27th September 2001

St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School
Hastings Road, Bexhill-on-Sea
East Sussex, TN40 2ND
Tel.: 01424 735810
Fax: 01424 733664
Headteacher: Miss Véronique Vanderschelden
PARENT FORUM – New Initiative
Thank you to all who attended our first Parent Forum meeting on 12/03/15 at 2.15pm.
The meeting was a good opportunity for the school community to express views and
discuss how the school can continue to improve.
Miss Vanderschelden, Headteacher
9 parents including two members of the PTFA, one parent Governor
and one teaching assistant/Staff Governor
1. The Headteacher, Miss Vanderschelden reintroduced the Ground Rules and
discussed minutes from the last meeting.
2. Actions
 Parent Forum and PTFA Boxes – Mrs Wyer has been unable to
complete her part to get the boxes.
3. School Paths
 Interim solutions have been discussed
- Give children independence
- Temporary relocation of the waiting area for parents collecting
children from school to avoid blocking the school pathway,
- Buggy Park
- One way traffic, walking on the left
- School staff to help and ‘usher’ parents and children
- No scooting or cycling on school grounds has been agreed. Miss V
to discuss new rule with the Nursery staff.
- Mrs Davis and Mrs Wyer to check the situation once changes have
been implemented.
 Long term solution
- School is looking into widening of the pathway and a possible
solution to this.
4. Agenda Communication
 Morning Club – reminder for early morning arrivals
 After school club – reminder notice boards outside
 Notice to parents regarding school events – 2 weeks and a reminder a
few days before the event takes place (Parentmail, newsletter, texting
service, etc.)
The Arundel and Brighton Diocesan Trust is a Registered Charity No 252878
Share good news and school events with the local media and promote
school publicity (website, Bexhill Observer). Mrs Davis to take the role
School Website
 Individual achievements relayed to parents
 Learning updates / curriculum
 Mrs Davis demonstrated how to navigate the website and to access
newsletters and curriculum maps
 Provision for parents without internet has been also discussed –
information possibly displayed on notice boards, however this creates
the issue for older children who walk home on their own
 Advertise school website in the newsletter
 PTFA to publicise the website too
 Issue with Parentmail not accessible on phones and certain devices –
school to speak to Parentmail to resolve the issue
5. School Clubs demand alternatives to allow further expansion.
6. Homework – methods of how children could do their homework and different
approaches to learning to be provided on the school website
Next Parent Forum meeting