PARISH ADMINISTRATOR: Fr. Marceliano Serrato Herrera, m.x.y. PASTORAL ASSISTANT: Norah Mulrooney SECRETARIES: Theresa Bacon & Maureen Orr Altar Servers: Funerals: Kristen Arsenault 450-692-3431 Maureen Marcotte: 450-698-0933 Altar Society: Betty Mulrooney 450-691-6485 Catholic Women’s League: Pres. Dale Osmond 450-691-8892 Eucharistic Ministers: Margaret Campbell 450-699-3048 Faith Education (Children): Elizabeth Deziel 450-692-6065 Franciscan Secular Order: Patricia Muir 450-698-1559 Knights of Columbus: Grand Knight: James Keenan Jr. 450-699-5998 Lectors: Jasmine Zitouni 450-844-1840 Music Ministry: Sunday Mass – Mary McNamee 450-691-1823 Saturday Mass – Gerry Rossiter 450-691-3410 OLPH FOOD CUPBOARD: (EMERGENCIES) 450-691-4430 PASTORAL COUNCIL: Chairperson: Jacquie Ross Zalac 450-692-7498 Parish Men’s Association: Pres. Deryck Williams 450-692-5889 Pastoral Home Care: Patricia Muir 450-698-1559 Presentation of the Gifts: Dianne Jarvis 450-691-1137 Sacristan: Anna Williams 450-691-9020 Social Justice Committee: Terri Ortiz 450-699-9096 Ushers: Call the Parish Office 450-691-4430 Welcoming Committee: Gloria Schenke 450-691-1817 Pauline Rooney 450-699-0992 WARDENS Pres. Eric Brophy 450-692-6689 Allana Vallis 450-692-8894 Umberto Principe 450-692-1309 Jasmine Zitouni 450-844-1840 Peter Halasz 450-692-0037 Carole Spenard 450-692-2661 Jerry Bacon 450-699-9732 OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP 295 McLEOD CHATEAUGUAY, QUEBEC December 8, 2013 SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Mission Statement We, the members of the Christian Community of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, in the missionary spirit of Mary, our Patroness, strive to be followers of Jesus. Our vision is to build and support an inclusive and intergenerational faith community, guided always by the spirit of the Second Vatican Council. MASS SCHEDULE: SATURDAY: 5:15 P.M. SUNDAY: 10:30 A.M. MONDAY No Mass Tuesday & Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Thursday & Friday 9:00 a.m. MAILING ADDRESS: 34 St. Charles St. J6J 5E6 Office Phone: 450-691-4430 Hall: 450-691-7141 Fax: 450-691-7144 COLLECTION FOR DECEMBER 1: $2,531.00 Many sincere thanks for your continued generous support of our parish needs. N.B. OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY – 9 A.M. TO 3 P.M. FRIDAY: OFFICE CLOSED MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK OF December 9: Monday – NO MASS Tue. 7:30 p.m. LITURGY OF THE WORD CELEBRATION Wed. 7:00 p.m. RECONCILIATION SERVICE FOR FAITH EDUCATION FAMILIES Thur. 9:00 a.m. + Rachel Bergeron by Marcel & Clare Frenette & Family Fri. 9:00 a.m. INTENTIONS OF ALL PARISHIONERS MASS SCHEDULE FOR SATURDAY/SUNDAY December 14/15: Saturday – 5:15 p.m. + Sheila Murphy by Patrick & Antonia Marshall Sunday – 10:30 a.m. + Joseph Chisholm (14th anniv.) by Anne-Marie & Colleen + Muriel Colton (anniv.) by her husband & Family COMING EVENTS:. Annual General Meeting – December 15 after the 10:30 Mass Franciscan Christmas at Greccio – Sunday, December 15 @ 2 p.m. Reconciliation Service – Wednesday, December 18 @ 7:30 p.m. WHEN IS IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 2013? -ANSWER: Immaculate Conception would normally fall on Sunday, December 8, 2013. However, since this is the 2nd Sunday in Advent 2013, the celebration of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception ins transferred to the next day, Monday December 9th. Unlike certain other Holy Days of Obligation, where the requirement to attend Mass is abrogated when the date of the feast falls on a Saturday or a Monday, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is so important that the obligation is not waived when it falls on Saturday or Monday. Thus, when Immaculate Conception 2014 falls on Monday, December 8, Catholics will be obliged to attend Mass. However, the situation in 2013 is different: Since the normal date of the feast falls on Sunday, the celebration has been transferred to Monday, but the obligation does not transfer. Thus, in 2013, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is not a Holy Day of Obligation. REMINDER FOR FAITH EDUCATION FAMILIES OF THE ADVENT PENITENTIAL SERVICE for both children & parents on Wednesday, December 11 from 6:45–7:45 p.m. Levels 1 & 2 (children who have not made their First Reconciliation) will meet in their classrooms as usual & Levels 3 through 6 will be welcomed in the Church