breakdown of votes: 2 for, 10 opposed, 4 abstentions.
Dr. Wade-Berg then opened the floor for discussion of four IT proposals approved for second
reading at the October 16 UPCC meeting:
a “New Course” proposal for IT 4213, Mobile Web Development
a “New Course” proposal for IT 3123, Hardware and Software Concepts
a “New Course” proposal for IT 3503, Foundations of Health Information Technology
a “New Course” proposal for IT 4983, IT Capstone Project
The Chair noted that all syllabi would need to change to accommodate new language and
policies necessitated by consolidation and that course equivalencies needed from SPSU. KSU
Registrar Ana Edwards noted that she is working with SPSU Registrar to develop “crosswalks”
for all courses being brought over from SPSU. Dr. Gail Scott noted that the learning objectives in
the syllabi for all four courses should be reworded to reflect Bloom’s taxonomy and that other
updates would be necessary as well (e.g., phone numbers for Disability Services at both
Dr. Wade-Berg then called for a motion to approve this course package on second reading.
Professor Green made the motion, Gail Scott seconded it, and the motion passed.
Dr. Wade-Berg asked that UPCC members vote on these courses as soon as possible.
College-wide Courses
Three course proposals carried over from the October 9 UPCC agenda were approved for second
reading at the October 16 UPCC meeting:
a “New Course” proposal for CSE 1311, C+++ Programming for Engineers
a “New Course” proposal for CSE 1312, Object-Oriented C++ Programming for
a “New Course” proposal for CSE 3801, Professional Practices and Ethics (reqd. of all
Hearing no discussion, Dr. Wade-Berg called for a motion to approve the course package. Gail
Scott made the motion, Pinder Naidu seconded, and the motion was approved.
Department of Computer Science
Dr. Ken Hoganson stepped forward to present the following course proposals for approval:
a “New Course” proposal for CS 4512, Systems Programming:
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for CS 4720, “Internet Programming”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for CS 1301, “Programming Principles I”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for CS 1302, “Programming Principles II”
a “New Course” proposal for CS 3304, “Data Structures”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for CS 3410, “Introduction to Database
Systems”—Andrew Green: number change? Ken: yes. Old number: 3310
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for CS 3501, “Computer Organization,
Architecture, and Communications”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for CS 3502, “Operating Systems”
a “New Course” proposal for CS 4305, “Software Engineering”
a “New Course” proposal for CS 4306, “Algorithm Analysis”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for CS 4308, “Concepts of Programming
a “New Course” proposal for CS 4322, “Mobile Software Development”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for CS 4412, “Data Mining”
a “New Course” proposal for CS 4504, “Distributed Computing”
a “New Course” proposal for CS 4514, “Real-Time Systems”
a “New Course” proposal for CS 4522, “Parallel Programming”
a “New Course” proposal for CS 4523, “Programming Massively Parallel Processors”
a “New Course” proposal for CS 4524, “Cloud Computing”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for CS 4612, “Secure Software Development”
a “New Course” proposal for CS 4622, “Computer Networks”
a “New Course” proposal for CS 4632, “Modeling and Simulation”
a “New Course” proposal for CS 4642, “Computer Forensics”
a “New Course” proposal for CS 4712, “User Interface Engineering”
a “New Course” proposal for CS 4722, “Computer Graphics and Multimedia”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for CS 4810, “Senior Project”
The Chair indicated that she had updated all the proposals as mandated at last meeting and noted
that CS 4642, “Computer Forensics,” would be tabled and removed from discussion until the
department had further discussed it. Ken Hoganson requested that the course be deleted from
Curriculog altogether until further notice. Accordingly, Dr. Wade-Berg rejected the course and
called for a motion to approve the course package. Andy Green made the motion, Linda Treiber
seconded it, and the motion was approved.
Dr. Wade-Berg subsequently edited the B.S. in Computer Science proposal to eliminate CS 4642
from major electives. She then called for a motion to approve the B.S. in Computer Science
proposal on second reading: Andy Green made the motion, and Linda Treiber seconded.
