Parent Forum meeting Wednesday 7th October 2015 Present- Helen Compton, Claire Westmoreland, Faye Davis, Mazia Melis, Donna Crawford, Louise Downend, Kerry Bartle, Yvonne Mcmahon, Marie Sanderson, Moira Plummer, Joana Rebelo, Emma Nicholla CP (apologies if any names spelt wrong) Apologies- Lorraine Ryder, Lucy Patrick Welcome and introductions from Mrs Bailey, Thankyou to all who attended. New name- we discussed coming up with a new name for the parent forum. Everyone to have a think before the next meeting. Last year, what worked well and what could we do betterFashion show Pumpkin and Scarecrow competition Summer fair Better communication about events and activities in school- calendar/newsletter Parents would like clearer direction for events and more notice, also would like to lead events themselves ,(with support) Also more regular meetings would be better. Mrs Bailey to set up email for parent forum Upcoming events and ideas Harvest next Friday morning could we have some volunteers for refreshments afterwards please. To plan a Christmas fair to take place after school Bonfire meal Halloween disco- Please come and see me asap if you can help organise this. Whole school film nights- helpers needed Charity events would like to be included in the calendar Whole school panto to take place as last year AOB Parents worried about not being welcome in school in the mornings also would like clarification on the start and end times of school. Also mentioned the possibility of having staggered start/finish times for ks1/2 Disappointed about Woodfield new starters not being in the paper. Booking for club is difficult for some parents. Payments for clubs weekly instead of in a block was also raised as a concern. Sharing assembly Thankyou to all for giving up your time to attend the Parent Forum today, it was lovely to meet you all and I am looking forward to working with you. Mrs Bailey