CP Biology

CP Biology
Mrs. Aimee Oteri
978-794-1711 x50058
Updated: 8/2015
Course Description
Biology is designed to provide an in-depth study of essential biology concepts based on the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks.
Through hands-on and interactive activities, students will study life by examining systems from the molecular level through cell biology
and genetics, to the tissue and organ level in vertebrate anatomy and physiology, and at the level of organisms and populations
through ecology concepts. Unifying these diverse topics of study is the concept of evolution, which is fundamental to understanding
modern biology.
Textbook: Pearson/Prentice Hall Biology, c. 2006 Authors: Miller & Levine
The online version of the textbook is available to all students. Students who sign out a book are responsible for keeping
their assigned book in good condition. If a book is misplaced and unable to be found the student will be responsible for
replacing the book. In addition to the textbook students can also access the textbook online. Students choosing to use
only the online version of the textbook are responsible for any assignments given. A parent note is REQUIRED if a student
is not able to complete and assignment due to inability to access the book online.
Materials needed for class:
Each day students MUST bring: Binder and Pen and/or pencil (we will write in class everyday!!).
Students may also need: Highlighters, Colored pencils, Index cards
Homework: The purpose of homework is to review the day’s concepts and are not included as part of the student’s grade.
Completing these assignments are an important part of the learning process. These assignments will be given as worksheets, Google
classroom assignments or other interactive assignments. Assignments are posted in the classroom as well as on the Google
classroom. These assignments will be checked for completion. They will not be accepted late. Additional assignments may be
completed at home, see the “Student Evaluation” section below.
Student Evaluation: Students should keep track of their grades using powerschool. Grades will be updated every two weeks.
Grades will be calculated using a total points systems. Examples of graded assignments include: Quizzes, Projects, Unit Tests, Lab
Analysis, and Writing Assignments. Completion of all assignments is essential to success in this course though not all assignments
will be included in the final grade.
Retake/redo: Students have the opportunity to retake any of the quizzes given this trimester. Additionally they may redo projects and
labs. To be eligible students must complete the online form using their school Google account and complete the retake/redo
requirements. Links to the form are located in our Google classroom and the course website.
Attendance: Class attendance in important to success! Please refer to the Student Handbook for information regarding the absence
policy. Remember that 3 tardies = 1 absence and 6 absences (unless documented) = credit reduction. You are tardy if you enter the
room after the bell has rung. You must sign in. If you miss more than half the class you will be marked absent. Students with an
EXCUSED or DOCUMENTED absence are eligible to make up work. This includes tests or projects. If a student is able to make-up
work it is the responsibility of the student to obtain the work. The student is expected to make arrangements with the teacher
regarding missing work.
Extra Help: Students are encouraged to seek extra help sooner rather than later. Extra help is available most mornings and
afternoon. Please check with the teacher if you plan on coming for extra help. Students are encouraged to initiate extra help.
Google Classroom/Website: Assignments and announcements will be posted to our Google classroom. All students have access to
the course website. This is accessible using your school Google account and on the “About” page in our Google classroom.