Department of Biology and Physics
Dr. Scott Reese stepped forward to present the following proposals, which were carried over
from the October 16, 2014 UPCC agenda:
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for BIOL 1107 and 1107L, “Biological
Principles I and Biological Principles I Laboratory”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for BIOL 1108 and 1108L, “Biological
Principles II and Biological Principles II Laboratory”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for BIOL 3110L, “Directed Methods”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for BIOL 3300 and 3300L, “Genetics and
Genetics Laboratory”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for BIOL 3301K, “Introduction to
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for BIOL 3310K, “Invertebrate Zoology”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for BIOL 3315K, “Vertebrate Zoology”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for BIOL 3320K, “Plant Morphology”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for BIOL 3340K, “Microbiology”
a “New Course” proposal for BIOL 3400, “Drugs and Biologics: From Conception to
Regulatory Approval”
a “New Course” proposal for BIOL 3650, “Marine Biology”
a “New Course” proposal for BIOL 3700K, “Ichthyology”
a “New Course” proposal for BIOL 4110K, “Global Biotechnology, Study Abroad”
a “New Course” proposal for BIOL 4115, “Parasitology”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for BIOL 4300K, :Chromosome Preparation and
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for BIOL 4350K, “Comparative Vertebrate
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for BIOL 4390K, “Developmental Biology”
a “New Course” proposal for BIOL 4412K, “Cell and Tissue Culture”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for BIOL 4420K, “Plant Physiology”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for BIOL 4422K, “Plant Ecology”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for BIOL 4431K, “Human Physiology”
a “New Course” proposal for BIOL 4510K, “Bioinformatics II”
a “New Course” proposal for BIOL 4450, “Cancer Biology”
Chair Wade-Berg called for a motion to approve the course package. Jeremy Gulley made the
motion, Gail Scott seconded it, and the course package was approved.
Dr. Reese presented the “Change to Program Name, Requirements, or Policies” proposal for the
B.S. in Environmental Science for second reading, explaining that KSU’s Biology Department is
bringing the program over from SPSU as it stands. It includes courses in biology and chemistry
plus specialized environmental science courses.
He then presented the following proposals for second reading:
a “New Course” proposal for ENVS 3100K, “Soil and Water Science”
a “New Course” proposal for ENVS 3150K, “Environmental Toxicology”
a “New Course” proposal for ENVS 3350, “Oceanography”
a “New Course” proposal for ENVS 3450, “Conservation Biology”
a “New Course” proposal for ENVS 4000K, “Wetlands and Mitigation”
a “New Course” proposal for ENVS 4300, “Environmental Ethics”
a “New Course” proposal for ENVS 4399, “Environmental Science Seminar”
a “New Course” proposal for GEOL 1121K, “Introductory Geosciences I.” Dr. Reese
explained that this course is currently taught at SPSU under an ENVS moniker. It has
been built around the Common Core BOR course in geology, but is not currently being
added to general education options in Area D.
a “New Course” proposal for ASTR 1000K, “Introduction to the Universe”
a “New Course” proposal for ASTR 1010K, “Introduction to the Universe II”
a “New Degree/Major Program” proposal for a B.S. in Environmental Science
a “Change to Program Name, Requirements, or Policies” proposal for the B.S. in Biology
a “Change to Program Name, Requirements, or Policies” proposal for the B.S. in Biology
Hearing no discussion, the Chair called for a motion to approve the ENVS course package
(including GEOG 1121K) on second reading. Andrew Green made the motion, Dr. Scott
seconded, and the motion was approved. At the Chair’s request, this motion was followed by
three more:
a motion to approve two ASTR courses, ASTR 1000K and 1010K. Jeremy Gulley made
the motion, Linda Treiber seconded it, and motion was approved
a motion to approve the proposal for a new B.S. in Environmental Science degree
program. Gail Scott made the motion, Ken Hill seconded, and the motion was approved.
a motion to approve changes to the current B.S. in Biology Program. Ryan Delaney made
the motion, Andy Green seconded, and the proposal was approved on second reading
The Chair also called for a motion to approve the Physics course package. PHYS 3110L, 3500K,
3730, 3100, 3210, 3300, 3305, 3311, 3312, 3340, 3410K, 3720L, 4200, 4210, 4230, 4240,
4410K, 4430, 3220, 3230, and 3710. Jeremy Gulley made the motion, and Ken Hill seconded.
The motion was approved.
Dr. Wade-Berg subsequently asked for a motion to approve the proposal for a Bachelor of
Science in Physics degree program. Hearing no discussion, she requested a motion to approve
the proposal on second reading. Jeremy Gulley made the motion, Ryan Delaney seconded, and
the motion passed.
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
As the representative from the College of Science and Mathematics, Dr. Reese also presented the
changes in the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry degree program for second reading.
