Algebra II/Geometry Syllabus - East Lycoming School District

Geometry Syllabus
Mrs. Smith
Welcome! I am pleased to see your smiling face in E-9 and am looking forward to
working with you this year. I expect you to listen, work hard, and do your best in my
class. I also know that we will have fun as we learn a variety of mathematical topics.
Course Description: The Geometry course will be taught using the Holt McDougal
Geometry series and a variety of supplemental resource materials. Texts will be
available for student use. We will focus on challenging concepts from Geometry,
Measurement, and Algebra. The course will follow the assessment anchors and
standards for the Keystone Exam and Common Core. Students will participate in a
variety of engaging activities including group work, class discussions, individual work,
projects, and a variety of assessment activities.
Classroom Rules: These rules will be followed in my classroom.
1) Respect all classmates and all items located in E-9. If it doesn’t belong to you
please leave it alone!
2) No talking when someone else is talking, especially the teacher.
3) Be on time. If you are late you need a valid late pass. You will not be allowed
into the classroom without one.
4) Follow directions the first time they are given.
5) Follow all policies as outlined in the Hughesville Junior/Senior Student
Student Expectations: Expectations are not the same as rules. Expectations are
appropriate classroom behaviors that I would like you to practice. I expect you to do
your best to perform these each day.
1) Attend class regularly. It’s difficult to learn something when you are not here.
2) Come to class prepared. That means bring your book, pencils, notebooks,
homework, etc. EVERYDAY!!!!!!!
3) Take responsibility for yourself and your actions.
4) Be polite to fellow classmates! (Teasing and impolite behavior is unacceptable, and will not
be tolerated.)
5) Raise your hand if you wish to answer a question, or share an idea.
6) Actively participate in the lessons by completing the bell-ringers, listening, and
staying on task when working in class and in groups.
7) Complete homework with effort (effort is taking time, having patience,
practicing, and repeating).
Course Materials: The following are needed for the Geometry course.
A three ring binder (preferably at least 1.5 inches) to hold papers divided in the
following sections as shown below.
 Bell ringers
 Class work (this includes all investigations and problems done in class)
 Homework
 Notes
Writing utensil--- a pencil is preferred and strongly recommended.
Notebook paper and graphing paper (Available if needed in the classroom)
A graphing calculator is highly recommended (TI-84)
[Note: TI-84 Plus graphing calculators are available in the classroom, but
there are only a limited supply. I highly recommend that you consider
purchasing a graphing calculator for your own personal use since it will be
very beneficial to you for homework, in future math courses, and in college.]
Grading Policy: Your Grade will be determined by the following.
50% course work (i.e. homework, bell-ringers, group work, class notes, miniquizzes, writing assignments, extended assignments)
 50% summative assessments (quizzes, projects, and tests – always preannounced)
I encourage you, the student, to regularly check your grades on the school district
website. Grades are updated once a week.
This course will contain a midterm and a final exam. The midterm grade will count as
one-third of the final exam grade. The final exam grade will be averaged with each
quarter grade to determine the course grade.
** No extra credit assignments will be given. You are expected to put forth an unrelenting effort
throughout the whole year! **
Homework: Homework will be assigned on a regular basis and will be graded on
completion. Some homework assignments may be collected and graded for correctness.
Homework is an integral part of the learning experience, and I expect it to be
completed with effort. You will not receive half credit for partial completeness or not
showing your work. If you have trouble with a homework assignment it is YOUR
responsibility to get help. Students who routinely do not complete homework may
need to spend extra time after school. Repetition is the best way to improve your
math skills!!
Bell Ringers: There will be one on the board everyday. It is your responsibility to
write down the date, question, and answer in your bell ringer section of your
notebook. Once a marking period there will be a bell ringer quiz in which I will ask for
the bell ringer from a specific date. This is how your notebook will be checked.
Make-up Work: You are responsible for obtaining and making up any missed
assignments. If you miss class for a lesson, meeting, or other reason, you must check in
and speak with me before you go. I will give you the in-class assignment and any
homework assignment at that time. You MAY NOT leave class if we are having a quiz
or a test unless you are leaving for an event that has been given a departure time from
the office. Under such circumstances, we will schedule a make-up time for the quiz
or test. If you are sick and absent from school, I will provide you the missed work and
you will have the time allotted by the handbook to complete the work. However, if a
homework assignment was due the day of your absence, I expect that you will hand it
to me on the day you return to class. Remember you can check our class website for
homework assignments or call a classmate if you are absent.
I-Pads: The use of I-Pads in the classroom will be for educational purposes only. You
may not use an I-Pad for any other activity during instructional time. Playing games,
messaging, using the Internet, ect will result in the inability to use your I-Pad in class
for one week. Alternative activities will be available for students who do not have an
Other Electronic Devices: Use of cell phones and other devices are not
acceptable, not permitted, and will NOT BE USED during classroom time. When you
enter the classroom devices are to be put in your backpack or purse. You may not use
your device for a calculator. There are calculators provided for you in the class to
use. Also, Keystone, SAT, ACT, ASVAB, and college entrance exams do not allow the
use of a phone for a calculator. Texting, listening to music, ect. during instruction
and class work time is a disrespectful act and will be dealt with accordingly.
Units for Geometry
 Unit 1: Foundations for Geometry and Algebra Review
 Unit 2: Geometric Reasoning
 Unit 3: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
 Unit 4: Congruent Triangles
 Unit 5: Properties of Triangles
 Unit 6: Properties of Polygons and Quadrilaterals
 Unit 7: Similarity
 Unit 8: Right Triangles and Trigonometry
 Unit 9: Area and Volume
 Unit 10: Circles
*Units and concepts may be adjusted to fit the needs of the students.
Mathematical Help/Tutoring: I am available mornings at 7:30am. I am also
available for tutoring after school by appointment. Please let me know if you would
like help completing assignments or preparing for a quiz or test.
Standards: As in past mathematics classes, a large emphasis will be placed on student
achievement, Common Core, standards, and assessment anchors. Remember that the
standards and anchors are aligned with the mathematical skills and processes colleges
and employers expect you to know!
Note to Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Hello! I am looking forward to working with your
son/daughter during this school year. If you have any questions, comments, or
concerns please contact me at the high school between 3 and 3:30pm at 584 – 5111 or
via e-mail at Thank you for taking the time to read this syllabus and
to discuss it with your child.
*Special Note*: I will be on maternity leave from September 5th, 2014 through
approximately January 20th, 2015. My substitute will be Mr. Patrick Nork. He can be
reached at the high school between 3 and 3:30pm at 584 – 5111 or via e-mail at
Thank you for your understanding during this exciting time.
In order to receive credit on your first homework assignment, this slip must be
returned to Mrs. Smith on Wednesday, August 27th.
STUDENT SIGNATURE: ______________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _______________________
DATE: __________
Parent Contact Information
E-mail address: _________________________________________________________________
Home/Cell phone number:
Work phone number: ____________________________________________________________
Parental Questions/Comments