to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This is an important Advent tradition to prepare our hearts for Christmas! For more information, please contact Elizabeth at 450-692-6065 evenings. PARISH ANNUAL MEETING – SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15 in the Parish hall immediately following the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Every parishioner is encouraged to attend. At this time the election of one warden will be held to replace an outgoing warden. WE PRAY FOR THE DEAD AND THOSE WHO MOURN THEM CWL GENERAL MEETING & CHRISTMAS PARTY – MONDAY, DECEMBER 9 @ 7 P.M. All members are encouraged to attend and bring along a friend for a social evening. Interested parishioners are most welcome. THE FAIR TRADE FAIR WAS HELD LAST SUNDAY IN THE PARISH’S CHURCH HALL – It was well attended and the Social Justice Committee would like to thank all the parishioners who participated . As well we sincerely appreciate their generous support of our Bake Sale & Raffle which was as follows: Missionary Sisters of The Assumption $483.30 (Bake Sale) From the Philippines Development & Peace – Typhoon Haiyan - $209.00 (Raffle) This year beautiful articles made by Rwandan Orphans were also available and $225.00 will be sent to that worthy cause. TREE OF DREAMS – For our 6th year now, our Parish’s Social Justice Committee is encouraging parishioners to think about Advent & what the upcoming season of giving really means by once again supporting the Tree of Dreams Project. As in the past, cards are hung from trees located at the side of the altar & at the back of the Church. Parishioners choose a card to take home & in turn give a donation to the “Friends of Honduran Children”. These gifts will help provide for a happier Christmas for the abandoned & orphaned children who are being cared for by Sister Rosa & her staff. For those parishioners who wish to participate in this very worthwhile cause, please return your donations in an envelope marked “Tree of Dreams”. Please ensure to include your name & address if you wish to receive a tax receipt. Cheques can be made out to “Friends of Honduran Children”. We have become well known to the children & staff at the orphanage & hopefully our generosity will once again help provide a Christmas gift for each of more than 125 children who live there. Thank you in advance for your continued support. GETTING TO KNOW ST. FRANCIS Snapshot 106– Worn out, moreover, as Francis was now by 18 years of unremitting toil, his strength gave way completely, and at times his eyesight failed him that he was almost wholly blind. SECULAR FRANCISCAN STATIONS OF THE CROSS – every 3rd Friday after the 9 a.m. Mass beginning December 20. Parishioners are welcome to join us. CHRISTMAS AT GRECCIO – The 1st Nativity Scene ever was instituted by St. Francis of Assisi. The Franciscan Fraternity will be enacting this in our Church on Sunday, December 15 @ 2 p.m. All are invited especially the children. Refreshments will be served afterwards. THE SECULAR FRANCISCANS THANK ALL who responded to our plea for help for the Bake Sale on November 24 by contributing baked goods, buying them and making monetary donations. Because of this, the sale was a great success. Congratulations to Ted Coqueran who won the raffle. OLPH FOOD PANTRY – THANK YOU! Your continued response to the Food Pantry Weekend is much needed. With the Christmas holidays fast approaching, there is always an increased demand on our emergency supplies. So thank you so much for all your donations & especially for your caring attention to this ongoing cause. Recently our supplies are very low and we sorely need cereal, coffee, teas, school snack, Kraft dinners and shelf milk. The next Food Pantry Weekend will be January 4/5. THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS - (R.C.I.A.) supports and encourages the spiritual journeys of all of us. The R.C.I.A. is an ongoing process within parish life. It is designed to welcome new members into the Church and at the same time to lead every Catholic parishioner to deeper belief and renewal of his or her Christian faith. For more information please call the parish office. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Do you have some spare time during the week? Even just a couple of hours could be good enough to change a senior’s life! If you are looking for a special way to put your talents and smile to good use, please call the Chateauguay Volunteer Centre at 450-699-6289.