Hearing no discussion, the Chair called for a motion to approve the proposal on second reading.
Dr. Gulley made the motion, and Mr. Delaney seconded it. The motion was approved.
A motion to approve moving the CGDD courses under consideration to the next agenda.
Department of Mathematics
Dr. Joe DeMaio came forward to present the following proposals for second reading:
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for MATH 1111, “College Algebra”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for MATH 1113, “Precalculus”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for MATH 1160, “Elementary Applied
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for MATH 1190, “Calculus I”
a “Change in Existing Course” proposal for MATH 2202, “Calculus II”
Dr. DeMaio explained that all these courses were currently taught at KSU, with the exception of
1160, which is currently MATH 1106, because the pre-req. for 1106 was 1111, creating an
illogical numerical sequence. Dr. Wade-Berg called for a motion to approve the course package
on second reading. Pinder Naidu made the motion, Ken Hill seconded, and the motion passed.
Since there was no representative available to present the CGDD proposals submitted by the
Department of Software Engineering and Game Design, Dr. Wade-Berg asked for a motion to
move them to the October 23 UPCC meeting agenda. The motion was made, seconded, and
CGDD - 2002 - Fundamentals of Game Design
CGDD - 3103 - Application Extension and Scripting
CGDD - 4003 - Digital Media and Interaction
CGDD - 4113 - 3D Modeling and Animation
CGDD - 4203 - Mobile & Casual Game Development
CGDD - 4303 - Educational and Serious Game Design
CGDD - 4313 - Designing Online Learning Content and Environments
CGDD - 4603 - Production Pipeline and Rendering
CGDD - 4703 - Data Modeling and Simulation
CGDD - 4803 - Studio
CGDD - 4814 - Studio2
Bachelor of Science in Computer Game Design and Development
SWE - 3313 - Introduction to Software Engineering
SWE - 3623 - Software Systems Requirements
Dr. Kim Loomis came forward to present all the proposals submitted by the Bagwell College of
Education for first reading, turning everyone’s attention to the overview of changes she had
created to simplify the committee’s considerations. She observed that the all the course and
program changes were in response to state and national changes in standards for teacher
education—e.g., to integrate technology across the programs in ECE, increase focus on diversity
in methods courses, and incorporate earlier and more frequent field experiences into the ECE
curriculum so that these experiences would drive the courses rather than the courses driving the
field experiences.
The Chair asked that UPCC members first vote on Secondary Education proposals represented
by various disciplines on campus.
Accordingly, she asked the committee to vote on the Biology Ed. (BED), Science D. (SCED),
and Physics Ed. (PHED) course proposals submitted by the Department of Biology and Physics.
Hearing no discussion, she called for a motion to approve the following courses on first reading:
BED - 3421 - Classroom Interactions
BED - 4422 - Project-based Instruction
BED - 4423 - Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Biology
BED - 4650 - Yearlong Clinical Experience I
BED - 4660 - Yearlong Clinical Experience II
SCED - 3010 - Perspectives in Teaching Science
Dr. Scott made the motion, and Mr. Delaney seconded. The motion was approved. Professor
Green then made a motion to waive the second reading of the BED proposals. Dr. Gulley
seconded, and the motion was approved.
The Chair called for a motion to approve the following Physics Education courses on first
PHED - 4423 - Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Physics
PHED - 3372 - Physics Education Research Methods
PHED - 3421 - Classroom Interactions
PHED - 4422 - Project-based Instruction
PHED - 4650 - Yearlong Clinical Experience I
PHED - 4660 - Yearlong Clinical Experience II
Dr. Scott made the motion, and Mr. Delaney seconded. The motion was approved.
Subsequently, Professor Pinder Naidu made a motion to waive the second reading for the PHED
course package. Andy Green seconded, and the motion passed.
Dr. Wade-Berg called for a motion to approve the following Chemistry Ed. (CHED) courses
submitted by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
CHED - 3421 - Classroom Interactions
CHED - 4422 - Project-based Instruction
CHED - 4423 - Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Chemistry
CHED - 4650 - Yearlong Clinical Experience I
CHED - 4660 - Yearlong Clinical Experience II
Jerald Hendrix made the motion, Andy Green seconded, and the motion was approved.
It was followed by a motion to waive the second reading of the CHED proposals. Professor Hill
made the motion, Mr. Delaney seconded, and the motion was approved.
Dr. Wade-Berg turned to the FLED and HIED proposal submissions. Hearing no discussion, she,
asked that each course package be approved for second reading.
Department of Foreign Languages
Professor Naidu made a motion to approve the following Foreign Language Ed. (FLED) courses
for second reading:
FLED - 4410 - Methods, Materials, & Curriculum of Foreign Language Education, P-8
FLED - 4412 - Methods, Materials, & Curriculum of Foreign Language Education, 9-12
FLED - 4414 - Technology for Foreign Language Teaching
FLED - 4650 - FLED Yearlong Clinical Experience I
FLED - 4651 - FLED Seminar I
FLED - 4660 - FLED Yearlong Clinical Experience II
FLED - 4661 - FLED Seminar II
FLED - 4670 - FLED Yearlong Clinical Internship I
FLED - 4671 - FLED Internship Seminar I
FLED - 4680 - FLED Yearlong Clinical Internship II
FLED - 4681 - FLED Internship Seminar II
Mr. Delaney seconded the motion, and it was approved.
Department of History
Professor Naidu also made a motion to approve the following History Ed. (HIED) proposals:
HIED - 4413 - Teaching of Social Sciences (6-12)
HIED - 4414 - Teaching of Social Sciences Practicum
HIED - 4650 - Yearlong Clinical Experience I
HIED - 4475 - Student Teaching: Social Sciences (6-12)
HIED - 4550 - Methods of History Education
HIED - 4660 - Yearlong Clinical Experience II
B.S. in History Education
Mr. Delaney seconded, and the motion was approved.
Department of Mathematics
Professor Naidu made a motion to approve the following MAED proposals on first reading. Mr.
Delaney seconded, and the motion was approved.
MAED - 4660 - Yearlong Clinical Experience II
MAED - 4415 - Teaching of Mathematics I (6-12)
MAED - 4650 - Yearlong Clinical Experience I
Secondary Mathematics Education
These two UPCC members subsequently made and seconded a motion to waive the second
reading of said proposals, and that motion, too, was approved.
Dr. Wade-Berg then turned the committee’s attention to the non-discipline-specific course
proposals submitted by the Elementary and Early Childhood and Secondary and Middle Grades
Education Departments.
Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Dr. Wade-Berg opened the floor for discussion of the following ECE proposals (P-5).
ECE - 3304 - Curriculum and Assessment II: Planning Effective Instruction
ECE - 4475 - Designing and Sustaining a Classroom Learning Community
ECE - 4635 - Practicum
ECE - 3303 - Curriculum and Instruction I: Contexts for Learning
ECE - 3320 - Teaching Reading and Writing in the Elementary Grades PK-2
ECE - 3330 - Teaching Reading and Writing in the Elementary Grades 3-5
ECE - 3340 - Diagnosis and Application of Literacy Instruction in the Early Childhood
ECE - 4401 - Teaching Mathematics in Early Childhood Education
ECE - 4402 - Teaching Science in Early Childhood Education
ECE - 4403 - Teaching Social Studies in Early Childhood Education
ECE - 4410 - Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum
ECE - 4650 - Yearlong Clinical Experience I (P-5)
ECE - 4660 - Yearlong Clinical Experience II (P-5)
Bachelor of Science in Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Hearing no discussion, she called for motion to approve these proposals for second reading.
Professor Naidu made the motion, Ryan Delaney seconded, and the motion was approved.
Department of Secondary and Middle Grades Education
Dr. Wade-Berg opened the floor for discussion of the following proposals submitted by the
Department of Secondary and Middle Grades Education:
EDMG - 3300 - Success in the Middle: Adolescent Development and Middle School
EDMG - 3350 - Planning, Instruction, and Assessment in the Middle Grades
EDMG - 3360 - Classroom Management in the Middle Grades
EDMG - 4401 - Teaching Mathematics in Middle Grades
EDMG - 4402 - Teaching Science in Middle Grades
EDMG - 4403 - Teaching Social Studies in Middle Grades
EDMG - 4404 - Teaching Language Arts in Middle Grades
EDMG - 4408 - Teaching Reading in the Middle Grades
EDMG - 4411 - Seminar in Middle Grades Education
EDMG - 4560 - Yearlong Clinical Experience I
EDMG - 4660 - Yearlong Clinical Experience II
EDRD - 3330 - Methods and Materials for Middle Grades Content Area Reading and
Middle Grades Education, B.S. (Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Reading, and
Social Studies Concentrations)
Hearing no discussion, she called for a motion to approve these proposals for second reading.
Professor Naidu made the motion, Mr. Delaney seconded, and the motion was approved.
The Chair then asked UPCC members to consider the EDSM proposals submitted for first
EDSM - 1101 - Step 1: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching
EDSM - 1102 - Step 2: Inquiry-based Lesson Planning
EDSM - 2010 - Knowing and Learning in Science
Professor Naidu made the motion, Mr. Delaney seconded, and the motion was approved.
Mr. Delaney subsequently made a motion to waive the second reading of EDSM 1101, 1102, and
2010. Professor Naidu seconded, and the motion passed.
Dr. Wade-Berg opened the floor for discussion of the ECE Birth through 5 proposals that had
been submitted for first reading.
As before, Professor Naidu made the motion to approve these courses for second reading. Ryan
Delaney seconded, and the motion was approved.
Department of Inclusive Education
INED - 4433 - Effective Instruction for English Learners in Elementary Classrooms
INED - 4435 - Foundations of Teaching Adolescent English Learners
INED - 3305 - Education of Students with Exceptionalities in an Inclusive Setting I
INED - 4432 - Foundations for Teaching English Learners in Elementary Classrooms
INED - 4436 - Teaching Diverse Language Learners in the Content Areas
At the Chair’s suggestion, Pinder Naidu made a motion to waive the second reading of all
Education courses. Dr. Patti Bullock seconded, and the motion passed.
The Chair then asked the committee to review the remaining proposals on first reading.
Department of English
The Chair ceded the floor to Dr. Mike Tierce, who presented the following proposals submitted
by the Department of English for first reading:
ENGL - 2120 - British Literature
ENGL - 2130 - American Literature
ENGL - 2111 - Early World Literature
ENGL - 2112 - World Literature mid-1600s to Present
ENGL - 2121 - Early British Literature
ENGL - 2122 - British Literature late 1700s to Present
ENGL - 2131 - Early American Literature
ENGL - 2132 - American Literature mid-1800s to Present
ENGL - 2300 - African-American Literature
ENGL - 2145 - Introduction to English Studies
ENGL - 2160 - American Literature Survey
ENGL - 2172 - British Literature, Beginnings to 1660
ENGL - 2174 - British Literature, 1660 to Present
ENGL - 3030 - Studies in Grammar and Linguistics
ENGL - 3035 - Introduction to Language and Linguistics
ENGL - 3040 - History of the English Language
ENGL - 3230 - Literary Genre
ENGL - 3232 - Topics in Drama
ENGL - 3320 - Scriptural Literature
ENGL - 3322 - Hebrew Scriptures as Literature
ENGL - 3324 - New Testament as Literature
ENGL - 3330 - Gender Studies
ENGL - 3340 - Ethnic Literatures
ENGL - 3350 - Regional Literature
ENGL - 3360 - Major African American Writers
ENGL - 3398 - Internship
ENGL - 3400 - Survey of African Literatures
ENGL - 3500 - Topics in African American Literature
ENGL - 3600 - Topics in African Diaspora Literatures
ENGL - 4240 - Rhetorical Theory
ENGL - 4340 - Shakespeare
ENGL - 4401 - Topics in African Literatures
ENGL - 4490 - Special Topics in English
WRIT - 3100 - Poetry Writing
WRIT - 3109 - Careers in Writing
WRIT - 3110 - Playwriting
WRIT - 3111 - Professional Editing
WRIT - 3120 - Fiction Writing
WRIT - 3130 - Literary Nonfiction
WRIT - 3140 - Workplace Writing
WRIT - 3150 - Topics in Digital Rhetoric
WRIT - 3160 - Argumentative Writing
WRIT - 3000 - Introduction to Creative Writing Genres
WRIT - 3170 - Environmental Writing and Literature
FILM - 3105 - Fundamentals of Writing for Film and Television
FILM - 3200 - Film History and Theory I
FILM - 3210 - Film History and Theory II
FILM - 3220 - Studies in Film.
The Chair noted that all the course syllabi would eventually need revision to include the policies
stipulated for new KSU courses and would also need to be adapted to the new syllabus format.
Hearing no discussion, Dr. Wade-Berg called for a motion to approve the English Department’s
course package for second reading. Liza Davis made the motion, and Andy Green seconded it.
Dr. Naidu followed up with a motion to waive the second reading of the English course package.
Andy Green seconded, and the motion passed.
Interdisciplinary Studies
STS 2105, Social Issues: Perspectives in Science and Technology
Department of History and Philosophy
Dr. Wade-Berg opened discussion of the following proposals submitted by the Department of
HIST - 1111 - Pre-Modern World History
HIST - 1112 - Modern World History
HIST - 2111 - United States History to 1877
HIST - 2112 - United States History Since 1877
HIST - 4497 - Research Seminar in non-Western History
HIST - 4498 - Research Seminar in World History
HIST - 1100 - Introduction To World History
HIST - 3100 - Historical Methods
HIST - 3271 - Introduction to History Education
HIST - 4495 - Research Seminar in US History
HIST - 4496 - Research Seminar in European History
HIST - 4499 - Senior Thesis in History
EURO 3307, Introduction to European Union
B.A. in History
History Education B.S.
Hearing no discussion, the Chair called for a motion to approve the package of HIST course
proposals submitted for second reading. Pinder Naidu made the motion, Andy Green seconded,
and the motion was approved. Since HIST 3307 had been change to EURO 3307 to indicate that
the course has a more interdisciplinary focus and is therefore more appropriate for the European
Union certificate, Dr. Wade-Berg called for a motion to approve this change in course prefix.
Pinder Naidu made the motion, Andy Green seconded, and the motion was approved.
Dr. Wade-Berg then called for a motion to approve the changes to the History B.A. Ryan
Delaney made the motion, Pinder Naidu seconded, and the motion was approved.
Dr. Naidu followed up with a motion to approve the changes to the History Ed. B.S. Ryan
Delaney seconded, and the motion was approved.
Mr. Delaney then made a motion to waive the second reading of the History B.A. and B.S.
Professor Green seconded, and the motion passed.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Dr. Joe DeMaio presented the “Change in Existing Course” and “Change in Program Name,
Requirements, or Policies” proposals submitted by the Department of Mathematics and carried
over from the October 16 agenda:
a “Change in Program Name, Requirements, or Policies” proposal for Computational
and Applied Mathematics
a “New Minor” proposal for Mathematics
a “Change in Program Name, Requirements, or Policies” proposal for Traditional
Dr. DeMaio explained that the new Mathematics minor is coming over from SPSU and will be
much broader in scope than KSU’s current Applied Mathematics minor (which has experienced
low participation), as well as complement other programs such as CS and Engineering. Hearing
no discussion, Dr. Wade-Berg called for motion to approve the three proposals on first reading.
Dr. Treiber made the motion, Mr. Delaney seconded, and the motion was approved.
Corey Booker then made a motion to waive the second reading for the Math minor. Ryan
Delaney seconded the motion, and it passed.
Discussion then turned to MATH 1107, Introduction to Statistics, and Dr. DeMaio explained that
the proposal addresses the course now belonging to Department of Statistics. Ken Hill made a
motion to approve the proposal, and Pinder Naidu seconded; the motion was approved.
As the committee began its review of changes to the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
prompted by consolidation, Dr. Naidu asked why the proposals called for two degree
programs—one in Traditional Mathematics and one in Computational Mathematics--instead of
two tracks in the degree. Dr. Demaio acknowledged that the courses in each degree do look very
similar, but explained that the combined SPSU/KSU OWG studying the major could not agree
on what the B.S. should look like, prompting the current compromise.
Dr. DeMaio explained that the Traditional Mathematics major is a good program for preparation
of graduate students, since it requires high-level, abstract courses and completion of the
introductory PHYS sequence. It is a “very, very, very narrow” program, he added; everything in
Traditional Mathematics major fits into Computational Applied major, so a student can switch to
the latter without losing course credits. Dr. Jerald Hendrix recommended approval of both
degrees at this stage.
The Chair then asked for a motion to approve the B.S. in Traditional Math proposal for second
reading. Dr. Linda Treiber made the motion, Dr. Gail Scott seconded, and the vote was taken: 5
for, 8 opposed, 2 abstention. The motion failed.
Dr. Treiber made a motion to waive the second reading of the Traditional Math proposal, and Dr.
Scott seconded. The motion was approved.
Professor Naidu then made a motion to approve the Computational and Applied Mathematics for
second reading. Jeremy Gulley seconded, and the motion was approved.
Dr. Scott then made a motion to waive the second reading of the Computational Mathematics
proposal. The motion was approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:55 p.m.